Hillary and Huma video? Try the Experiment?

in #qanon6 years ago (edited)

There is a video I promise click and see.

Is this the video you shouldnt watch the one with Hillary and Huma wearing childrens faces? There are Secrets in everything or just the Power of Suggestion.
But the drip from the brains oxytocin or dopamine is connected to frazzel [drip] and how we recieve info from news or anyway we get our information.
Youtube Version below explains why I did this experiment or click baiting. There is a method to all this maddness.

More about the brain i got from Mark Passio and his research on brain imbalances and mind control.
Researching is key.

And when Bill Maher makes fun of America he will hide it by making valid points about kids. True but still loosening us up for the kill shot, a joke about how dumb Americans are. Watch it and see.

Look at Petersons face.

This is a messge from the bible I like to share because some are not here to help.
"For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."
Matthew 24:24
This was an experiment and if people watched thinking it was that video, my experiment worked.
Thanks for the support and the science of chemicals in the brain matter.
God Bless.


▶️ DTube

I gave you an upvote
Hope you'll return me a favor./
Have a good day

I did. Do they teach flat earth in Nepal?

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