The Khazar Deep State, Q-Anon Psychological Operation, To Fool The World - Part 1

in #qanon6 years ago (edited)

The Khazar, (Talmudic Jews) Rothschild/BritishRoyals/Vatican/Chabad, run Deep State are currently conducting a huge Psy-Op, called Q-Anon. The main objective of this Psychological Operation Is to convince the US public & the masses to be-lie-ve that the NWO has been taken down. In this article I will show why I'm convinced that Q Is a Psy-Op and the story they will eventually spin to attempt to deceive the people.


All the while this charade Is going on with so many people caught up In the crimes of the previous administration, the Trump Administration has allowed the 5G Satanic network to roll out. This technology Is a weaponized technology which will be used to keep the Talmudic Jews materialistic debt based system & their satanic agenda going. The plan Is complete control over the masses & the Introduction of a digital one world currency, social crediting system to finally attempt to bring In their AI hive mind agenda. This 5G tech Is a mm microwave weapon for control & depopulation, the same tech that was used on the Iraqi soldiers In 2003, It puts out such high levels of micro watts that It Is many hundreds of thousands above safe levels with levels In excess of a million micro watts.

Q Anon Main Objective:

The objective of this Psy-op Is to pass criminals like the Bush's, Clinton's & Soros, as masterminds to protect the Talmudic Jew, Rothschild/Royal/Chabad, mafia at the top of this power structure. They will literally throw these criminal stooges under the bus to protect the greater agenda, I also see signs that the Talmudic Jesuits & the Vatican may also be sacrificed & this would convince many truthers who have been tricked by conspiracy disinformation to be-lie-ve all roads lead to Rome.


I'm convinced since at least WWII the Vatican has been controlled by the Khazar Talmudic Jews Rothschilds/British Royals/Chabad. The Khazar Rothschild's & British Royals were the demons that Illegally created the demonic state of Is-ra-el In 1948, where they placed their Satanic star of Saturn on the Is-ra-el flag. The same star that has six points, six mini triangles and a six sided Hexagon within. These Talmudic Jews are also behind the BBC & NASA and the whole Outer Space Psy-Op deception. The whole Idea of Outer Space Is Satanic and based on the Kabbalah & Jewish Mysticism. The zohar said two thousand years ago: "That the whole world rolls around like a ball so that some people are above and some are below." It's all Saturn worship and the planet Saturn Is the lord of the rings, the father of lies, the god of time & space & this Is where the freemasonic Idea of Space/Time comes from. The Q Psy-Op Is a very small Psycholgical Operation compared to the massive lies most people be-lie-ve In.

The el-ites clearly wanted Hillary Clinton as president, but In the end had to put Trump In to keep control of the military & ultimately keep the Shadow Government In power. How anyone at this point doesn't realize that these Khazars & the Deep State control the central tabulating voting machines Is beyond be-lie-f. Presidents are selected not elected, they are puppets for the Khazar Jewish el-ite. Votes aren't counted as complete votes, they go In as fractions, so via the central tabulating machine and with the movement of a decimal point they can manipulate the votes to show whatever they want. Also since Trump has been In office we have seen multiple Deep State False Flags & them going after the guns, we have also recently seen Trump going along with the UN Gun Disarmament Agenda to take the US peoples guns. Please see these excellent videos below by Wardo Rants that show what Is actually being Implemented.

israel 2.jpeg

So Trump Is continuing the Khazars, Oded Yinnon Gretaer Israel Plan and pushing war with Iran as many US truthers are wasting their time following the Q Psy-Op, all the while the Satanic Agenda and the control grid continues to roll out.

Q Anon Methods/Disinformation:

The Deep State Q Psychological Operation Is a very sophisticated form of non linear warfare to fool the masses, It mixes lies with truth, just like all the other Jewish Propaganda does. The majority of the truth put out Is about the previous administration and the corruption of the Democrats, this Is how they have convinced so many people to be-lie-ve that the NWO will be brought down. Well I've got news for you truthers who have been fooled by this now obvious Q Psy-Op. It Is not going to be that easy but be sure we will win this fight eventually If enough people realize that the criminals are still In power at the end of this. It's just going to take more than blogging online, but we truthers and freedom fighters will win In the end, but It Is very important that the majority of truthers realize whats taking place and don't be duped In to thinking were free. Only when the real Khazar mafia & their criminal racketeering governments are taken down will we be free.

The Khazar, Ashke-nazi, Jewish Bankers, Rothschilds/Warburgs & their controlled al-lied governments won WWII not the National Socialists. What I see when looking at the Q drops Is how It attempts to link the Democrats with National Socialist Germany & the Vatican. As this Psy-op has been taking place we also have False Flag shootings and crisis actors like David Hogg doing the Aryan Salute, obviously he has been told to do this which again connects the Democrats with National Socialist Germany. The Ideologies of the Communist Democrats & National Socialist Germany are In reality diametrically opposed, the Germans during WWII actually fought against Communism aswell as outlawing Usury Debt Based Jewish Capitalism.

"Capitalism & Communism are two ends of the same Jewish stick." - Adolf Hitler

The Deep State Q Psy-Op will most likely use Operation Paperclip & the German Scientists that worked for the US as a vehicle to state that the Bush's & Nazis have controlled the US for the last forty, fifty years. When In reality the evil Bush's are mere puppets carrying out the agenda of the Talmudic Jewish Banking Cabal, Shadow Government. There has been massive amounts of disinformation put out about National Socialist Germany which starts with the word nazi, which comes from Ashke-nazi, & Is a derogatory term used by the al-lies. The Germans only ever referred to themselves as National Socialists & the Reich and nothing more. Scientists like the great Wernher Von Braun, didn't have much choice but to work for the US, It was a choice between that or execution. Wernher Von Braun actually told the truth before he passed away and told Carol Rosin of the lies that were being told & the real agenda.

Let me state again the Rothschild's & the British Royals/Chabad via Israel control America, they own the FED, control the US Government Corporation & also control the Senate & Congress which Is full of Dual Israeli Nationals.

This Is Part One of a Two part Article, In part two I will explain more about the lies being told by many alternative media shills like Alex Jones & Robert David Steele both who are experts at mixing truth with lies & both who are part of the system. They both are mixing In lies about World War II & along with other shills are perpetuating false history mixing truth with lies to deceive the masses.

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