Afternoon Thoughts of a Q Reader Continued....Sky Event Solved.

in #qanon6 years ago

Q post 1182 decoded

If you read my Evening Thoughts from a week ago, then you have the decode of post 1182. Let us all look at what needs to be done here. Donald Trump's administration will have to reveal high treason for an international group of persons, some of them may even be ex presidents or leaders of their respective countries, and reveal it in a way so as to have maximum impact. Q has said that if we connect the Executive orders we will see the how, not the when. Q along with Donald Trump are laughing it up because folks are decoding "Sky Event" as one of several odd things such as UFO disclosure or Death Rays from outer space satellites, or even the Syrian missile strikes. It is none of those things. It is the When. So if we know the how and the when then all that is necessary is the who?

This brings me to our resident bad guy. Special Council Mueller. Lets look at this guy. Many months ago, some thought he might be a white hat. Why? He was an ex Marine. From Wikipedia: "A graduate of Princeton University, Mueller served as a Marine Corps officer during the Vietnam War, receiving the Bronze Star Medal with Combat "V" for heroism and the Purple Heart Medal." and just as important "He had previously served as acting deputy attorney general of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) for several months before officially becoming the FBI director on September 4, 2001, just one week before the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center."

If you were planning an inside job of a 9-11 attack you may want the FBI in transition to help the bad guys get away. If you were the US Military, embarrassed by the 9-11 attack then you might look to Mueller as an ally in bringing the highest officials in our government accountable. That "Combat V" on his Bronze Star makes me think he became an inside plant after the 9-11 debacle. So Let me say he may be a white hat here. Who goes down for Uranium One? Hillary. When was 9-11 planned? During the Clinton administration. What branch of the military was most likely a participant? The Air Force? Just surmising.... By throwing in during the 9-11 investigation Mueller was compromised but he may have already have been approached by the military looking to bring high treason charges against ex and current presidents.

Can you imagine the military coup plotters dilemma? Not only must they seek justice, but they have to unravel a worldwide cabal in the process. Explains why this has taken 17 years, doesn't it? Now they have their President. The moment is at hand. What day of the year has been least impacted by our leftwing teacher's brainwashing? What day will have the most impact mentally if Treason is revealed? What day of the year is a "Sky Event?" Pause while everyone hits their forehead with the palm of their hand. July 4th.

What fears do we now have? The bad guys know this too. What is one of the main fears of Q? False flags. What are these for? To distract. But also to warn off. I am sure that this administration has been warned by the snake that is the cabal, to stop the investigations that they are making against them. World populations may be at risk. These folks are Evil. You cannot negotiate with evil folks. Wish safety to Donald Trump, his family and all of the innocents who may get in the way. Trust the Marines. From Q Post 1122:" TRUST SESSIONS.

To conclude, the worst evidence against the badguys may be the "secret weapon" of the Trump team. Only to be revealed if the cabal strikes with a vicious false flag. If all trust is lost in the elites who run the cabal, then they will not be able to walk the streets. They will not need us either and may see all of us useless breathers as collateral damage. It will not stop us from storming the castle though. I count down the days to July 4th. The quickening is in the air. He who will not be named would not have had it in him to be Trump in 2008. Mitt Romney may not have had what it takes to finish this in 2012. Little Marco, lyin' Ted, low-energy Jeb and 1 for 38 Kasich among others were not Trump in 2016. REMEMBER WHO WON AND MORE IMPORTANTLY WHY. So now you have the HOW, WHEN, WHO and WHY?
Enjoy your Sunday with your FAMILY.

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