What is going on with groups claiming to be for Qanon, but attacking those working hard for the cause? Have you experienced this?

in #qanon7 years ago

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Have you ever been faced with that dilemma where you have been told your whole life not to be a nark or a rat, but rules continue to be ignored, yet you are expected to follow them?

Or maybe others are "telling on you" when you have done Nothing wrong and are committed to fighting for a good cause. They may level false accusations with no basis or evidence whatsoever!

Have you ever had to defend yourself from these types of unjust accusations?

Or perhaps it is brainwashing, all intentional to make us feel we are taking the high ground or better citizens for not speaking out. Where has that gotten us as a nation? Where has that gotten our kids in the school system? How many of us are in that "silent majority" and fed up with being walked on, bulied, harassed?

Now, we are expected to experience it in groups that pose to be for and about Q? Aren't we here to Fight against this blatant, diabolical behavior?

That Is exactly how they get us after all isn't it? Don't tell even if you are being viciously attacked or bullied because it is better for all to "turn the other cheek or ignore!" Who does that Really benefit? Doesn't that just aide the bullies in finding more people to attack?

Jesus never meant for people just to walk all over us to the point we allow wickedness and evil to proliferate! That goes against taking a stand for what is right and Jesus was All about that! Remember the money changers? Jesus took a whip through there! He didn't just say, "oh well, maybe they'll see God's love and stop doing evil."

No, he took a direct and Immediate stand against it!

I've been a member of Voat for a relatively short time, a little over a year. I had heard about them through posters to reddit who claimed back when many were researching pizzagate, reddit was censoring them and treating them poorly. Their solution was to go to a social platform posting board where they felt they would be accepted rather than censored and submissions deleted. I even told others about Voat. Wasn't expected what I eventually found. It didn't happen right away! When it did happen, it happened almost all at once in in a succession!

What I have found is. . .not all are in agreement on reddit, but when I gave reddit a go after being attacked by those saying they were part of the Qanon group on a certain platform outside of reddit, there was a lot more acceptance on reddit.

That doesn't mean there aren't still many good, quality people on voat who are respectful of others and not divisive. I also realize they have a far smaller forum and group of members to draw from on voat, as reddit has been around much longer. In other words, there is value on both sites.

Many of you who tune into my channel or have read my work, are aware of how I, like many other truth tellers trying to shed a light on this corruption, am still taking care of a family while putting in far more than 40 hour weeks for my own business.

This leaves me with the option, which I am glad I took, to turn off the Tell a Vision Box and read. Many, many hours of reading and research. I wouldn't go back to that false reality for anything, as truth really is more fascinating than fiction. It becomes glaringly clear Exactly how they write many of these fiction books. It turns out people are not always as creative as we think they are.

What happened was I did indeed find some truly wonderful like minded people on Voat. After contributing for some months and receiving many good comments, most in agreement and a few of the standard opposers (which is fine if done in respect as we all don't and won't agree on this plane of existence). I started getting attacked by those who seemed or presented themselves to be on the side of good, claiming that I was profiting off of Q in some way.

Which was a baseless attack as I don't sell Any Q merch, I don't plug my own business (I don't want to, I want my income separate), I don't sell books or materials. . .I simply research and contribute as I was asked to do.

It was quite preposterous. I didn't want to be a rat, but after taking numerous attacks, accusations and belittling, I finally let a mod know these attackers were blatantly breaking the rules of the "group" which stated attacking would not be tolerated.

I was told maybe the board was not the place for me, though it was admitted these posters had attacked others and there had been trouble. I was also told that they didn't like it that I wasn't giving more comments to their posts.

I truly couldn't believe it! I felt we were all adults. I did indeed read people's posts, add upvotes and comments once in a while, but there was no way I nor others working more than full time were interacting every single moment constantly throughout the day, because we are all not retired or stay at home parents (not that there's anything wrong with that if you are able to do so)! Basically we work, then voluntarily give our free time to research and spread truth because we are called and committed.

Many of us have college bound kids and do not receive any government assistance, and are part of the working, middle class Obama placed so much stress upon, our insurance tripled and they are still crippling us because there was no way these insurance companies are going to let go of premiums that high! Now they just find other ways to justify it.

Yes, I know we can opt out, but then these companies find ways to penalize with added fees for messing up the "group plan!"

The funny thing was, I never questioned or dreamed of whining about whether others were upvoting me or not (I mean, I really thought high school was over), yet these people were allowed to act like a Jr. High group of boys, cry to their teacher about me not giving them more praise and basically get their way (clearly used to being coddled)! No one was enforcing the rules as they allowed the attackers to proliferate and tried to get rid of those they attacked with no evidence or basis whatsoever. Sad. . .what happened to justice? I believe we know the answer.

This occurred btw, even after I posted countless examples of evidence as to who I was, including the fact that my channel is not monetized, I have no links requesting payment (though I don't have an issue for those who do) and I have Never Once asked for donations, I work!

So what I was being shown was that, even though I was doing what Q had said to do. . .get information out, the truth, the Real story and wake people up, I was being attacked by those claiming to be on the same team, forget the rest of the haters, I expect that from the opposite side, but those on the same Team? Why? Why is this allowed? Why do those who claim to be leaders bend to the will of bullies? How is that furthering Qanon's cause?

When I stood up for myself in a respectful manner by simply giving evidence to negate the false accusations with. . . no name calling, no belittling or attacking as they had done to me. . .I was told by the mod that I surely would not get a positive feedback from them. I was floored! I had seen these mod call others on boards names and I was being told that for standing up for myself, I risked not getting the approval of an attacker! I thought That was what we were All fighting against!

I was also reprimanded for not giving more feedback even though None of these attackers Ever gave me feedback, so clearly I was being singled out. I did give upvotes and feedback, but I don't like being forced when it is a contribution I don't resonate with. There were plenty that were good that I did indeed react on, I was being told that wasn't enough, even though no one was monitoring or demanding the same from others.

Clearly, humans will be humans no matter where you go. . .I get that. I have Never been popular because I am Not an ego stroker. I say it like it is, I do compliment when someone works hard or does something well. It is my love and adherence to truth many find very offensive.

I try to be tactful, but I hate sugar coating! Sugar isn't good for you anyway is my thought!
Nothing is more absolute than truth! I don't like twisters and benders of truth. Give us the whole truth straight no matter how bitter and let us Deal with it. In all it's cruchiness, unpalatable, difficult to swallow Real way!

Why must we pretend? I thought pretenses were for the Elites, the Luciferians. We the People are supposed to Want Truth, Freedom, No More Deception!

Why have clear rules you say you will follow, then demonstrate you will Pick and Choose on whom to enforce these rules? Isn't that what the establishment, cabal and controllers we are fighting against do?

Didn't Qanon tell us over and over to Be Unified and No One was Above or Better than Another? Yet I was being told that a "friend or clique" group contributed to each other a lot more. It's like being penalized for not being part of their "in crowd?" No thank you! I thought we were about free speech and not a gestapo!

So they had a beef with me not spending 24/7 patting them on the back. Even though we were told to spread truth far and wide, not just in our own realm and club of buds! Aren't they supposedly already awake? Why should we be penalized and abused for doing as instructed and interacting with those on other platforms? Isn't that who we are ultimately trying to reach?

Just interacting with your team mates because you don't want to do what it takes to stay calm and respectful, in other words you don't want to have "self control!" You don't require it of yourself because you want upvotes from your buddies, so you decide to attack all of those in the truth community Doing rather than Hindering and seeking upvotes or ego strokes.

Guess what attackers/haters? This is Not about Your Upvotes! I know this is part of the problem because these attackers actually talk about that, part of their beef. Strange because upvotes won't get our freedoms or country back! We are supposed to be working Together to get it back! Not attacking one another. . .how does that further the cause?

Clearly I am not the only one who is attacked. I have seen others. It is fine to disagree, but the attacking is only self serving for this hateful lot and their supporters/fans. I see a pattern of over inflated egos, then whining and continued baseless attacks to their fan base which sadly includes some of the mods (not all).

Here is one instance where it was more of a disagreement, but the parallels of what we are to be fighting against are quite evident.

Poster had mentioned something about not all people of Jewish descent are corrupt. There are corruptors everywhere so they shouldn't be blamed for everything.

I can get behind that, even if we will be ridiculed and down voted! Boy was he! Name called, ridiculed and abused! I'm sure that makes people want to have a conversation when these degrading behaviors are exhibited by a group "claiming to be about furthering Q's message! Really? How is that working for you. Oh, I guess it is. . .just for YOU because in these attackers heads, it Is all About Them rather than the citizens! Sad!

It's not about acceptance in the clique, but rather speaking and adhering to truth no matter the outcome (generally not favorable for lightbearers because darkness despises Light)! All these attackers are doing through their hate is aiding the side we are fighting against. How is that worth one's ego? People are expected to leave their egos behind.

My response in defense of this person being attacked was this;

Alice Bailey had all her luciferian recruiters hit the churches and fool people. Someone had to Allow her to do that as her name under her "charity or trust" was very blatant. . .Lucifer Trust until she later changed it to Lucis trust. Her spawn still writes materials for the UN pushing satanism just as they are now (and have been) working on the After School Satan Clubs!

The problem with people who negate this truth. . .corruptors everywhere including this board. ..let their arrogance get in the way. They personify what Q has said about those who are self serving! Even moderators on some boards act exactly like the establishment and luciferians in trying to shut out anyone who doesn't do or say Everything the way they want. In other words, They make the rules while pretending to follow a set of rules.

Yet another example of people letting what they perceive as their "realm of control" in the world go to their head. They become drunk on the power! Very Sad!

I have even witnessed these same attackers along with some mods saying they are red pilling, when there is no way they are getting through to people when they are cussing them out and calling them vile names. I wasn't aware this was what Q promoted. I myself have never seen Q promote this, but rather the opposite. I wonder why Q's protocol is not being followed by a group that calls themselves a name they took from Q's protocol. Sadly their actions align more with the Pharisees than with the White Hats!

People won't listen to you when you constantly elevate Yourself while belittling them. Once again, I thought This was Exactly what we were all fighting Against! Makes me question motives of groups claiming to be for Q (not blaming Q for this as people are responsible for their own behavior)! Really is questionable when they turn around with what They are doing to those they attack and accuse Them of being self-serving.

The Attackers aren't the ones belittling and name calling! Are you kidding? This is the mirror effect. . .strange that certain groups demonstrate so well!

Now who does that remind you of. Also most are Fearful of calling it out. . .exactly like another group who let's people know they will pick them and their families off for daring to "speak of it!" Daring to call out the Establishment/Controllers for their own discrepancies and Own Set of rules. One for the members and another for Themselves! Sick!

Same thing going on in Certain Boards posing as free thought and speech venues. What you find is, it's free thought Only if They (the powers that be and said friend group) Deem it so!

Claiming to adhere to Q, but blatantly forwarding an agenda that allows attacks on good people while completely ignoring the Very rules they themselves set forth!. Very much like the Pharisees and corruptors Q calls out in our government!

Basically a Q board that is supposed to be For the people and Of the people, but mimics our government in that, it is really all about the controllers and those who either pad the pockets or stroke the egos! Sadly they have more say and run these boards in some cases.

Because I Dare speak of it, because I don't just turn a blind eye to it, I am down ]voted, deleted and attacked on a consistent basis then encouraged to leave if I question why these attackers of those advocating on the side good are given free reign and not expected to follow the rules!

I am also told, "maybe the board isn't for me!" I didn't remember saying I was going anywhere just because a "leader" refuses to enforce the rules of a back scratcher. You don't get rid of me that easy! I understood we weren't called for being cowards! You better have some gumption to deal with this level of hatred on those "feigning" to be on the same team. Really Makes one Wonder!

What has been done since I don't willingly go, and they Know I have broken No rules. . .they all have, they delete, make up excuses and do their best to try to find fault. I don't think they really are helping Q at all!

I know for a Fact, this is Not what Q had in mind and certainly Not what is promoted in drops.

Other boards that adhere to Q's wishes are actually growing and gaining more followers because they get that it is a TEAM effort! Not about the Few, but rather the Many! Still here and WRWY!

We All are Still here in spite of all these corruptors who try to silence us, encourage us to go away, send attackers after us, etc. We know they will keep trying to get rid of us! We Are Not Quitting!!!

Another mentioned in his article one of his posts linked to. . .he had been criticized for copying and pasting info at times. This is a common attack from these spiteful people!

Are you kidding? For one, not One person has All the information nor can one person know everything. We should be sharing information Not only self produced info because all truth is needed. The whole idea is collaboration, making connections and educating as many people as we can about the real history and truth!

And two. . .these attackers, themselves Also share links yet no one is attacking them for doing this. . .part of spreading needed truth info and red pills. Very much the pot calling the kettle black, yet they pretend not to see it for what it is. Why do the mods turn a blind eye? Thinking people can't help but wonder, but those who point out the discrepancies are punished! Sick!

The poster being attacked for copying and pasting, (appears to write for his own site so quite motivated) consistently expands upon, searches deeper, analyzes and connects.
How dare these attackers not give Good Team mates their dues! It is No Different than when Obama weakened America.

Once again, these attackers are not the ones we expect it from (known opposition, trolls and shills) but rather those the group board perceives as being one of the Team. Clearly going against Q's instructions. It is as if they think they know better than Q and are above everyone and all rules. Who does that remind you of?

Here was my response to the poster being falsely accused of copying and pasting. BTW this poster Does sell Q merch on their linked site as do others, no attacks on that which is good, but someone like me not making even one Dime, is being viciously attacked with no evidence.

I have No issue whatsoever with those who choose to create income or help take care of their expenses, I just grow weary of All of us being targeted when we are on the same team and I don't appreciate False Accusations being leveled at others and myself. I like many others out there, do not Falsely Accuse people with no evidence and just a hatred or assumption. It's despicable!

We are shown time after time by some of these arrogant people who put themselves Above us, that we are not valued by the boards that claimed they would enforce their rules. They don't realize and clearly don't care as long as they have their clique, but they are losing very good people, researchers and educators. Makes me question what the true goal of some of these people fronting to be for Q really is.

This was my response to the poster accused of copying and pasting;
I can relate with the criticism of copying and pasting. To be expected from the haters and those susceptible to the cabals brainwashing, but the ones "feigning" to be on the same side Also copy and paste links, material etc. It is Supposed to be about sharing, collaborating and as Q has instructed Expanding upon!

What I don't get is. ..the same attackers/accusers ALSO have proven to Only put a link to an article. I have no issue with that. I just think it is unconscionable that writers like you put in an Incredible amount of info, research time and attempt to connect all over the place. . .then you get these attackers when Q said to be unified.

They seem to be the ones Q is directly pointing out as self serving rather than for the cause as a whole and committed to working as a team WWG1WGA.

Keep up the great work! Good stuff in your articles!

My question is, how many have experienced this? I also know those on forums are afraid of speaking out because of the threat tactics done by the very people claiming to embrace them.

Do you think egos are at play here? What are you thoughts and feelings? Do you wish there was a place where you could have true freedom to speak without the threat of being deleted or attacked?

Please let me know your thoughts and feelings below. Godspeed!


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