@ecotrain QOTW: What lessons will you take with you for your potential next life if you die tomorrow?

in #qotw6 years ago (edited)

The questions we're seeing these last few weeks in the @ecotrain could possibly reflect what many people in the world ask themselves right this very moment. This subject is particularly interesting to me, because somewhere in my not-too-ancient past, I decided to study hypnotherapy. How I got to that may well be another story for another time, but at this point I would like to focus on why I mention this.

source: pinterest.com

I have always had an interest in hypnosis and the clinical version of it, but I never knew what I would get myself into when I started the study.
It was a long road of self-discovery, confrontations with myself and other students and eventually 'seeing the light at the end of the tunnel'. I learned so much during that intense time in my life and ever since then, I know I will never stop learning. Learning about myself, the world and others, but mostly about myself.

During my studies, we learned practical and clinical hypnosis in its purest form as well as therapeutic. At the time, my mind was already wandering outside the box, so I also picked up the beginnings of past life regression, and a little bit later also what they call: 'lives between lives'. Besides this, I also accidentally learned about an ancient Hawaiian way of healing: Ho'oponopono. If you ever noticed, I have those words in my footer :) They're there for a reason.

source: https://www.melissa-field.com/hooponopono2.html

And that's when things truly became interesting. I had the honour to experience a 'lives between lives' session, witnessed one with someone else and eventually gave a session to another. It turned the way I used to think and things I believed completely upside down!
I'm sure I was already a bit more conscious of certain things than most people around me, but this just took it one step further.

I always used to watch these hypnosis programs on TV with a great amount of scepticism. You know those when people are 'brought back to a former life' with the help of hypnosis. It always seemed so easy and it was always quite a story. Of course, we all know that the entertainment sector does what it does best: make it all look awesome.

From my own experience now I know that even the beginnings of hypnotism can be hard. Not everyone reacts like the people you see on TV. The people behind it know this and always 'test the waters' as in: they have their ways of finding those who are highly susceptible to hypnotic suggestions. And most people aren't. In fact, I think it's about 10% who are. Just looking at myself, it took my fellow students approximately 10 sessions to get anywhere close to getting me to surrender to hypnosis. And about 10 more to get me to a state in which it was possible to bring me 'back' into the past and about 20 more to go to past lives.
After that, it took years of practice to have my first 'lives between lives' eye opener.
But I think my stubbornness contributed to this long journey. I might be one of the 10% on the other end of things. It's safe to say that everyone else is the other 80%.

source: pixabay.com

But what does hypnosis have to do with this subject?

Well EVERYTHING! Because in my case, I learned during those sessions, my own and those of others, what exactly those lessons are. Now, I want to add that this is very personal indeed, my lessons needn't be yours.

The lessons I hope to take to a next life (if there is one)

I added the 'if there is one' on purpose, because there are different options. From what I've learned during those 'hypnotic times' and especially the 'lives between lives' sessions, I think that there is an option not to come back.
Now, I am not sure about this of course, so please don't pin me to it, but that's what I've taken from it. OK, drifting off again. I think I have some more writing material...

Lesson 1: Don't make a big deal about insignificant things, let bygones be bygones and don't ever hold grudges or onto anger.

I believe these three-in-one are very important. Important, because if you do they can and will make you sick. Period. As a teen and a little later in life as well, I used to make a big deal out of everything. I could keep going on and on about something a grumpy friend had said, or even about the way someone looked at me. Someone could say something nice and because of my trust issues (inherited from my mother) I would always endlessly question their motives. Even if there were none. People can be and are genuinely nice. Not always and not everyone, but it's such a big waste of time to question people all the time because eventually you will find someone who has ulterior motives, and then you will have this "AHA! You SEE! There it is!" moment, thinking that everyone is that way while you only had the bad fortune to come across a real bitch or A-hole once or twice. Remember that when you expect things to be bad, it's the bad apples you will get.

I also used to hold onto anger quite a bit and dig up old skeletons that should have been kept buried.
It didn't do me any good. I was a good person and still think that I am now and there will always be people who see this as a weakness and take advantage of it. Move them out of your life and get on with it. Don't dwell on these unfortunate events in life, it's simply not worth it.

Lesson 2: Trust

Simple. Trust in yourself, in others and that every downside has an upside. Trust that life will change as quickly as the seconds on the clock and with that, any troubles will disappear faster than you can blink. That is: if you let it. If you don't have this trust, you will also dwell on past happenings, all those things that went wrong in your life and instead of leaving it behind, you will bring it with you wherever you go. Even to a next life.

Lesson 3: Love to the fullest!

Love yourself, love everyone and everything you do. Go after the life that you love, or before you know it you will only have regrets! If I learned anything from my time here on Steemit it is that anything is possible and we can make our own realities with love. If you let anger or even hate enter your life and stick around, all that you can expect is the same in return. Let go of any anger and embrace the new. Eventually you might learn to love your life experiences and find out that it was those 'bad' things that made you who you are today. Would you want to change yourself? I don't.
What you see is what you get and if someone doesn't like that? Tough shit!

Lesson 4: Hold off the offence

I was watching one of my favourite comedians Steve Hughes the other day. If I don't feel like myself sometimes, I like to watch good comedians with a message. I love the way he says it like it is. He speaks about people getting offended.
And he is so very right. Nowadays, people just get offended too easily. They get offended if you don't like what they wear, or worse: they get offended because of what you wear! It's nuts and it's one of the most useless things to do. It doesn't get us anywhere. Ever. Now, I am not saying that if someone is really offensive, that you should just let it go.... or maybe I do? Because to be honest:

Who the hell cares what others think? If wearing a bright yellow fluffy coat makes me happy, then fuck all the rest.

Not that I have a yellow, fluffy coat...but you get the drift. Watch Steve, he's great!

Lesson 5: Don't play the victim role

With this lesson, comes the last message for my newborn self in the future. And besides lesson 1 and 3, I think this can be the most valuable. Playing the victim role directly connects with Lessons 1, 2 and 4 for all three can put a person in the victim position. Being a victim and staying that way is a different thing altogether.
Out of all things above, I can honestly say, that I've never played the victim. And if I did, never for long.
When I was much younger, I admit, I used to wallow in self-pity from time to time. About all the horrors that happened to me when my boss wanted me to come in for a few extra hours on the weekend, or when I didn't get the days off that I asked for. Or when I broke up with a boyfriend. There was always some kind of drama going on that made me wish I was someone else. But it never lasted long. I figured out that becoming a victim can break you or make you stronger. But it's YOU who needs to make that choice. It's not up to the person who was involved or the reason why.

I've learned the hard way about what it does to people when they always stay in a victim role. I lived with two narcissists (not at the same time) who always blamed anything that happened to them on others, their past or something else. It was always outside of their control and they never looked in the mirror. Well, I can tell you: they're both miserable.
People who can't move past shit that happens usually are. And shit happens, more than we like. But by putting the blame elsewhere, we can never take responsibility of our own actions, and with that: our lives.


I didn't give this one a number, because I think it stands completely alone. It pretty much speaks for itself. You can regret the things you did or didn't do until the end of times, it is not going to change a thing. Of course, if you spoke some unkind words to someone and regret it, then this is the time to tell them that and make up. But other than that:

No regrets may not get you happiness, but it surely won't make you miserable either.


This is what I would try to take with me if I'd die tomorrow. If I live and I sure hope I will for a very long time, then there will probably be more lessons to take along. Or not. Who knows? If I die tomorrow: I've got this covered.



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Very interesting! I like that term 'lives between lives' . I experienced what I felt was a new life but I knew my former body never died, Just my life drastically changed. I used to say it was like a past life but really it's a 'lives between lives'. Great lessons for us all to pay attention to. Thanks for sharing!

a thoroughly great answer.. I had a watch of steve.. he is cool! never saw him before.. looks like he got his head screwed on the right way! <3 x

Thank you @eco-alex! Yes, I love his wit, he seems to be a bit more aware of things than most others. <3

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