
"acting like" you surely have sources for your accusations, dontcha?

Trust the Plan

Sure, my sources are practically everything the NYT, WaPo and CNN and the like puts out. You haven't noticed that more than 90% of their coverage has a negative bias against the president?

You may recall the old adage 'any publicity is good publicity.'

Also, the Hegelian dialectic requires opposition - controlled opposition. It is the basis of the two party system, both being wings of the same bird. I kinda prefer to think of them as both cheeks of the same butt, though.

I remember during Ron Paul's candidacy that he was given very little publicity, not even negative, and expect real enemies of the NYT to be ignored to death, not vilified.

You may recall the old adage 'any publicity is good publicity.'

A chapter of Donald Trump's book deals with that topic. And then he demonstrated the power of bad publicity.

What's interesting now is that we have a guy who both parties hate, have you noticed that John McCain seems to be reading the same talking points as the Democrats? If they are the cheeks Trump is the asshole in the middle who doesn't give a shit!

Rand just came out pointing out how the coverage of Trump is absurd and unfair.

I do exclude the Pauls from my expectations of politicians, father and son. I know less of Rand than his father, but have high regard for Ron, despite our disagreements. I am confident that Ron has more integrity than did the rest of Congress prior to his retirement.

RINOs like McCain are greatly disappointing.

I would point out Trump's candidacy was successful due to the engineering of Mossad, and entities like Psygroup. Bibi used to stay with the Kushners in NY, and he'd take Jared's bed when he did.

Trump is not outside. He's utterly dependent on Ziocons, and the over representation of Goldman Sachs in his cabinet is proof. Wilbur Ross is a known Rothschild agent, and has a long history with the Donald.

Q is definitely a psyop, prolly Psygroup, Black Cube, or some similar group. The push to war in ME is but continuing the deep state policy of Obama, Bush, and what HRC would have done.

Mossad is not really shit in its influence on our elections compared to all of the MSM working in unison. Trump was supposed to be a patsy, the one man so vile that Hillary could defeat him. They had a tape of him saying rude things about women, it should have been a cakewalk. I felt like at the time something was afoot because the coverage was so bizarre and it was clear that the MSM was in the tank for Trump in the primary season. I thought Hillary and Trump were in cahoots until i read the pied piper email that explained it all perfectly. Have you read the pied piper email?

There is no doubt that Trump is much better for the Israelis than Hillary would have been, for them his winning was a matter of life or death.

the over representation of Goldman Sachs in his cabinet is proof of nothing, there is not conclusion you can draw from that. Someone having once worked there does not make them some sort of magic wizard for life with the power to control the president.
Trump has a long history with Don King too, who is he an agent for?
Q is either Donald Trump acting as his own PR guy using another name, as he always has, or some kids in their basement whose tweets or whatever Trump sometimes reads.

I think you dramatically misunderstand the MSM. They aren't separate from Mossad. The intelligence agencies, Mossad premier amongst them, essentially are the MSM.

The intelligence agencies are also many opposition and affiliates. The Hegelian dialectic is a pretty fair explanation of what they do, creating two opposing camps and engineering a choice between them for the plebs (us). It works extremely well, as people are prone to human nature, and need to be members of appropriate social groups, such as Demoblicans or Republicrats, and then defend them against all reason.

Surely you know this about us.

There's a lot more to it, panoptic surveillance, taxes, on and on, but essentially my point is that the MSM is both sides of a false dichotomy, and people largely get roped into one side or the other, and that is how the Hegelian Dialectic works. Mossad is at the top of the influence heap, not negligible. Goldman Sachs is one of the key mechanisms employed to manipulate finance, war, and various rapine economic endeavors. Their possession of 5 cabinet positions demonstrates the Donald's participation in such deep state mechanisms.

Feel free to disagree. I'd be disappointed if you didn't!

Well, if Mossad is the MSM then they seem quite dismayed at Trumps election, the MSM clearly hates Trump and is working overtime to delegitimize him in every way they can.

Goldman Sachs is a really large and prominent institution, all the top people in banking are going to work there at some point in their career, how much control do your former employers have over you?

Goldman, the actual bank and not former employees, used to just give Hillary hundreds of thousands of dollars for nothing, she had an office in one of their buildings, she was the one they really wanted. Like anyone who wants to make sure they win, of course they bet on both sides whenever possible.

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