Q The LARP Carp

in #qanon6 years ago

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We want to express our sincerest thanks to Jeff Rense and his team for their invaluable support. If this topic interests you, please keep an eye on the Rense Radio Network for exclusive content and updates as we ferret out the Q.

Q.jpgPrevious posts:

Deep Throat v, Q

Q The Conspiracy - A Phenomenon

The Gospel According To Q

A-Marketing We Will Q

The Name Of The Q

At this point in the exploration of Q, it seems in order to step back and look at where we are and what reactions have been triggered by our series on Q. There has been a lot of information put forth in our articles on the Q Phenomenon and folks need a little time to digest it all, because it gets a lot more complicated from here.

I have to say the vast majority of reactions have been negative, which is to be expected. Those who have fallen under the Q Spell will react emotionally - usually in anger - at having their faith questioned, much as religious fanatics do.

These emotional tirades expose two main issues, 1) the poor state of American education, with folks unable to respond to a rational argument with a rational rebuttal; 2) the amazing loyalty which Q has engendered in only nine months.

Back in the old days, we learned the Trivium - grammar, logic, rhetoric - that allowed us to examine a rational argument, analyze its internal logic, and respond in an equally rational and logical way. It is a form of discourse buried deep in the Western cultural tradition that dates back to Aristotle and Plato. Unfortunately, US "education" (i.e. schooling) is too focused on wrapping bananas with condoms to teach such fundamental skills as these.

The second issue is practically a proof of Q's effectiveness in itself. The speed with which Q has built up a radically loyal, unquestioning fanbase is phenomenal in every sense of the word. Q's first post was on 28 October 2017, at 2:34p EST, and it is now the end of July 2018, as I write this. This is an extraordinary success rate that would be the envy of any advertising agency spending millions in development costs and media buys, and Q has done it all completely free, at least in so far as we can see on this side of the veil.

One major criticism I have received is that I do not actually READ Q's drops. Au contraire mon ami, I am not prone to sticking my neck out without some amount of protection in the form of in-depth research.

I could not criticize what I did not know and understand. I have read all of the Q Drops (droppings?) and a fair bit of the "apostolic interpretations," and not a small amount of YouTube posts, as well. As an example, let's take a look at Q's very first posts (on 4chan at that time):

"Anonymous ID: gb953qGI No.147005381 📁

"Oct 28 2017 14:33:50 (EST)


"Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.


"HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities."

Perhaps I was asleep that day, but I just don't recall "HRC" being arrested on the morning of 30 October 2017, nor do I recall her movements being restricted any time in the past nine months. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Ignoring the grammatical mistake in the first sentence for the moment, it would seem that Q is not as omniscient and all-powerful as we have been led to believe. The Q-vians (as we call them around here) ignore this bit and, in true irrational fashion, select only those bits that serve to confirm their pre-existing beliefs and desires.

Classic reflexive mind control manipulation.

In fact, it is a central part of Q Lore now that grammatical and spelling errors are part of the Q Code. The mistakes can be assembled into coherent words and phrases with additional layers of meaning. If they can't, then some element is still missing, and the Q-vians must wait for future mistakes to complete the puzzle. Self-fulfilling prophesy and protective projections that preserve the myth over fact.

When there are factual errors, such as the Q Drop cited above, then this is rationalized as a communique to the Black Hats designed to elicit some reaction that will trip them up.

This is classic "operational correction," where mistakes are re-purposed to be part of The Plan. One might even give a wink and a nod here and call it good enough for government work. This is often seen in Indonesian staircases, where the rise/run calculation was incorrect and one of the steps ends up being 2 inches tall. Oh well, lock it in and move on.

Another common criticism, not just of my articles but anyone criticizing Q, is that Q is not a LARP. For those of us not in the know, a LARP means "live action role play." It arose in the late 1970s, when Dungeons and Dragons fans started acting out their games in the real world. More recently, the Pokemon fad was a classic LARP, combining fiction with reality.

Never mind that I have assiduously avoided the term LARP in my criticisms, this MUST be my intent, according to the critics. This is a classic Straw Man argument. Create an artificial target and attack it, appearing to tear down the actual argument at hand.

For the record, I do not think Q is a LARP, but I do think some of the Q-vians believe it is and act accordingly.

The Straw Man fallacy is often used when the opposing argument is too weak to confront the other side's assertions directly, so an alternative target is set up that sounds in keeping with the debate, then it is torn down in an attempt to claim victory. Obviously, these poor folks are victims of American "education".

For the most part, the commentary on my arguments has been little more than expletive-filled rants that address none of the issues I have raised. This is typical of what passes for rebuttal on the internet these days. The sadly underdeveloped minds have few, if any, tools with which to fight back, and so angry monosyllabic tirades are all they can muster in their defense. I have posted them all at the risk of offending more erudite critics for the purpose of displaying the caliber of mind Q attracts.

This is not an insult to anyone, but rather a demonstration of some of the points I am trying to make in this series. Q appeals to its audience at an emotional level, by-passing the rational mind and going straight to the sub-conscious. This is a key feature that I find alarming about the whole thing.

Another criticism is that I am anti-Q, yet when I reread my articles, it seems that I have taken a primarily neutral-to-skeptical approach, with a bit of tongue-in-cheek sarcasm, which I tend to level at pretty much anything in the public domain. I have never said don't follow Q. I have only presented cautionary arguments to hopefully inoculate the reader against a very potent psy-op. Often, being aware of how a psy-op works is a big step toward not falling prey to it unawares.

This is precisely the reason why no one will go to the movies with me anymore. I take all the fun out of it.

As I have stated several times, I find Q fascinating on a purely professional level. The mastery with which it has been planned and executed - the subtle emotional triggers, the message of hope/salvation, the allure of finally achieving justice - are powerful messages and motivators, especially in a world long devoid of such things.

Nor am I immune to Q myself. I first gained notice of Q because the message was appealing. I wanted it to be true and projected my desire onto Q. Being experienced in and aware of the power of the media is not a cure-all. However, there are two quotes that help me, and perhaps might help the reader:

"The world is in a constant conspiracy against the brave. It's the age-old struggle: the roar of the crowd on the one side, and the voice of your conscience on the other." - Douglas McArthur

The other is even more powerful:

"If you follow the crowd, you will get no further than the crowd." - Mark Twain

These two quotes are, for me, important reality checks. If I find myself lured by sweet-sounding words, I rehearse these quotes like mantras until I snap out of the spell.

In all honesty, I am not sure about Q. I have thought about all of this for months. These series of articles have been stewing in my brain for some time and are the actual arguments I give to myself, wondering if this Q is for real or a malevolent force with destructive goals. I am constantly flipping back on forth on this issue.

One thing that keeps me on the skeptical side of the argument is the quality (or lack thereof) of responses to anything perceived as negative regarding Q. That is a major red flag to my way of thinking. If Q-vians cannot muster rational arguments in their favor, then they are not thinking rationally and others should be wary.

I do not purport to have all the answers. I am observing a phenomenon, examining the evidence, formulating tests, and seeking the truth. If Q is good, then it will withstand assault by critical inquiry. If Q is bad, then it will become obvious at some level of inquiry. In either case, it is the inquiry that is vital. It is a fairly simple concept that happens to take a lot of effort, which is why few folks do it.

Until now, Q has remained a fairly obscure phenomenon among the digerati, creeping like an undiagnosed cancer across the internet's underbelly. If the current pace keeps up, it will soon explode onto the general culture and we must be prepared for the secondary wave of Q-vians to come.

Second waves are always more worrisome, because the emotional response is even further removed from the initial impulse, and thus are more fanatical.

Jeff Rense and several other critical thinkers that I value have encouraged me to pursue this line of inquiry, because frankly no one else seems to be doing it. Either they are repulsed by the general response to Q skepticism, or they are deeply divided on what to think of Q themselves.

I think it is imperative to examine what is a rapidly growing cultural phenomenon and provide what insights I can muster. It is my hope that some number of folks will find this valuable and think twice before diving in. I do not counsel any course but caution when approaching Q. It is a powerful force, and one from which we are still teasing out motives from behind the veil.

Interestingly, to reveal what is hidden behind the veil is the precise literal meaning of apocalypse.

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