We have the server! Q Successor Server Think Mirror!

in #qanon6 years ago (edited)

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Hear a connecting report on this while doing chores or working here,



Does S stand for Successor Server (mirror server) or more suicides in a kill box that may ensue?
The more fitting term would be Arkancided concerning the fact that this contains information regarding who was being investigated concerning Hillary's emails.

Letters from Williams and Connolly Law Offices to Hillary's attorney, David Kendall, who has been both Hillary and Bill's attorney for over a decade!

This is part of what one stated on page HRC 2883,

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*We are concerned that, notwithstanding your repeated statements in oral and written co1Tespondence
regarding your and your.client's wiltingness to eooperate in this matter, you had not raised the ·existence
of the "successor server"
or offered access to it prior to your September 2.l letter. We remind you that
this server is covered by the preservation letters delivered to Williams & Connolly LLP on July 31, 201 5,
and Platte River Networks on July 30, 2015, and we request that you ensure that this server remain
operational with a continuous power source (i.e., that it is not unplugged or its operation otherwise
intenupted) until further notice.
We also reiterate that the aforementioned preservation letters cover any other equipment or devices,
whether or not previously disclosed, that contain or contained emails to or from the domain account
clintonemail. com, including all equipment related to the server voluntarily produced to the FBI on
August l 2; the "successor server" and all related equipment; any other server and all related equipment
that received or sent emails for this domain account; and all backup devices, including backup hardware
purchased from or maintained by Datto, Inc. While we will seek to proceed in a manner that causes the
least amount of disruptjon to otherwise unrelated accounts and activities, we will take all necessary and
appropriate step:; to obtain any and all such equipment and items. *

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Hi @artistiquejewels, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @clintonemail doesn't exist on Steem. Maybe you made a typo ?

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