Daesh, Talibans, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, al-Nusra - do they really exist?

in #qatar7 years ago (edited)

As a matter of fact, the answer is no. At least if one compares to other religious movements like the Quakers, Kopts, Sufi and so on. The difference is of course that the jihadist movements were created by the Western powers to break down the existing status quo. Like a farmer who tills the land to change it from meadow to a field for growing corn. It's standard procedure. Let them tear each other apart and when they are done we'll step in and create our order.

The mother of all brands of jihadist movements is of course The Muslim Brotherhood, first created by the British to break down the status quo of the day like the Ottoman Empire. Then recreated after WWII to take down Egypt's Nasser and eventually create the Arab Spring. It's all been a scam to destroy and conquer.

Trump actually promised to change all this. I can't tell if he will manage to do this or not. But I'm leaning towards a scenario where he is deliberately confusing on the surface while working hard to destroy century old power patterns in the world. And he may even have Russia and China on board with this.

Whatever the media tells me about why Saudi Arabia and the other nations in the club severed ties to Qatar I think this is a direct result of Trump's visit lately. He told them game over. Really? What about the arms deal? That's for show. Like the the missiles missing the air field in Syria. For show. The arms deal was an old Obama deal and won't change anything.

Whatever the "truth" is on this, I like this scenario. There are two bloggers who think along these lines that I know of - Bix Weir and Thierry Meyssan. The rest, main stream and alternative media, are, chasing the rabbit - Trump is a buffoon with a very small brain. I think they are missing what's happening in front of their duped eyes.

I may be wrong, but what the heck...


I'm struggling between the options "don't feed the troll" or take your view seriously. Well, I think you really believe this. I'm muslim myself but lets be honest, claiming that these terroristic groups were created by west is just stupid. It's especially - and this leads your argumentation ad absurdum - the Saudi-led teachings of Salafism which strenghens islamistic terrorism. The politics against Iran show how aggressive especially Saudi Arabia is.

Don't get me wrong. The blame on western powers is that they bolster a phenomenon that already exists. Saudi Arabia itself is a creation by the West. Take away all support from the outside and Saudi Arabia would recede back into the state they once were. That The Muslim Brotherhood was created by the British is a pretty well established fact.

Johan Galtung, the Norwegian sociologist and peace researcher, predicted the present situation half a century ago. Islam would take the place of Communism as the primary enemy of the West. Here is a link to more on that:

What's new about Trump is that he actually challenged the New World Order in his pre-election promises. I've no idea what's going on behind the curtain but am convinced that a battle has started. It's a battle about fundamental ideas.

On one side we have all the Abrahamic religions and on the other the pre-abrahamic philosophies that have been suppressed the last 2000 years. If I am right we're in for a period with upheavals literally not seen in thousands of years.

The one vengeful god that has had the world in its hateful grip for millenia would be thrown out of the human world.

What do you say?

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