First Complementary Magnetic Emission Calculation (Approximation) 360 Trillion Horsepower Per Ton

in #quantum5 years ago (edited)

The Conceptual Approach (thought experiment)

Attraction to a macroscopic quantum magnetic field emitted by the reaction of hydrogen. The Sun is the convergent pole of each divergently polarized solar satellite (planet).

One perspective hides/neglects reality (falling) the other allows it (attraction).

Can I "pedal" faster than 160 mph of attraction velocity? ..applying complementary magnetic field emission, maybe.

That depends on the number of converged particles we need to counter the force of attraction for.

Inwardly transcendental with a two-dimensional outer crust of emergent values, a dreamcatcher, similar to a BH. A vortecial transformation of vectorial... (implosion, silence). 🌑

This is different than magnetism of ferrous objects, it is the emission of macroscopic quantum magnetic field ..that does not fluctuate, if you will. If the force of "gravition" were increasingly interrupted by fluctuations in polarity (waves/signal) the force of attraction WILL breakdown as the interferent frequency is introduced.


Excited particles in the Sun provide linear magnetic expression of field that converge interferently with fluctuations that are the converged particles of objects ..mass.

Mass = linear attraction force (after intereferent factors between the sun and expression from the center of planetary mass are considered) + particle density

The fact that "gravity" (attraction) is expressed evenly in a spherical fashion about the planet suggests we reside upon a charged macroscopic quantum magnetic pole in a system.

React some of the mighty Hydrogen in a vacuum and record the strength of linear quantum magnetic output.

There will also be an intensity of U.V frequency apparently...

Colourification of an Atom and the Stars - Alternative Quantum Chromo-Dynamics

Did the non-ferrous trichome stalks in the photo "fall" or "gravitate" onto the electrode? ..that is why I am fearing that we are one formula away from causing specification of the terms "falling" and "gravity" to be false. What else are we to conclude given the data?

Yes! ..well I can make it "fall" and "gravitate" the opposite way. Climbing the linear magnetic gym rope faster than 160mph.

It costs me 52 watts to climb the linear magnetic gym rope @ 160mph for the interference of the particles contained in one trichome stalk.

For that price... as many trichome stalks or people as you can fit on the surface of the converged particles that consist a pole.

I did not have a formula for the high-voltage magnetic polar field effect ..can I call it quantum polar field effect? ..the device has a variable adjustment as well which would be great for academia and analysis. Only 52 watts so I do not have to worry much about causing someone else's suffering nor worse.

The background music: Sinatra says "..nice work if you can get it, won't you tell me how...".

I have to settle the nomenclature while defining a functional perspective ..then I can have values ..Sinatra just interrupted with song "psi after psi after psi..."

..perception allows me to determine with certainty from mental repetition the values necessary for the formulaic expression of the effect for a given .."mass", force of linear field/particle interferent interaction. We are comprised of little field interfering space anchors.

Thank you for being patient as the little piles of chalk form... thank you so much for sharing with me. :)

What is the Canadian Intellectual Property Office going to do with me? ..I now have to provide scientific confirmation along with formulae, the long and short as to why gravity and falling are erroneous preconceptions equivalent to the Sun orbiting the Earth.

The method is patent pending without needing to explain gravity. To be concise and thorough I cannot neglect further development as improvement to be declared.

Maybe an organization will be looking forward to applying complementary quantum magnetic field emission to climbing the macroscopic quantum magnetic field slightly faster than 160 mph. The pre-requirement is an exorbitant amount of electrical power input to implement. My "toy" 52 watt version is enough calculate then scale.

Some of this information is fundamental belonging to the universe. The findings I am making in my private ventures should be available when someone with a mind to make something necessary takes on an aspect and develops it...

Winter cabin fever 2020 was productive (I tend to compose). This year the technologies and logic I am developing cannot belong to me though I have the benefit of being first to look. Would an individual attempt to patent alternative quantum chromo-dynamic method? ..or the balanced quantum logic gates EI (either), AND? about patents for falling and gravity " not fall, there is a bill for that".

Tools are important, if they are used when needed I will be happy.

Assign trichome stalk approx mass 0.0001 gram divided by 52 watts yielding the amount of interferent force attracting converged particles that can be countered by 1 watt...

A unit of measure that designates the amount of electrical power input required to emit the quantum magnetic pole field density necessary to counter the force interferent upon the amount of particles moving faster than 160 mph along the linear macroscopic magnetic field.

How do objects containing vastly differing amounts of converged particles "fall" in vacuum?

How does the feather "fall" where particle density is low yet particles contained in the dispersion of air mixture provide interferent disturbance that prevents the feather from obeying the underlying condition that would be present and unchanged.

We are all attracted at the same rate with the aspect that one power input provides the same force of attraction to all unless there are other trichomes between itself and the emitter () ..the field does however extend a certain amount as stalks converge to the quantum field emitter.

What if chose to "fall" faster ..through space ..from one solar satellite to the next. Those fields are space anchors to complementary fields.

There exist magnetic forces to attract and repel ..a new funny kind of field based travel network ..if the hypothetical macroscopic mental projection holds some truth as a preconception.

The space anchor sounds far-fetched to me, then I realize that is why I am not floating nor needing to tether myself to a chair.

OH! ..I almost for got the first unit calculation, a test run because I do not possess the instrumentation with so many decimal values to make an accurate calculation of the unit value the first time. An approximation will be just as fun...

Per Watt Complementary Force Supplied by Quantum Magnetic Field Emission = 0.00000192307692307692307692307692308 gram ..does the process work with many other materials? seems to, though power input is an issue as we can see.

For a one ton flying saucer (the El Dorado model)... OMG!! ..the calculator actually returned a value without the error... We are prepared and fortunate, ready for this? ..the approximation of how many watts it will take our early twentieth century flying saucer to complement the macroscopic linear magnetic force emanating from the center of planetary particle/solar field convergence.

270,421,633,297,989,225.86128614151326‬ Watts ..that is an awfully large demand to supply.

270 PetaWatt flying saucer, comes with AM radio only.

Here I am alight with mental champagne.So much work here, it is fun though, for YEARS I have suspected the saucer will fly ..I always wanted to know the actual power input ..of course this was very much an approximation ..WOW, I am happy to know.

This exercise was fun and it takes us one pile of chalk closer to the goal. Formulaic expression of the observed and confirmed effects.

The flying saucer will need to be designed with materials to withstand extreme particle and radio interferences ..THEREFORE the exorbitant amount of power required for the expression about the craft of complementary magnetic field/s can be designed for resistance to detrimental interferences such as heat due to electric tension within conducting materials.

What should I do? I keep composing? ..let the chalk fall? ..oh, that is correct cannot "fall".

I was going to suggest superconducting outer shell but that might be like the guys who suggested gravity comes in waves ..from ten billion light years away. soon as we begin introducing waves, the objects fall off. There I go again with that word, "fall".

The reason we experience "mass" is that we are comprised of tiny interferences in space.

We do not possess the nomenclature to express why it cost so much energy to travel beyond Earth. From space inward we can align our comprehension with the realities of earthly mass, gravity, falling. Illusory concepts that clearly lack perspective in retrospect.

So far the rough approximation per ton for this particular effect = 362,075,964,190,643.0625 Hp [360 Trillion Horsepower per ton]

I suppose the actual implementation would lead to optimizations that could greatly reduce the power requirement making reusable atmospheric exit and re-entry craft.

Maybe people who cannot withstand high G-force could also travel beyond Earth. Everyone else who would like to work there without the Dr. Strangelove ride the bomb experience can benefit also.

Where is the culprit, astronomical amounts of fuel? ..gravity? ..or macroscopic magnetic field from the Sun, emitted by the divergengtly polarized planetary center of convergent particles. It means the lightest particles crowd the ionosphere, shortwave radio bouncing from the ceiling across oceans.

If we are implementing complementary fields, radiation and explosion due to our own instrumentation could be averted. Of course with every new technology there are new challenges. Trillions of horsepower, that is based upon a first calculation. Between lifting a trichome stalk and flying a saucer there are many steps. I suppose the benefit is not needing to step later, one quantum magnetic leap.

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