The QC - Quality Content Featurette (#6)

in #quality-content8 years ago (edited)


This is my way of aggregating and sharing what I value as quality content on Steemit. For those who want to gain value from this content, great! That is the goal. If any author objects to being included, they can request their post to be promptly removed.

Go upvote the authors most of all. Upvote this post to help gain visibility for them. 100% of the SBD payout goes to the authors. If you want the SP as an author, contact me and I will give it to you with a Power Down eventually.

I include older posts, even weeks old, and the authors have an avenue to potentially earn payouts for older content. Either way, their quality content gets the potential to reach more people and they get more exposure as a content creator. It's all win-win!

If you want to help find quality content to add (not promote your own...) please contact me: [email protected]

The QC - Quality Content Featurette (3 active payouts, 1 already paidout)

An adequate definition of socialism is necessary in order to understand the pervasiveness of this concept in this day and age, as well as to perceive the magnitude of the damage this destructive ideology has created all along the ages.

I want to develop your mind. I want you to learn a skill that will help you understand what political doublespeak is all about.
That skill is called critical thinking.

Existentialism says that existence precedes essence, which means that a person is an individual first. The individual exists and the essence of who he is is one of his own choosing.

We're suffering from an immense problem. It is global in scale, although it varies in its style from country to country and even region to region.. It's present in schools, homes, playgrounds, courthouses, parks, churches, and even in the bedroom.

It has taken complete control of our ability to think freely and has replaced our drive to pursue our deepest and most meaningful desires. Instead of moving forward as a human race, instead of creating true progress on a planetary scale, this sick and twisted perpetrator has left us spinning our tires in the mud without the least chance for traction. This culprit is culture.

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Want to be involved in The QC Aggregation Project and help the quality of Steemit grow?

If you want to help collect quality content for this aggregation featurette, help curate Steemit, or join a network to discuss quality content and curation, you can join the Quality-Content discussion channel, but do not post links there please, there are other QC channels for promoting quality content. You can also join the Facebook group Steemit Quality Content. You can also contact me at: [email protected]

Thank you all for supporting quality content creation and curation! We can make Steemit a great platform and we all win!

Take care. Peace.


Thanks for taking the time to curate and dig up some good posts. I see a few that I'll check out when I get home tonight.

You're welcome. It's something I feel the need to do to help get important knowledge out to more people, since it's not a fun task to go through the last days "new" posts and find things... lol. Take care. Peace.

Excellent job curating. You're finding some great pieces!

You're welcome, and thanks for appreciating. Take care. Peace. :)

Good stuff, there is no shortage of need for good quality content finding!

Yes, it is a boring task to siphon through it all. I recently opened a task on the github for steemit requesting a search feature by date, categories/tags, and exclusion of categories/tags. This would help me, and everyone else I think. Especially to curate specific content types. Take care. Peace.

Thank you for having me as a featured writer. I have read all the articles here and based off the quality of the posts I feel honored to be amongst them. These posts are top notch.

You're welcome, glad to feature you, thanks for the post. This will be the first post to go over $1, so I will be doing payouts this time :D Not much... but at least something hehe.

Take care. Peace.

Thanks @krnel, flattered and thankful to be included in your selection. Thanks, and great job on the other picks.

Welcome, thanks for your post. Gotta represent the quality value that helps to find the truth in our reality and improve our collective condition (haha, collective, but not socialist politically ... :P )Take care. Peace.

Just passing by to acknowledge that @krnel is a man of his word, and I also had missed to follow him earlier, so done and done. Cheers.

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