“What is the one mass produced and used product that you wish to change or eliminate for good to make our environment greener and safer - ecoTrain Question Of The Week”

in #qotw7 years ago

Fossil fuels. They cause pollution; need I say more?


  • Global climate change
  • Mercury contamination of fish (burning coal)
  • Health issues from ground water contamination (fracking, coal mining)
  • Health issues from air pollution.
  • Oil spills
  • Pollution from refineries
  • Jet, car, truck, tractors, and train engine air pollution
  • Accidental loss of life and property from industrial accidents
  • Strip mining
  • Monopolistic industry that benefits small groups of people from control of a global resource.
  • Causes disposal issues of cheap non-biodegradable plastic waste in oceans and other places.

A potential for a huge economic issue could happen as oil resources appear to have passed peak global oil production. World farming, trade, manufacturing and transportation are dependent on this single resource which has a finite limitation (won’t last forever).

A major rise in oil price would have ripples all over the economy making food more difficult to produce and transport. This coupled with the changes in weather patterns could cause further food production issues. Because of the nature of supply and demand this seem like it will have to happen at some point and it would be much better to lessen our dependency on this resource.

I feel that there are many issues but switching to green power production is a big step towards improving the peace and well being of the humans, animals, plants and minerals on the planet.

This is understandably difficult as I have personally worked in the oil industry and found it to be one my best paying and most fun jobs.

Government subsidies

The cost of fossil fuel is kept artificially low by government spending. This has to stop asap, imho.

Believe it or not at some level I would like to see a $200.00 bill when I fill up my car. Even that doesn’t seem to reflect properly the true environmental cost of the fuel. Plus if it went to that level I would very quickly find other ways of doing things, like taking the bus or purchasing an electric vehicle or riding my bike more.

I realize that many people do not have good options to move close to work and public transportation does not always work well as a solution. Subsidies need to go towards these things instead. Like self driving taxi fleets providing low cost rides and better low income housing close to jobs and stores.

If prices really spiked up I think there would be a major movement away from fossil fuel and towards solutions that could be much lower in cost and employ more people in their production. Decentralizing energy production and getting it back into the hands of local communities and people could revolutionize things.

Greener Environment

Cleaner air, water and a more stable climate would be nice. Not only for improvements in human health but fish and animals are sure to benefit as well. Plus less health care costs.

Parasol Mushroom in the Grass

If we see our environment being taken care of well I think this makes a big impact on the way we think about things too. At some level most people must have some feelings about what the impact of the way we are living as a society is doing. If the environmental cost to produce things and use transportation was minimal I think we would all be a lot happier.

Controversy and Interesting Facts

The concentration of CO2 in the air has exceeded 400 parts per million for the first time in recorded history and it continues to go up at a fast rate even though emissions have been stabilized. This is concerning because it indicates that the ability for the environment to absorb the carbon is reaching some limit. Loss of forests and vegetation from fires and industry could be part of the problem. Saturation of carbon in the ocean and acidification of the waters from fossil fuel burning could be reducing the oceans ability to absorb atmospheric CO2 and produce oxygen.

It is possible too that countries are reporting their emissions incorrectly. These issues really need to have good agreed upon answers.

Rising the C02 level this fast is an experiment of unknown outcome but many scientists think we need to fix this right away. Doing nothing about it risks a catastrophic end of civilization and potential loss of many lives and biodiversity. Whereas switching to a cleaner renewable energy source would have many benefits.

To me quiting fossil fuel is kind of like quiting cigarettes. You know there are many benefits to doing it yet it feels so good and it is easy to continue and difficult to change. There is even a lot of data out there to this day that clouds the issue of the dangers of smoking. (I used to smoke but quit years ago)

As Chris Hedges pointed out in one of his talks - any civilization in danger of a major change to its way of life can fall into a pattern of very irrational thinking. His example was the ‘ghost dance’ that the indigenous people did to stop the imperialist ’s bullets when their way of life was threatened. To me much of the current controversy over changing to clean renewable energy seems to fall into this pattern.

Doing Something Differently

My friend and I were driving back from the hospital the other day (sometimes over a two hour drive depending on traffic) and talking about what might happen when we run out of fossil fuel. He tapped on the dashboard of the car and exclaimed, “How will we ever make anything like this without plastic?”

I think it is hard for us to imagine ever doing anything differently when we are so used to doing things in so many easy labor saving ways. Yet there are so many new materials and technologies that could be further developed that could let us create products that are biodegradable and up-cyclable into new and better products when discarded. Many products and services could become locally available so resources would not be needed in transportation so much.

With any luck these products could be even more easily produced and work better than what we presently have. More cars and bigger roads are not a good solution, I thought as traffic ground to halt as it so often does around here. Future generations and perhaps even those presently living will need to solve this issue at some point in any case because there is a limited supply of fossil fuel.

Special thanks to @sharoonyasir for supplying this question in her post. Thanks for reading! I always value your support. Photo taken by me with my Galaxy S7


That is brillian post! It reasonates a lot with what I believe.

I feel that there are many issues but switching to green power production is a big step towards improving the peace and well being of the humans, animals, plants and minerals on the planet.

I support every world here! I would be honored if you become our passenger on @Ecotrain. Much love!

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Thank you much! It is so wonderful to have support like this. :)

It is just a reaction on a truly awesome post! So the pleasure is mine in first place!<3

It is a dilemma in banning the use of plastics because plastics is an essential art of our daily living and we use it in a lot of things.
But maybe making plastics biodegradable can make our planet greener by not having to contend with a lot of plastic garbage in our oceans and surroundings.
All in all it is a complicated matter and even the burning of coals cannot be eliminated especially in developing countries where they cannot afford nuclear energy production so they just need a cheaper energy source.

I don't think banning the use of plastics would be the best approach. I would let prices become more equal by stopping the government incentives for low cost fossil fuel. This could be a topic that would be good to cover more in depth; thanks for bringing it up. I think solar power generation could easily be cost competitive now if fossil fuel costs and the environmental issues they cause were a factor. I think this would be a good alternative for developing countries in particular if they don't already have a big infrastructure invested in power lines.

Solar power generation is also a sensitive issue and has a political complication because big gas companies does not want its wide use for the reason it will affect their business although solar energy is an excellent way of getting a cleaner energy but the factor off buying such is also an issue for most people. @lightsplasher

My question is, "what technology would we have today if we used some of the old technology that was eliminated by the fossil fuel industry's government lobbying?"

Very interesting videos thanks for posting. We've known about these problems and potential solutions since I was a kid.

It is a situation in prohibiting the utilization of plastics since plastics is a basic specialty of our every day living and we utilize it in a considerable measure of things.

Be that as it may, perhaps making plastics biodegradable can make our planet greener by not contending with a ton of plastic waste in our seas and environment.

With everything taken into account it is a convoluted issue and even the consuming of coals can't be wiped out particularly in creating nations where they can't manage the cost of atomic vitality generation so they simply require a less expensive vitality source.

Nice comment; it gives me ideas for another post - thank you. I usually don't think of prohibiting something so much as making other things a much better alternative. If pricing keeps going up for fossil fuel based technologies other things will become more attractive.

The real cost of plastic disposal is not paid for by the corporations that make these products. For example if a whale dies from eating plastic bags, shouldn't a fine be paid for this? If your product is causing such issues I think you should be taxed more or at the very least not be paid extra from the government to keep your prices lower.

Nice post I like about your posts, friends

Thank you, I enjoy your posts too.

You're welcome

Just wondering what tech could replace it. Eventually maybe electric for cars if generated through green ways.

Electric or hydrogen seem like good choices. Electric cars have way fewer moving parts and should take over the market once battery recharging issues are solved. There is not much maintenance needed to keep them running many miles. They could be a good solution for taxi driving or other fleets right now. High torque with minimal transmission requirements and extreme performance.

Heyy.. So glad to see your answer on this question. And I really liked this piece. Want to write a detailed comment but just not in the right spirits today. Love this btw :D

Hi, thanks! I've been kind of out of the writing mode myself, I can totally understand that feeling.

:) My maternal uncle passed away 2 days so I am just feeling really i dont know how to describe.

Very understandable, my condolences. Many of my relatives and friends are now gone - my aunt was the most recent. In many ways I still feel the presence of my dad and keep expecting to get together and share an ice cream cone some time. :)

I can really relate to not knowing how to describe my feelings too. Wishing you well, peace and happiness...

hey buddy, i have an environmentally friendly fuel-saving product like you expect. The basic ingredients are made from water. Maybe you can see it for yourself and find out about h2oil
This product

reduce emissions by up to 75% and save fuel up to 35% I've tried it. Hope you like @lightsplasher

That looks interesting, I'll have to check it out more.

I've tried it in the car and the result is very good. 30% saves fuel and reduces emissions, smoother engine sounds.
The earth gets hotter, it's time we fix it and start using environmentally friendly technology to keep nature healthy.

TB Joshua : Your situation does not embarrass God because He has solution.

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