We are ALL leaders in this world - you better believe it! @ecotrain QOTW.

in #qotw6 years ago (edited)

Every week @eco-alex manages to come up with another great question to ask the @ecotrain passengers.

Every week I see many high quality submissions with many different views, voices and opinions.
Sometimes the views are very much alike.
This week's question will undoubtedly spark some passenger's vision, imagination and ideas.
So without further ado, I would like to voice my opinion on this subject.

source: www.pixabay.com

Who are the best people to lead or guide our world ...Politicians, Parents, Academics, Philosophers, High Tech.. Or someone else?

The answer is easy. But I'll make it complicated, just for the fun of it. The answer to the question 'Who are the best people to lead or guide our world", is: WE are. Or even better: I am! Meaning YOU are, but the I always has a capital letter and is therefore the most important. We ALL enjoy this special status of the capital I.

But one 'I' is only one 'I' and therefore there are a couple of 'I's in small communities, a few more 'I's in villages and small towns, even more 'I's in cities and so on...
The individual alone can guide our world, as long as this is done in a group. No singular leader, but all with their own qualities and input. Self-governing... This, to me, would be an ideal world.
Pure Anarchy and True Freedom.

And in other cultures and times, this way of life has been reality and it worked!
Until we lost something...

Our 'I' lost its 'Eye'

By then, around the time when we were full-blown international traders, the West became richer due to that trade.

And with the West becoming richer,
a few elite individuals in every far corner of the world also became very wealthy.
Not long before exploitation, inequality and the games of thrones started to become the new reality...

And the players?

Fighters for the thrones, fighting for advancement and without any regard for (human) life.

We are all each our own and independent, but we are also all connected.
Somewhere down the line, we lost our 'I' and the 'I' became bad politicians, not-so-bad-but-also-not-so-great parents, greater-than-others Academics, more-intellectual-than-others Philosophers..., and High Tech?
Well, the most updated High Tech today is outdated tomorrow...

We need our 'I' back!

Capital letter 'I'. It's there for a reason that capital.
And not just because Chaucer decided to build on the trend.
If you don't know what I meant by this, no worries:
I only just learned this yesterday...😁
(Just look up capital I and Chaucer in your search...)

It's the all-seeing 'I', but because people started to believe in the all-seeing 'EYE',
they started to believe they needed one or a few individuals who would tell them what to do
and what not to do.
Where to go and where not to go.
What to grow and what not to grow.
And so on and so on...
The 'All for one, and one for all'
became an eye for an eye.

And the rest is history...

We are ALL masters of our own trades!

And together we are KINGS/QUEENS!

source: www.pixabay.com

I've always loved the idea of Michael Tellinger's 'Ubuntu Freedom Movement'.

“Let everyone contribute their natural talents or acquired skills
to the greater benefit of all in the community.
Let us utilise the wealth of our land to provide abundance and prosperity
in all areas of life for the people.”

Michael Tellinger 2005.

A world without money, but also no bartering.
No: 'My chicken is worth more than your potatoes.'
But: 'My time is as valuable as yours.'
Building and maintaining communities together,
which each an equal share of time to share with that community.

But we are still a bit far from that kind of life completely.
And to be honest: since my discovery of cryptocurrency, I don't mind
putting the ubuntu plans on hold for a bit either.

Crypto is just too much fun!

But I'm trailing off here...

To me, anarchy with love is the only way!

Love is Freedom

Anarchy, in which Voluntaryism and Anarcho-Capitalism

are both allowed.

It's anarchy after all...

Everyone's individual affairs are private but communities should
all be responsible in community matters. Equally.
We should all be responsible, for whatever matters in our lives
whether it is in the home or out there in the community.
You clean up your own shit, so someone else doesn't need to do it,
but if there's some other shit to clean up, it becomes a communal responsibility
to figure out who's turn it is to clean up that shit and when.

Conclusion: The power of the people.

I am a firm believer that people are inherently good,
or at least try to be as good as they can be.
I also believe that these good people can decide for themselves,
when the good borders, or is downright bad, and which actions
need to be taken to turn bad into good for all.

I don't believe that we need politicians to show us the way.
We've tried, for many, MANY years...
And politicians have never gotten us anywhere.
No where.
Not in the US, not in China or Korea.
If you can show me one place in the world, where politics and
authorities are not completely out of control and
not just working out of hunger for the throne,
then please, let me know and I will move my family there
as soon as I can...

Prove me wrong, because I want to be wrong.
But I'm afraid: it doesn't exist.

What we haven't tried lately,
is to let us create our own
perfect private and communal world(s).

Our own paradise. Together I think it can be done.

Thank you for reading!

This post was happily created in SteemPeak!
Check it out @steempeak or https://steempeak.com


here here.. or aye aye... i do believe you hit the nail on the head.. ! ;-)

i think we share a lot in common because you talked of I and i talked of YOU. Seriously WE are the best persons to lead the world and i really enjoyed reading this @misslasvegas

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