
Bourdain and Spade killed themselves because of their connections to the criminal cabal. Trump is enforcing the law just like we PAY HIM to do. Oh ... wait a minute ... he isn't collecting on that $400k salary ... why not?

The truth is that Trump is slowly dismantling a criminal cabal which has its own people in the top spots in most countries; hence the media and leftist histrionics.

Word to the herd... we will collectively be shifting directions soon.

And do you see any evidence that the Deep Swamp is any less self-serving than the "Deep State". It's all a big distraction as the bums in the seats change but the game is the same. The only thing that will change is more and more debt which as soon as Republicans are out again they will scream bloody murder and claim is the worst thing ever. Neither party will do anything about corporate control of America by the wealthy elite, it serves them too well. Donald could give a flying fuck about Americans beyond their ability to keep him in power long enough to pump a few more billion of debt-financed wealth into Trump Inc.

We were already at almost full employment before Trump arrived, we have $1.5T more debt obligations now, real wages of the majority continue to decline against costs of living, our privacy rights have been rapped by bills passed with Donald's gleeful scrawl on them, most of the AC Carrier employees got laid off anyway and he did fuck all to stop that in the end, and far from being united America is more divided than ever. Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure most of his base couldn't find North Korea on a map if they tried and from his early comments it was pretty clear 45 had little idea where it was when he started.

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