Question of the Day - Which is Worse, Chopping Heads for Religion or For Revolution? [QOD][life]

in #qod6 years ago


- Rack'em Up! -

Mankind has had a turbulent past as history and archeology can attest. In this dark past, humanity has killed for both religious and political reasons. The French Revolution, as other revolutions have, ended with the heads of French aristocracy under the guillotine. The Crusades of the middle ages was a religious movement that ultimately ended with many deaths for non-christians.

Recently, archeologists have been finding more and more evidence that the Aztec Empire and its people practiced human sacrifice under the auspices of religion. As more archeological sites of the Aztecs are discovered and excavated, a clearer picture of some of their religious beliefs and practices is emerging, ultimately confirming that the Aztec Empire did practice human sacrifice regularly. In the latest news to come out of Aztec archeology, researchers have found that the Aztecs had a collection of human skulls that numbered in the thousands and they housed all these human skulls in a ceremonial type rack or altar, called the tzompantli, that was as big as a professional basketball court and several meters high.

No human life should ever be lost to political or religious beliefs, unfortunately we can not change the past but we can learn from it. Now there is no right or wrong answer to today's Question of the Day but rather it is an open ended question meant to stimulate thought and conversation in light of the recent Aztec archeological findings and how they relate to our past, present and future.

Which is worse, Chopping heads for religious purposes as in sacrificial offerings or rolling heads for social/political revolution such as the beheading or lynching of a king, dictator or political tyrant? And Why?

Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at 10.49.10 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at 11.07.58 PM.png
Here are a few screen shots of the work in progress as I make the artwork for this post

Here are a couple links to news stories regarding the Aztec sacrifices:
New Story 1
New Story 2

Full Steem Ahead!


How do you come up with this stuff :)) Chopping heads bro, wat?!?!

Okay, since I'm not a religious man you know what Ill pick... Hell, I don't wanna be a sacrifice one day.

Have a good one!

hehehe @kid4life and no I am no psycho....hahaha... I just read that article on a new discovery of a huge Aztec altar made out of human skulls that were chopped off as human sacrifice to "appease the God/s." Link

Hi @streetstyle, none of them in my opinion but could be more reasonable doing it by revolution because when there is revolution is because people is under a repression. Regards

Killing in any context is abarbaric act that violates every human being right to live. I may only accept killing of those who commited homicide not only as punishment but to make sure less killings would be commited later and this to be conducted by a fair and strict judicial system.

On the other hand, beheading people for religious considerations is far worse than for political ones because religious groups don’t kill only as a sacrifice but as punishment for what is considered by them worthy of killing like disbelieving, adultry, homosexuality. Moreover, at times of religious clashes members of each group coldly and wildly kill other groups’ members. The killing is done by anyone without even a trial. I red once that the largest number of wars and casualties throughout history is that of religious conflicts.

I agree that killing for religion is based on "faith" or the lack of it, but then again so is a revolution. Although when revolting, the oppressed are removing the source of that oppression, but yet that action is ultimately based on an idea or belief that life will be better after the revolution. So in the end it seems that both actions are based on faith or belief (or the lack of that faith or belief).

I don't believe that both are based on the same kind of faith, for not only the belief that life would be better after revolution doesn't necessarily incur killing. Moreover killing in religion is more of punishment and revenge even if a better life later doesn't require killing.

Well humans are the most important living life there is ti be in the world .The harm to any of us should not be there not in political or religious way.

After all both the things are for the human !

I think killing for both causes is worse.
All the religion teach you peace and humanitarian behaviour with your fellow humans. I say no to killing whether it be for political reasons or religious

hay algo peor y es cuando la politica se apoya en la religion para ganar seguidores

Gracias por su respuesta @adrianachenille

Hello friend in regards to a warm greeting and a fraternal hug, regarding your post I respond to your survey that today you left to your audience, I tell you that human life is one of the most important creations in the world, and none deserves the death of this way neither by religious question and much less political
Greetings thank you for sharing 🙈

Killing for a religious purpose or a political social purpose is in my eyes the same. It's all ideology.

Basically i only think people are allowed to kill if you have to defend yourself to a life threatening physical attack.


I was watching "Expedition Unknown" recently and they were uncovering many previously unknown preclassic Mayan megalithic structures, the interesting part was that the guy who is the lead archeologist on that project was also the consultant for Apocalypto, according to him pretty much everything in that movie is historically accurate.

The answer to your question depends on if you are on the chopping side or the side getting chopped.

Lucky for us we don't really have to be involved with that, we had a revolution yesterday when the Supreme Court chopped the head off the public unions which Jefferson warned were tyrannical.

Human sacrifice in religious context can even be found in the Bible (although God stopped Abe from going through with it). I imagine this is indicative that human sacrifice occurred even before Abe, but ended, or at least God made it be known that he was now against it with the story of Abe and Isaac.
Unfortunately in today's modern world, humans are sacrificed in other ways such as through war and even corporate greed. So heads might not be landing in guillotine baskets, but today millions suffer and are sacrificed due to the greater tyranny of greed for money and lust of power.

things have been trending in the right direction

This is a great stat, and shows that War is not a major cause for global suffering, but there are other issues such as starvation and humanitarian need.

“In February 2017,” he writes, “the Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWSNET) warned that the number of people in acute need of humanitarian assistance had risen to 70 million, up from 45 million in 2015, and that 20 million people in four countries -- Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen -- faced a ‘credible risk of famine’ during the year. This marked an alarming reversal of the positive trends of the previous 30 years.” Link and
Yet the world has "BILLIONAIRES," while "MILLIONS" are on the brink. I imagine maybe 5 or 10 of the world's richest could easily solve this problem and still maintain a lavish lifestyle. Granted it is a global problem that should not fall on a select few.

This is probably the greatest time in history.

A lot of billionaires are doing just that but mostly the remaining starvation is due to communism, political unrest and war keeping outside organizations from preventing starvation. American billionaires can't really help those who starve in N Korea for example.

Or maybe they can.


The reasons or motives to take the life of any person do not justify that it is a good action, since two bad actions do not add up to a good action ... defending an ideolagia is not the same as imposing it by force. I think both are unacceptable. ...

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