Quake News & Updates

in #quake7 years ago

Earthquake Activity:

In the last three days we have seen HIGH seismic activity across the world, with a total of 18 earthquakes at or above M5.0, and one M6.4 quake that struck Taiwan.

A total of 11 DEEP earthquakes have been recorded the past three days, which is an increase since the last update, and is HIGH.

Swarms: Major swarms continue in the Gulf of Alaska, southern Mexico, and New Zealand. Small swarms continue in central and southern California, especially south of Los Angeles, down through the Anza Gap to Salton Sea, as was forecasted. The entire west coast (over 900 miles) of California, all along the San Andreas fault is in flux with many small quakes happening.

· So far, we have seen a total of 1020 aftershocks from the M8.0 [M7.9] earthquake that struck off the coast of Kodiak Island, Alaska, on January 20th. The highest magnitude the past three days has been M4.8. This on-going swarm will continue pushing seismic pressure down the west coast of Canada and the U.S. for as long as these aftershocks continue at this rate.

The area in the Gulf of Alaska where these quakes are happening is about 150 miles in width, and for this many quakes to occur and continue at this rate, it appears likely we have a new plate fracture in this location – like as in New Zealand and southern Mexico. If this is the case, then we should expect continued seismic activity here for a long time (months to years). We’ll wait to see if this turns out to be the case.

· A swarm of micro-quakes in still occurring at Mount Saint Helens, in Washington, as was forecasted. Magnitudes have remained low.

· Over the past three days, 51 quakes have struck in and off the coast of southern Mexico, reaching a high of 4.6. This is an increase in numbers of quakes since the last update.

· There have been a total of 112 quakes in and around New Zealand in the past 48 hours. The highest magnitude has been a M4.3 quake. This is a slight decrease in the numbers of quakes since the last update.

Pacific Northwest Slow-Slip Event Update:

The slow-slip event in the Pacific Northwest continues now for over one year – the longest ever in the region since scientists began tracking such events. The clusters of tremors have nearly disappeared, and what we now see are sporadic tremors here and there, with one cluster near Redding, CA, and second small cluster on Vancouver Island. The numbers of tremors have substantially decreased over the past two weeks. When the tremors stop for 48-72 hours, then the WARNING will be issued for a potential M8.4-9.1 mega-quake to occur. This may be the largest earthquake to strike anywhere in the U.S. in the last 300+ years or more! It will likely be very large and destructive. The area is many years overdue for a large earthquake to strike. Time will tell.

While I believe the highest likelihood for a large quake is within a few days after the tremors stop, it is possible a large quake could strike before there is an expected lull. So, have an earthquake plan, your gear on hand, and know what to do if you are living on the west coast, especially in the warned zones. You can monitor these on-going tremors in real time here: http://tunk.ess.washington.edu/REALTIME/

A slow-slip event is also occurring in southern California, on the Anza Gap, along the southern San Andreas fault, down through Salton Sea. The swarm here has increased significantly in the last few days, as was forecasted. Almost all of the west coast of the U.S. is now affected by these two slow-slip events, and is primed for a major quake.

Yellowstone Status:

The Yellowstone region remains active. Magnitudes in the past three days have reached a high of M2.7.

Ghost Quakes:

[These are quakes that USGS fails to report or deletes from the public feeds after briefly reporting them. Usually these quakes are heavily censored for political or other non-scientific reasons.]

· The M4.1 quake in the northern Baja of California and the M4.2 quake in the northern Gulf of California were not reported by USGS. They chose to ignore these two quakes for reasons known only to them. Go figure.

WATCHES & WARNINGS: (imminent threats for large earthquakes or tsunamis)

· I still believe there is the potential for a M4.7-5.4 quake to strike on the west coast of California, from San Francisco Bay south to Santa Barbara and north Los Angeles in the next few days. The time frame obviously has not followed the usual pattern, so I will reduce this now to a WATCH. Usually about 1-2 days after I remove a WARNING, then the forecasted quake will strike. I still think there are significant signs of a coming strike, but obviously there is an unknown time frame that is atypical. So, stay alert.

· I have cancelled the WARNING for a M6.4-7.4 earthquake to strike in central Iran. Iran will likely be struck by a smaller quake in the M4.5-5.2 range.

· The WARNING is now cancelled for central Chile in Bio-Bio province, south of Santiago, because a M5.7 quake struck precisely there today, fulfilling the forecast.

· A new WARNING has been issued for north Japan for the next 5-7 days for a M6.4-7.1 quake to strike, most likely off-shore.

· An extended WATCH is in place for the next 90 days for the eastern Caribbean, including Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands for a potential M6.4-7.4 (revised upward) quake. This is a long-range forecast, and with a time frame that is not typical for my forecasts.

· A continuous WATCH remains in place for the Pacific Northwest, along and west of Highway 5, including the cities of Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Salem, Eugene, Grants Pass, Medford, as far south as Redding, CA, especially along the coast. This is an on-going slow-slip event, and when it eventually quiets down, we will watch for a potential catastrophic quake in the M8.4-9.1 range to occur, most likely off the coast. An earthquake striking off-shore in this forecasted magnitude range will cause a tsunami, which will have as much or more effect than the devastating damage of the quake itself.

QUAKE REPORTS: (new earthquakes occurring since the last Quake Update)

  USA – M2.5 and greater earthquakes                    Directional portion of the state indicated in ( ).
                                        Magnitude                                          Location


Aftershocks continue from the M8.0 quake that struck off the southwestern coast of Kodiak Island. The highest magnitude aftershock the past three days has been M4.8.

M5.6, M3.0 Andreanof Islands, Aleutians (W)
M4.3, M2.7 SW of Kenai (S)
M3.7 Kenai Peninsula (S)
M3.5 North of Anchorage (S)
M3.3 Alaska Peninsula (SW)
M3.2 Kodiak Island (S)
M3.1 NW of Juneau (SE)
M3.0, M3.0 NE of Anchorage (S)
M2.7 Fox Islands, Aleutians (W)
M2.7 NW of Skagway (SE)


M2.7 SW off-coast of Eureka (NW)
M2.7 SE of Hollister (C)
M2.6 West of Anza (S)
California has remained very quiet the past three days, with very small magnitude quakes than normal. This type of lull is not typical or normal, so be on WATCH for a noteworthy quake!


M3.2, M2.9, M2.9, M2.9, M2.6 South of Hennessey (N)
What we have at the above Oklahoma location is now a spreading out of multiple quakes occurring in the region. This is evidence of a superfracture domino effect in a gas/oil/fracking operation. This means that the M3.7 quake that struck a few days ago in this location, and which was heavily downgraded by USGS from a M4.5, actually was mostly likely a quake very close to M4.5. [Go back and read my comments suggesting this was very suspicious.] Otherwise, we would not expect to see this many quakes surround the original epicenter, unless the original quake was well above M4.0. This is more evidence of likely collusion and censorship. The after effects are harder to hide, and they point to the truth of the matter. This data is very close to “smoking gun” evidence that we are being lied to by the powers that be in USGS.
M2.7 SW of El Reno (C)


· Baja of California M4.1 Northern Baja (N)

· Gulf of California M4.2 Northern Gulf region (N)

· Virgin Islands M3.5, M3.4 North of Virgin Islands (N)

· Puerto Rico M3.2, M3.0 Off-coast Puerto Rico (N)

· Kansas M3.0 East of Anthony (S)

· Quebec/Maine M2.9 North of the Maine border (N)

· Idaho M2.8 Near Challis (C)

· Montana M2.7 NE of Missoula (W)

· Nevada M2.6 South of Hawthorne (W)

  International – M4.9 and greater earthquakes

· A M6.4 quake struck again along the northeastern coast of Taiwan, followed by multiple aftershocks: M5.8, M5.4, three M5.2, M5.1, and M5.0 quakes, as well as several smaller M4.0+ quakes. There are over 225 injuries, 4 confirmed deaths, 145 people are missing, and people were trapped when the Marshall Hotel collapsed. Photos and more details in the News, Links, and Resources section. With multiple large aftershocks now occurring, we expect there to be more structural damage and see more buildings go down.

             Quake Map:   https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us1000chhc#map  

· A M5.7 quake struck off-shore Bio-Bio, Chile, as was forecasted. Several aftershocks are now occurring in the M4.0-4.5 range.

· A DEEP M5.6 quake struck near Vanuatu, at a depth of 253 km. This means we now must watch for a M6.6-7.6 quake to strike in a nearby silent zone likely in the next 7-10 days. This will increase the swarm magnitudes in New Zealand. Seismic pressure will move to the west toward the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea, and also to the east, impacting the Ecuador region and central Chile with large quakes in the specified magnitude range.

· A DEEP M5.6 quake struck in the Andreanof Islands, in the western Aleutians of Alaska, as was forecasted.

· A M5.5 quake struck off the coast of Svalbard, near Greenland. I had forecasted there would be seismic pressure transfer into this exact area following the big Alaska quake, naming these locations, and the region continues to be hit with noteworthy quakes. This is not normal for this region to get this many noteworthy quakes within a relatively short time frame.

· A DEEP M5.3 quake struck near Fiji, at a depth of 572 km. A DEEP M5.1 [M4.5] quake followed at approximately the same depth.

· A M5.3 quake struck the northern tip of Sumatra, as was forecasted.

· A M5.1 quake struck in northern Chile.

· A M5.0 quake struck in Papua New Guinea.

· A M5.0 quake struck in Tajikistan.

SEISMICALLY ACTIVE AREAS: (highest magnitudes reported since the last update)

USA - including U.S. territories

· Alaska Active; magnitudes to M3.7.
· Northern California Active; magnitudes to M2.7.
· Southern California On-going swarms; magnitudes to M2.6.
· Yellowstone region Active; magnitudes to M2.7.
· Nevada Active; magnitudes below M2.5.
· Northern Oklahoma Active; magnitudes to M3.2.
· New Madrid, Missouri region Quiet.
· Hawaii Active; magnitudes below M2.5.
· Caribbean region Active; magnitudes to M3.2.
· Guam/Mariana Islands region Quiet.


· Southern Mexico Active; magnitudes to M4.6.
· Northern Chile Active; magnitudes to M5.1.
· Central Chile Active; magnitudes to M4.5.
· Iran Active; magnitudes to M3.8.
· Turkey Active; magnitudes to M3.2.
· Greece Active; magnitudes to M3.4.
· Italy Active; magnitudes to M2.4.
· Romania Active; magnitudes to M2.8.
· Switzerland/CERN Quiet.
· Fiji region Active; magnitudes to M5.6.
· New Zealand region Active; magnitudes to M4.3.
· Papua New Guinea region Active; magnitudes to M5.0.
· Philippines Quiet.
· Taiwan region Active; magnitudes to M6.4.
· Indonesia region Active; magnitudes to M4.6.
· Japan region Active; magnitudes to M4.6.

WATCH AREAS: A new forecast will be out soon! In the meantime, you can track how close the actual magnitudes were to the forecast below.

                                                                    Forecasted Magnitude Range        Actual

 USA       (blue font represents new forecast areas and/or updated magnitudes)
  1.  Pacific Northwest (extended time frame)                       M8.4-9.1                ------
  2.  Western Aleutian Islands                                               M5.0-5.4               M5.6
  3.  Western Alaska Peninsula                                             M5.7-6.7
  4.  NW of Vancouver Island, Canada                                M5.7-6.2     
  5.  Off the coast of northern California                             M5.7-6.4               M5.8
  6.  Off the coast of central Oregon                                    M5.2-5.6     
  7.  San Francisco Bay south to Los Angeles                      M4.7-5.4               M4.0 
  8.  Mount St. Helens                                                           M2.8-3.4             <M2.5
  9.  Yellowstone region                                                         M4.4-5.4               M4.7 
  10. Colorado M4.1-5.1 M3.3
  11. Texas M4.0-4.7 M3.0
  12. Northern Oklahoma/Kansas border region M4.5-5.5 M3.7
  13. New Madrid, MO seismic zone M2.6-3.6 <M2.5
  14. Caribbean: Haiti/Puerto Rico -Virgin Islands (ext.) M6.4-7.4 -------


  1. Southern Mexico M4.3-4.8 M4.9
  2. Galapagos to Ecuador region M5.6-6.7 M5.7
  3. Peru M5.6-6.0 M5.5
  4. Northern Chile M5.0-6.0 M4.1
  5. Central Chile - coastal M6.4-7.4 M5.7
  6. New Zealand region (on-going) M5.0-6.0 M6.0
  7. Solomon Islands to Vanuatu/New Caledonia M5.9-7.0 M5.6
  8. Papua New Guinea M5.2-5.7 M5.8
  9. West of East Timor M5.1-5.4 M5.3
  10. Java, Indonesia M5.1-5.4
  11. NW tip of Sumatra, Indonesia M5.0-5.3 M5.3
  12. Taiwan to Okinawa M5.1-5.6 M6.4
  13. North Philippines M5.2-5.7 M4.8
  14. Guam region M5.6-6.0
  15. Japan (off-coast) M5.0-5.3 M5.1
  16. Japan (off-coast) M6.4-7.1
  17. Kuril Islands M5.0-5.4 M4.9
  18. Nepal/India/China border region M5.0-5.4 M4.7
  19. Iran /Afghanistan M4.4-5.0 M4.6
  20. Turkey M5.0-5.4 M3.2
  21. Greece M4.8-5.3 M4.5
  22. Italy M3.7-4.3 M4.0
  23. Gibraltar M3.6-4.0 M3.8
  24. Iceland M5.1-5.3
  25. South Sandwich Islands M5.0-5.6 M5.2


Many years ago, before I began research earthquakes and associated phenomena, I thought that almost all earthquakes occurred along fault lines and seldom elsewhere, except in random cases, but this is not so. Anywhere in the earth’s crust where there is a weakness – either as a result of natural causes or man-made, there is vulnerability to seismic pressure which can cause earthquakes. In nature, this is found along fault lines, tectonic plate boundaries, and near volcanoes in the magma chambers far below the cone and points nearby. As for man-made vulnerability, anywhere man has penetrated the crust, this creates vulnerability. This means highly concentrated oil and gas pumping operations, as well as wastewater disposal wells (frack wells). Geo-thermal plants, mines, and underground nuclear test sites (Nevada), are the next best examples of this kind of deep penetration that reaches hundreds to thousands of feet down into the crust. These locations account for almost all earthquake strike points in the world.

If you want to avoid more than 99% of earthquakes, then you must avoid living or working within about 60-75 miles of these kinds of locations – something that can be pretty hard to do in the U.S. Even at greater distances, a large quake will shake up a region, and can be felt well over 100 miles away.


Seeing photos and video footage of the Taiwan quake will reinforce the dangers of being inside a multi-story building during a large quake. The lower stories collapsed under the weight of the upper stories when the ground shifted. It appears the buildings were largely made of cement/concrete, as if often the case. Unreinforced concrete is very vulnerable to earthquakes. The most unsafe buildings in a major earthquake are concrete, brick, or stone masonry. The safest buildings in an earthquake generally are single-story wood frame construction.

When there are multiple large to moderate quakes, as there often are with aftershocks, the cumulative shaking weakens structures further, undermining structural integrity, contributing to a collapse within a few days, or the next time a large quake occurs in the future.

By familiarizing yourself with the news accounts of earthquakes when they happen, you will be better prepared in the case of a future event in your region. By knowing what to expect, you may be able to avoid or escape danger.


Taiwan Quake Update:

A large M6.4 quake struck on the northeastern coast of Taiwan, following a M6.1 quake that struck the same region on Sunday. The M6.4 quake struck at approximately midnight, local time on Tuesday. Over 200 aftershocks have occurred, with a high reaching M5.8. There are over 265 injuries, with 10 confirmed dead, 58 people are still missing, and people are still trapped under rubble and debris. Five large buildings have been seriously damaged; some have collapsed or are leaning severely, including two hotels and a military hospital. Roads and bridges are also heavily damaged in the region, and some are impassable.


Disclaimer: These earthquake forecasts are dependent upon accurate data published on public feeds by official reporting agencies, including USGS, PNSN, EMSC, and others. If the data is inaccurate, incomplete, or censored, then any interpretations of this data will be subject to error. I take no responsibility for these agencies’ inadvertent or purposeful obfuscation of factual data. Some of these agencies have repeatedly proven to be unreliable in their reporting and frequently deceptive, so, as the saying goes, “garbage in, garbage out” may well apply.

If you have eye witness “felt it” reports of earthquakes or volcanic activity in your home area or where you are traveling, please send a descriptive report via e-mail. Please send any photos you may have of such events or aftermath damages also.

If you find this information interesting and useful, please share it widely. Subscriptions to this Earthquake Forecast e-list are still FREE at the current time, so please encourage friends, family, and others to subscribe.

Quake Updates generally are published every 3-5 days, and Breaking News reports related to significant earthquakes are sent out via e-mail as the events unfold.

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