7/14/17 QQQ long term top call

in #qqq7 years ago

Know your seasonality. Since year 2008 - 2016 the NDX has closed green for the month July. Not one month closed down. With a stat like that I would not get all bearish in July. In fact I´ll add to my 2500 spx call. The NDX has the potential to trade to 7000 EOY or very close to it.

My bullishness is not making me a star over here at steemit. I´ll let you keep the star title.

I read somewhere yesterday (I think it twas ZeroHedge.bomb) that they wiped the shorts out this week. Short interest at the lowest since 2007. "Hopefully" the compooterized trading wizards don't take things too low early in the week. Methinks they will wait until July OEX is over before anything "big" happens though. :-)

Joe Fahmy says............
Joseph Fahmy‏ @ jfahmy Jul 13
Latest short interest data is out. Shorts in AAOI are EXTREMELY stubborn.

Look at QQQ short interest , as high as it´s been for the past six months. . http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/qqq/short-interest

Wait til the stats after last week's Janet "about face" come out. At this point it is pretty much "suicidal" to be long pretty much anything. But check with me often as I will always have a gem or 2 to actually buy...even as I single handedly take Silly Con Valley, cali into the sea. :-)

Who knows. NDX breaks current all time highs, could witness a stop run. When the market turns, it will show it´s hand. It always does.

However with with my vantage point below, nothing goes up straight . With fib targets up at the 2500 level, or 2494.50 , I would not be surprised to see price react there. Then there is time , where starting at the May 2015 high to Feb 2016 low, the ES made a close low which was exactly the same amount of time of 266 days or 38 weeks as the previous two anchors. Going into the end of July, first of August, if the spx is at 2500, investor sentiment turns up. Who knows with the old VIX (VXO) currently making new all time lows for the last two months.


VXO Old VIX fresh all time low Friday. https://www.tradingview.com/x/5p9bsCiu/

Look at the VIX. Made a weekly close at 9.51 the last time the VIX had a weekly close that low was the week of Dec 20th 1993 @ 9.48 which is the weekly all time low close. The market had a choppy upside bias the next 5 weeks after the 9.48 low. Then proceeded to pullback 9.73% Who knows what will happen this time. This is all bs

VIX 2017

VIX 1993

SPX 1993-1994

Initial QQQ downside target is now 137.94. That's close enuff for the compooters to take out as early as tomorrow but since the cheeeps are not quite lined up eggzacly right I would be "hoping" they could retumfy it by say Wed...even tho I am already short the SPY ...a tad too early admittedly, but not by much.

Ryan Detrick, CMT‏ @ RyanDetrick 7m7 minutes ago
Ryan Detrick, CMT Retweeted NBC News
Just remember that the Dow Jones Taiwan Stock Index closed at a new weekly all-time high on Friday ...

7/24/17 update: QQQ setting the first leg of my short term sell signal here now as it trades at 144.75. If it rallies thru 144.80 it likely means the big selloff will be delayed for yet anotehr week. But if it trades no higher than the current high of 144.76, just off the 144.79 high it just set minutes ago I might be able to rectumfy it by Wed or Th.


I want to log a similar critcal situation on teh dollar here on this same spew for my reference. UUP is getting ready to generate a DMI indicator trend buy signal is it trades at 24.33. If it sells down I'd "likely" be a buyer. This could be a longer than 1 month hold...just like the sexy VIXens.


Amaaazing how everything is setting up at teh exact same time. The queen of the sexy VIXens just dumped to 9.39 so if they push the Q's higher I bet a very short term bet in teh Fri $144 putskis will work out nicely. Not sure if I want to gamble a loss that I might not be able to write off tho. VIX dumping means it will likely rally soon and it needs to in order to setup the low. Amaaazing how fukkin eeeasy this shit is...no? :O


Pffft. I just checked the price on teh QQQ 144.50 puts for Fri expiry. It would have to break below $144 by ..20 just to break even on the 144.50 puts. Too rich for my tastes. I likestuff where you at least have a 50/50 chance of getting a 100% gain. I might still do something if they get "realistic" on the price of a 4 day put. The fact is that they are trying to "sucker" some traders who aint that slick. You'd have to time your entry purt near perfectly...and only I can do that. :-)

Those QQQ putskis are for this Fri, not 8/11. "The" Fri was officially delayed til 8/11 because of today's festivities tho.

8/3/17 update: The QQQ 143 puts have now doubled so take half the trade away. I'll shoot for a looower target tho. Just to see if I can generate a 200% 2 day gain.

thanks for the double. I'll take gbtc short here for 100 at $462 Alex

damn tessie hit 350 this morning and i missed the re-short. Can't be everywhere

Sooo easy to make $$$ off my GRREAT calls...no? :-)

too bad your DUST SPY USO and a half dozen other blunders are stealing any gains u make

Well, it's also too bad that you are such a dummfukk. But do you see me complaining? :-)

Mad again bro....made so much cha-ching today ain't no way you can get me down.

Yeah, you crushed it alright >>> "Short GBTC at $430!" it closes at $472. "Short STMP at $200!" Only lost what...$5K on that transaction? LOL Idiot! The only trade you made any $$$ on was teh trades I outlined.

11 AM update: Added back the QQQ $143 puts for tomorrow's expiry here at .23 market as teh Q's traded to 143.75.

Just picked it up for .19 yahoo cowboy

Oh, now I'm a fukkin hero. Just for you I "might" just withold my GDX short and SLV "add to" calls and post them elsewhere. How would you like that, Tonto? :-)

Ill take a 100 short stmp here at $200 too

Targeting another "100%er" on this new short entry...and then I will hold the remaining for a "potential" 200% gain by the close tomorrow.

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