The "Q" phenomena. What is Q? The outline of Q anon and it's impact on society.
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The QAnon Expansion of Consciousness Phenomenon
PictureDevelop the intuition to awaken to the lies
QAnon the on line phenomenon which delivers a treasure trove of hidden information, alleged by various sources as working in close conjunction with the President of the US, is sweeping the internet and thus increasing the consciousness of humanity in the process. To find QAnon there are multiple websites, social media, you tube channels et al that one can locate and investigate information and begin to absorb what the coded words actually mean. Since there is no shortage of opinions, and people for the most part are somewhat awake following QAnon; the possibility exists that certain hosts or their guests may be very clever trolls, which can thus result in original information being distorted, and therefore not conveyed as originally intended.
In these apocalyptic times, which is really the lifting of the veil to reveal hidden knowledge to humanity, reporting true and not scripted news is very important. One must look past just regurgitating what is being offered at all mainstream and select alternative news sites because they were set up in advance years ago since the deep state are professionals propagating misinformation. Nonetheless many individuals with good intentions have been conditioned to trust some of the more popular alternative news sites, which makes it even more imperative to operate through discernment and not allow emotions or ego to paint an inaccurate picture before one buys into what the snake oil salesmen are pitching.
One must remind themselves since the veil is being lifted to expose the dark controllers of the planet, do you think they mind? Of course they do, and they will fight back with every ounce of deception that brought them to power in the first place, and that includes interviews with unsubstantiated people to skew the message Q and others are sending.
With 'eyes' everywhere, the deep state are many steps ahead, but that does not mean they will be victorious, because technology has it's limitations
Eventually the very savvy few which pollute good alternative news sites with their clever troll versions, will be seen for the two-faced misinformation agents they are
Discernment is an intuition driven mechanism that enables the user to tap into universal mind, it is separate from the intellect. This is accomplished by opening a connection to their higher self and thus being able to get the inside information on whether something is fact or fiction. This skill becomes more fine-tuned through meditation, affirmations, prayer and energy work which allow the act of discerning to be sharp and accurate. Universal mind is the stream of information that is considered past, present and future, as everything has already been done, just not necessarily in this reality; therefore to be able to tap into this information allows one to search on the right subjects to confirm their hunch.
While the majority of the population, according to the propaganda machine called the mainstream media, still wishes (DT) to not be the president and instead desires that (HRC) would have won in 2016; the goal here is to wake them up. In the movie the Matrix, the red pill defines going down the rabbit hole, seeking information hidden on purpose to keep the masses obedient; ( and thus showing the people just how the truth has been distorted contrary to pre-programmed belief sets. Humanity is at this stage right now, as some pretty disturbing facts regarding the deep state are about to be released for public consumption.
Once this information eventually makes it into the public domain, it does not minimize the importance of QAnon. It is because of Q, that individuals are putting down their computer games, watching less TV, wasting less time, and starting to critically and intuitively think again, exactly the polar opposite of what the deep state wants! In fact the establishment has spent much of their energy, rituals and power to convince mankind they are weak and in need of a savior.
The video games have become so realistic it's easy to become absorbed and lost in reality, yet the QAnon phenomenon is getting people to move away from this to investigative, intuitive and critical thinking again therefore helping to bust the brainwashing cycle
Yet some people, no matter where they are - even if it's on a beach - cannot pull themselves off the boob tube. These are the next ones that are required to awaken and they better hurry as the real plight of what the deep state does to people will shock them to their core
Notwithstanding, the possibility exists that this approach is a template which has been used before, possibly on other planets because it is working so well. This development is happening to assist with the awakening process and create a softer emotional landing when disclosure breaks, suggesting that mankind is closer to the truth regarding many subjects than previously thought.
The QAnon approach is one which gets folks to research subjects for themselves, expanding the consciousness of the individual and thus revealing hidden truths before they become public. Depending on the extent of their new found knowledge and motivational level, this allows these people to become a conduit of information for folks through the channel they so choose. Regardless, it's important to use one's intuition to look at ALL relevant information on the internet, and other resources such as books, because one cannot get to this stage by simply following just QAnon. In other words cross reference everything to get the true picture.
In this day in age, that usually means social media plays a large role. In addition, individuals can and do create YouTube channels, websites, bulletin boards, converse on Twitter, Facebook or the like to spread the information. This is happening in spades, but the deep state has technology to combat this, plus up until recently when CEO’s of major corporations were resigning (, they would place algorithms to divert the true information from being found. These World Wide Web consciousness police routines are still in place, but because of the changing of the guard in the oval office, perhaps they will be altered to actually make the internet a place where true information can be searched on and displayed correctly. The way it currently works is pay for play, meaning a person, group or corporation, that pays top dollar will have their search results shown first.
Recently, as an example, many people following Q and reporting on them may have jumped to conclusions regarding an anonymous caller that claimed to be an insider. The CEO of the company called Tesla (EM) has already revealed his true intentions towards the President (DT) of the Unites States (corporation) by being part of a group of deep state operatives which conspired against him before the election to prevent him from winning: ( Therefore unless he was offered a godfather deal (your signature or your brains), it’s highly doubtful the launch of the Space X rocket was anything that benefits the united states for America (republic); this is likely one of the many reasons the launch failed .
One must keep in mind that deception is running rampant right now; consequently it’s important not to report too quickly that (EM) is a patriot because some guy on a popular alternative show says he is. The consequences of repeating this information is exactly what the deep state wants, because it slows down the expansion of consciousness because it creates confusion. Keep in mind, people claiming to be anonymous cannot be validated, and instead are being utilized by the deep state to slow down the awakening process. Having said that, humor can be found in almost any situation if it’s warranted, and because of the times we are in, this is justified.
The deep state locks down their secrets to misdirect mass consciousness
Some hosts may be compromised and therefore are used to confuse
That being said, the purposes of repeating some of this information by what Q calls patriots is good, however more critical thinking, research and especially discernment is required before revealing the material
Wikipedia Source:
A Q Clearance (or Q-type clearance) is a United States Department of Energy (DOE) security clearance that is roughly comparable to a United States Department of Defense Top Secret clearance with Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Access (TS-SCI). It is the most permissive clearance granted by the United States Government, acting as the sole means of access to the vast compartmentalizations Top Secret and Secret Restricted Data, and DOE "security" areas.
Anyone possessing an active Q clearance is always categorized as holding a National Security Critical-Sensitive position (sensitivity Level 3).[1] Additionally, most Q-cleared incumbents will have collateral responsibilities designating them as Level 4: National Security Special-Sensitive personnel.[2] With these two designations standing as the highest-risk sensitivity levels, occupants of these positions hold extraordinary accountability, harnessing the potential to cause exceptionally grave or inestimable damage to the national security of the United States.
Access authorizations based on clearance level
In addition to classification levels, three categories of classified matter are identified: Restricted Data (RD), Formerly Restricted Data (FRD), and National Security Information (NSI). The employee must have a security level clearance consistent with his/her assignment. Common combinations are reflected in the table on the right.
The Department of Energy security clearance required to access Top Secret Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information, as well as Secret Restricted Data, is a Q Clearance. The lower-level L clearance is sufficient for access to Secret Formerly Restricted Data and National Security Information, as well as Confidential Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information.[3] In practice, access to Restricted Data is granted, on a need-to-know basis, to personnel with appropriate clearances.
Much of the DOE information at this level requires access to Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information (CNWDI, pronounced "SIN-widee").[4] Such information bears the page marking TOP SECRET//RD-CNWDI and the paragraph marking (TS-N). The DOE security clearance process is overseen by the Department of Energy Office of Hearings and Appeals.
DOE clearances apply for access specifically relating to atomic or nuclear related materials ("Restricted Data" under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954). The clearance is issued predominantly to non-military personnel. In 1946 U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps Major William L. Uanna, in his capacity as the first Chief of the Central Personnel Clearance Office at the newly formed Atomic Energy Commission, named and established the criteria for the Q Clearance.[5] The security clearance process at the DOE is adjudicated by the DOE Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA) where an individual whose security clearance is at issue may seek to appeal a security clearance decision to an administrative judge and subsequently to an Appeal Panel.[6]
As of 1993, Q Clearances required a single-scope background investigation of the previous ten years of the applicant's life by both the Office of Personnel Management and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and as of 1998 cost $3,225.
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