Why the political divide? Is there a peaceful end in sight?

in #qanon6 years ago


Has anyone noticed the psychological warfare going on over the past few years? First off you guys know I am a avid Q follower and "trust in the plan." With that being said, it seems that all sides are victims of psychological warfare. Now please do not delete this post saying it doesn't fit the purpose of this subreddit.

After analyzing the past few years cycles and trends, I have noticed a disturbing pattern. There has been a constant stream of ups and downs for both the so called right and left.

The left side has a belief system that they are fighting for equal rights for everyone and that Trump is going to institute a new Nazi regime that will eradicate all people but Caucasians. I won't even comment on the irony of them wanting to protect the country from a Nazi like dictator, while openly promoting a Socialist doctrine.

The right side (Qanon, Trump supporters, Patriots, the side I firmly believe in) see the corruption and evil that is trying to take over, and believe if they succeed we will fall to an evil and corruption world govt.

I only give this explanation to show that both sides believe they are attempting to save our country from evil. Only one side is founded in logic and the other is based in false hype, media spin, and intentional educational dumbing down. When someone has a political ideology as a belief system, then they much more closed off to facts and logic.

Know your enemy and yourself, and you shall win a hundred battles without loss.”- Sun Tzu.

The trends I am seeing is that for the past few years, both sides are constantly going through ups and downs. The left will get news that their side is winning and will defeat what they believe is evil, and the next week they are hit with news that their percieved evil (right wing, Nazi, whatever Boogeyman they feel is attacking) is going to win. The right will have news one week favoring their side, which reinforce the belief that justice and truth will prevail. The next week they are hit with an onsluaght of attacks that almost seem like the evil may prevail.

Example is last week we have the Trump's rallies, Mueller's investigation stalling with Manafort, freeing of Tommy Robinson, and the public statement about Q. This week we are hit with attacks about Q, social media blatantly banning free speech under the guise of hate speech, and now Tommy Robinson is learning he has to back to prison.

Some would say this is just politics and the back and forth they do. I think it is something different. I try to be in constant check with my emotions so I know why I am feeling the way I do. What I have noticed is that my mood is overall affected by what is going on with politics. Moreso than any other factor in my life. No other factor like my family, my job, or my personal life; plays as big of a role in my mood as what happens in the political realm.

So these ups and downs in short bursts are not unmanageable, but happens when they are continuously being assaulted. I know from reading posts when I joined this subreddit, I was much calmer when these cycles came around. Now when the assaults come around, I feel my blood pressure skyrocket. I feel an anger in my bones that makes me want to attack these people for what they are doing to my country. These emotions flare up in general conversation with people who regurgitate MSM propoganda. (Which is very unlike me)

With all these Revelations in mind I began to wonder how the other side was reacting to this constant up and down roller coaster? You only have to go back a few years to see how the anti-trump rhetoric has caused the Dems to completely reveal what their party is promoting. The remaining Democrats are OK with what their party is becoming as long as they defeat Trump. It has gotten so bad that they are attacking Conservatives.

I think we are purposefully being ramped up to fight. The ups and downs leave us on edge and frustrated. That frustration turns to anger, which then turns to rage. I am sure I am not the only one who has been 100% sure that the next day was going to reveal the corruption we have been trying to show our loved ones for years, only to tragically let down. Do you not think the left has felt the same feeling?

I am in no way saying that Qanon is doing this or that our side is manipulating us, but from my perspective this can only end bad and bloody. Both sides have been indoctrinated in their beliefs by constant victories and defeats. Ask yourself this question: what would it take to convince you that Trump is really a bad guy who is trying to send our country in a bad direction and actually colluded with the Russians? If your like me, it is impossible to imagine anything that would show you different from you already believe. Do you not think the left has this same logic? Even if all of the documents are unredacted and blatant proof of what Obama did come out, I don't think they will believe it. Both sides are stuck in their "belief" system. When your beliefs are attacked, you feel like someone is attacking who you are as a person which causes a person to go into a defensive attack.

With that very lengthy explanation, I have to say that I have a hard time believing this does not end up with fighting in the streets. If the left wins the midterms, the right will fight. Do you not think the left will do the same if the right wins?

Try to keep the up and downs in mind when they are occurring. When you feel as if you are being attacked turn off the news for a bit and just know that next week, your side will be back on top. The people we are fighting against on the left are our brothers and sisters. Even though they are sadly misguided, they have a belief system that when challenged will cause them to react. There is little chance of converting them, only the chance of reinforcing their beliefs.

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