The FBI Coup Against Democracy

in #qanon6 years ago

Here's an extract from two key FBI agents who abused their positions to try and thwart Democratic elections.

FBI deep state.png

And here's another conversation. Pay attention to the end to see what the FBI think of people who don't love Hillary.

fbi transcript.png

Now you know why you need a revolution....


Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Treason and Sedition
Our Purpose

Comey and Loretta Lynch could not attribute malicious intent to Hillary over her email server because everyone in the Obama administration was using personal email to avoid FOIA requests. They were ALL destroying government records and they thought that they were doing it for the greater good. The whole group of them do not believe in the American Constitution or the American way of life with all of its freedoms. They wanted Communism and they believed in it and didn't think that breaking the law was a problem. They are not just corrupt on the surface. They are corrupt to the very core of their beings.

N.B. "Intent" does not have to be proved to be prosecuted and sentenced for breaking laws regarding classified documents. Comey and Lynch and Obama just pretended that "intent" was an issue to keep Hillary and themselves from being held accountable.

While the FBI is clearly a criminal gang, so is the CIA the NSA, the Republican and Democratic Party.
But the reality is Hillary was funded hugly by George Soros, who by the way Trump owes millions for the Trump towers Chicago.
Hillary is also close friends with Lynn Rothschild, and in the 90s when Trump declared banckruptsy who came to his rescue, bringing him into the "legal" casino buisness? the Rothschilds, only 1 family in the world is trillionairs, the Rothschilds, and they have over 500 trillion.
please learn how they becaume that rich, and how the wars we fight strangly line up exactly with their plans. the real reason we need a revolution.

My point, they fund both sides, we lost either way.

also chelsey clintion in married to gerorge soros's son
Plus Clinton and Trump are cousins!
have a great day!

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