Reverse Remote Viewing for the Guardians

in #qanon6 years ago

I am in a viewing room which looks like a hi-tech unit set up to monitor one individual. I am viewing this secret and invasive monitoring and recording of an individual in a small room. It is unclear why this man is being monitored but the thoughts and words of the men include relating information about some strange things which have been recorded as happening to this man and also to things in his home.
I am then moved to the room where I can see out the window and there is a large owl like figure with shining eyes. The man is thinking "not again, why me?" with much more stress and anxiety coming through with those thoughts than can be expressed in words.

In 1951, a young boy in rural Georgia was visited and abducted by a group of alien visitors from an unknown dimension. That contact continued over several decades and resulted in the birth of more than sixty hybrid children... and one of the most remarkable stories in all of UFO lore.

Love in an Alien Purgatory is the startling pictorial account of David Huggins’ hidden life, as revealed in his own vivid and sometimes disturbing paintings. With commentary and text by UFO investigator Farah Yurdozu, David’s story takes the reader into a world between two dimensions: a purgatory of hope, sex, fear and, ultimately, love.

About the Author:

FARAH YURDOZU is a leading UFO researcher and author of several bestselling books. Fluent in Turkish, English, and Spanish, she is known on several continents as an authority on alien abductions, the paranormal, and the metaphysical. Farah, a resident of the New York City area, is a columnist for UFO Magazine, a journalist/ producer at Jerry Pippin Internet Radio, and a lecturer at UFO conferences worldwide.

This is a LARGE 8.5 by 11 inch trade paperback with 84 illustrations, most of which are in FULL COLOR.
Mature content.
I did not know who this person was, nor why I was needed to remote view for the Guardian - the Mantis being who has been a mentor and teacher for me since before I was born into this lifetime. Today I saw this man again and he is sharing his story with the world, Mr. David Huggins. Please take a few minutes to view the secureteam10 video about Mr. Huggins.

I do not ask for a destination to remote view or know when the subject of the experience is - the being remote viewing through me (reverse remote viewing, reading the thoughts of the viewer). -I am outbounder and I view the situation and beings which have included Mars, Moonbase, transport to Moon, ARC gate to Mars and the beings on those planets. I generally will not write about an individual such as Mr. Huggins unless his work or identity has propelled him to public figure. And, until today I did not know who Mr. Huggins was. It was so wonderful to see this short secureteam10 video and learn the identity of this man whom I have worried about for a year. Now, I know he is an experiencer, like me.

His story being made into a documentary may have been cause for concern, the Illuminati do not like the secrets revealed. The Guardians - "There are no secrets" Ascension Earth – Birth of a new Sun. Meet the Ancients The Power of Exile. Autism, a journey to recovery Autism, the Way Forward The Kingmakers

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