Nice Quotes #128: Fyodor Dostoyevsky


Man is unhappy because he doesn't know he's happy; only because of that.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky


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Naten s'kisha gjume, me mbyste pendimi, kot thone qe pendimi te lehteson.

love equates people

Silence is always beautiful, and a silent person is always more beautiful than one who talks.

To love people as they are is impossible. And yet one must. And therefore do good to them, clenching your feelings, holding your nose, and shutting your eyes (this last is necessary). Endure evil from them, not getting angry with them if possible, ‘remembering that you, too, are a human being.

he was partly a young man of our time - that is, honest by nature, demanding the truth, seeking it and believing in it, and in that belief demanding immediate participation in it with all the strength of his soul; demanding an immediate deed, with an unfailing desire to sacrifice everything for this deed, even life. Although, unfortunately, these young men do not understand that the sacrifice of life is, perhaps, the easiest of all sacrifices in many cases, while to sacrifice, for example, five or six years of their ebulliently youthful life to hard, difficult studies, to learning, in order to increase tenfold their strength to serve the very truth and the very deed that they loved and set out to accomplish - such sacrifice is often almost beyond the strength of many of them.

One cannot love what one does not know.

ليس اثقل على الانسان من حمل الحرية ، و ليس اسعد منه حين يخف عنه محملها وينقاد طائعا لمن يسلبه الحرية و يوهمه فى الوقت نفسه انه قد اطلقها له و فوض اليه اللامر فى اعتقاده و عمله ، فلماذا تسوم الانسنا من جديد ان يفتح عينيه و ان يتطلع الى المعرفة و ان يختار لنفسه ما يشاء ، و هو لا يعلم ما يشاء ؟!!

It's curious and ridiculous how much the gaze of a prudish and painfully chaste man touched by love can sometimes express and that precisely at a moment when the man would of course sooner be glad to fall through the earth than to express anything with a word or a look.

ليس يكفى المرء أن يكون ذكىَّ العقل حتى لا يُخدع، بل لابد له أيضاً من قلب حساس.

It is not as a child that I believe and confess Jesus Christ. My hosanna is born of a furnace of doubt.

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