Q pointing out the major corruptors in the National Security Division, FBI, DOJ and guess Who they lead directly to. . .Obama

in #qanon6 years ago (edited)

From Q's latest drop at 20:42:13, so 8:42 p.m.

This article covers,

  • some of the corruptors involved in the FBI and DOJ scandal

  • Shows evidence of traitorous activities towards the President and the American People

  • Charts that show how these people connect and why it was easy for them to feed the swamp

  • comparison of the Oct. 9th drop with no 175 drop on 8chan Sept. 3

  • What Q may be pointing to in the NYT link and how connected these people are

  • Vast corruption and attempts to contain and conceal evidence, instances and individuals in the

  • Corruptors in the National Security Division, DOJ and FBI. . .Vast

  • Fully Sourced

Just skim down to read those you are not already aware of if you prefer not to read lengthy info.

This is a Facebook Frames you can click through with verified evidence next to photo Frames.

Facebook Frames latest drop Kevin Clinesmith and others involved Explained!
Now why do you suppose the #Traitors have been branded as such? You know why.
What were they desperately trying to hide?
Evidence provided and Fully Sourced throughout the frame photos.
Today is August 19, 2020


This is conveyed,

General Statement:

We understand that there is extreme fatigue and frustration re: the wheels of justice [slow].

Exclude emotion and personal desire, instead use logic and critical thinking based on situational awareness [undo a lifetime of evil & corruption [infestation] in the span of less than 2 years w/ a corrupt DOJ & FBI in place?].

[Process & Planning – Law and Order]

Now let's look at just this section of the drop from 8chan

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We know about many of these people and Q calls out information on some directly.

As you will recall Josh Campbell was groomed for a post at CNN. I wrote on this several months back in an article titled,

Josh Campbell, Look mom, I went from media position in FBI to defender of those accused in the FBI. Thank you Create the Narrative Network CNN


Rachel Brand is another I did a report on. She was the 3rd official to step down once a series of corruption was being exposed at the DOJ.

She served as the United States Associate Attorney General from May 22, 2017, until February 20, 2018, when she resigned to take a job as head of global corporate governance at Walmart.

She also served as Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Policy in the George W. Bush administration and was appointed by President Barack Obama to serve on the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board.

Her connection to no name is interesting, considering the sell out and his alleged connection to the mob when you go back into his history.

In 2008, John McCain, then a candidate for the Republican Party's presidential nomination, named Brand to his Justice Advisory Committee, which would have recommended judicial nominees to McCain were he elected.

See more on Brand here in an article titled,

Rachel Brand, No. 3 official at DOJ, is stepping down

Key points

A friend of Brand’s says she was “not looking to leave,” but was approached with a “dream job.” Brand will now head to work for Walmart as executive vice president, global governance and corporate secretary.

In the line of succession, Brand had been behind Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Rosenstein is overseeing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. She was in line to oversee the investigation if Rosenstein stepped down.

Brand had been overseeing the DOJ's antitrust, civil and civil rights divisons. She also assisted in an extension of the National Security Agency's warrantless surveillance program.

Brand, Sessions said in the same statement, “played a critical role in helping us accomplish our goals as a Department—taking on human trafficking, protecting free speech on campus, and fighting sexual harassment in public housing.

See more here,


This reported in Western Journal and many other sources,

Campaign finance documents uncovered by The Wall Street Journal indicate that Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat with close ties to the Clinton family, gave or directed over $675,000 to the campaign of the wife of the FBI official who would oversee Hillary Clinton’s email case.

According to The Wall Street Journal report, McAuliffe’s political action committee, Common Good VA, donated $467,500 to the state Senate campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe, wife of Andrew McCabe. McCabe would later become deputy director of the FBI and have significant oversight in the Clinton email case.

The Virginia Democratic Party then gave $207,788 to Jill McCabe. While that may seem unrelated, The Wall Street Journal pointed out — in what may be the understatement of the new century — that “Mr. McAuliffe exerts considerable control” over the Virginia Democrat Party. In fact, the state party operates as a de facto arm of McAuliffe, Inc. — and therefore, by extension, an arm of the Clinton machine.

Read more here https://www.westernjournal.com/ct/hillary-fbi-let-off-hook/

Concerning David Laughman, I love how the writer of American Thinker worded it. . .so apt and spot on!

The blandness of this Politico story, titled "Two more officials cited in FBI texts step down," conceals really, really big news. The jig is up. Each of the "officials" who is "stepping down" is leaving under duress and likely facing serious legal consequences for acts that have been disclosed – acts that go to the heart of the fraudulent application for the Page FISA warrant and the obstruction of justice in the Hillary email probe.

Hugh Hewitt explained the departure of David Laughman on Twitter, as noted on the Washington Post. Via Twitchy:

Here are the texts delivering Hewitt's analysis:

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The other official henchman who "stepped down," Michael P. Kortan, longtime associate of Comey and head of the FBI's public affairs office, may have played a key role in covering up Hillary's crimes in her handling of classified emails, concealing them from the public. Sundance of Conservative Treehouse describes his role: "'Mike's' job was to sell the ruse as a valid investigation."

In the process of analyzing the evidence in a long and complex post, Sundance clearly explains the mysteries behind this now semi-famous (the MSM are protecting their viewers and readers from the news).

The Conservative Treehouse states this,

Mike Kortan was previously exposed by FBI Agent Peter Strozok as having specific information that the investigation into Hillary Clinton was manipulated by the “small group”. “Mike’s” job was to sell the ruse as a valid investigation.

Kortan has served as assistant director for public affairs, an influential job that controlled media access.

Peter Strzok tweet, as read by Bob Goodlatte on January 25th, is striking a nerve:

This is the 302 file FBI Agent Peter Strzok is referencing in the text message to Lisa Page. Remember, Peter Strzok was one of the FBI people who actually interviewed Hillary Clinton.

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“Trisha” aka Trish Beth Anderson (Office of Legal Counsel, FBI)

At first, the context behind the September 10th, 2016, message was elusive, however it is now clear.

On September 2nd, 2016, during the (pre-election) apex of the FBI providing the documents behind their investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of her personal email, and the subsequent decision by FBI Director James Comey not to pursue criminal charges therein, the FBI released their investigative files:

The FBI was under pressure to release their investigative documents. On Sept 2nd, 2016 the release included the FBI investigative notes (FD-302’s) from the questions and answers during Hillary Clinton’s interview. This investigative release was big news at the time.

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Specifically, evidence withheld in the 302’s would be some of the FBI questions and some of the Hillary Clinton answers to those questions. In essence, the FBI held back actually releasing the full account of the interview.

According to the Strzok text message, the reason for withholding some of the details of the Hillary Clinton interview is because there are “very INFLAMMATORY things” within it; and once congress finds out what was withheld the details will “absolutely inflame” them.

Peter Strzok then goes on to say when/if the full FOIA is released, presumably post-election, Jim, Trisha, Dave and Mike are going to have to figure out how to deal with the discrepancy:

“Dave” is likely David Laufman, National Security Division, Deputy Asst. Attorney General in charge of counterintelligence. [Sat in on Clinton interview]

So it would appear, James Baker and Trisha Anderson, the legal advisers at the top of the FBI leadership apparatus, were both aware the September 2nd, 2016, FOIA release was manipulated to conceal part of Hillary Clinton’s questions and answers.

This message by Strzok shows a team of FBI officials intentionally conspiring to withhold “inflammatory” Clinton investigation evidence, from congress. And the decision-making goes directly to the very top leadership within the FBI.

There’s no mention of any FBI intent to investigate action or conduct undertaken by Hillary Clinton or her team to hide the use of classified or improperly stored information; or any intent to look at a cover-up, scrubbing, or conduct that happened AFTER it was discovered that she unlawfully used a personal e-mail server during her tenure.

We can see from the wording of the FBI public release, and the overlay of the text message from interviewer Peter Strzok, a deliberate effort to inquire into only the surface issues of classified information transmission and storage. There was no investigative intent to go beyond that, and no information released, intentionally, that might disclose any larger issues.

If the FBI was legitimately conducting an investigation, and providing the subsequent evidence from within that investigation, the FOIA would include all material relevant to the investigation, which would include all 302 (essentially Q&A) pages. However, the set of questions and answers the FBI released on Sept. 2nd 2016 was not the full set of Questions and Answers. They withheld something, likely “inflammatory”, per FBI Agent Strzok.

FBI Agent Peter Strzok is outlining in this text message a deliberate intent to shape the Clinton interview, and then a deliberative process of filtering out only those aspects of the interview that would support their pre-determined outcome, delivered only days later.

Additionally, FBI Agent Strzok is admitting that a group of FBI officials including himself, James Baker, Trisha Anderson, Lisa Page, and likely others (McCabe, Comey) conspired together to intentionally withhold information -derived from this interview- from congress and the American people.

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Once again concerning Laughman,

As most people are now aware the epicenter of the DOJ/FBI Clinton-Steele operation against candidate Trump stemmed from a collaborate “small group” effort of Main Justice officials within the National Security Division (John P Carlin – head), and officials within the FBI centered around the Counterintelligence Division (Bill Priestap – head)

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In his former position, Laughfman would have been involved and hold knowledge of the FISA “Title-1” surveillance program initiated on target Carter Page and the “incidental” Trump campaign officials. Laufman would also have close contact with former Asst. Deputy Attorney Bruce Ohr; husband of Fusion GPS employee Nellie Ohr.

Laughfman was also in the 2016 interview with Hillary as noted here,

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David Laufman would also have been involved in any FARA investigations of General Mike Flynn (Turkish lobbying), and/or Paul Manafort (Ukraine lobbying); and had access to FISA-702(16)(17) database use for incidental surveillance and subsequent unmasking etc.

National Security Division head John P Carlin resigned around the same time as the Carter Page FISA warrant application was submitted, October 21st, 2016. National Security Division head Mary McCord replaced Carlin, and she resigned shortly before Special Counsel Robert Mueller was assigned May 17th, 2017.

After President Trump won the election, Attorney General Jeff Sessions reversed the prior position of Sally Yates, who was keeping the DOJ National Security Division free from Inspector General Horowitz oversight. Now the DOJ-NSD has direct oversight, the officials within the DOJ-NSD have come down with a severe case of sunlight aversion.

Responding to a 2015 request by the DOJ Office of Inspector General, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates told the internal watchdog they cannot investigate the National Security Division. That’s right, there was essentially no oversight on any activity happening inside the NSD.

In 2015 the OIG requested oversight and it was Sally Yates who responded with a lengthy 58 page legal explanation saying, essentially, ‘nope – not allowed.’ (PDF HERE) All of the DOJ is subject to oversight, except the NSD.

The Department of Justice’s own Inspector General (currently Michael Horowitz who opened a January 2017 investigation into the 2016 politicization of the FBI and DOJ) was previously not allowed to investigate anything that happened within the NSD branch of the Department of Justice.

See the ‘useful arrangement‘?

It is not coincidental the players used on the DOJ side of “Operation Trump” (Bruce Ohr, John Carlin, etc.) all seem to come from within the National Security Division.

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According to congressional sources, [Glenn] Simpson and [Bruce] Ohr met sometime around Thanksgiving last year, when President-elect Trump was in the process of selecting his cabinet, and discussed over coffee the anti-Trump dossier, the Russia investigation and what Simpson considered the distressing development of Trump’s victory.

All of the evidence points in one transparently obvious direction; toward a 2016 collaborative effort structured to use a counterintelligence operation to conduct wiretaps and surveillance on the presidential campaign of candidate Donald Trump. The FISA Title-1 surveillance approval of Carter Page was retroactive legal authority to do so.

The FBI and DOJ certainly went to extra-ordinary lengths to get that FISA Title-1 warrant approved; even to the extent of misleading the FISA court on the validity of the underlying documents. The DOJ/FBI ‘small group’ really seemed quite desperate to gain that FISA Title-1 surveillance authority…

John Giacaloni

In an article from Liberty One News titled,

GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION Team Hillary Scrambling As FBI Chief Who Failed to Cover Up Clinton’s Fumble Preps To Testify Before Congress


The FBI Chief preceded Steinbach as the bureaus’ top national security official and lead the first seven months of the Hillary investigation. Due to confusion and the case heading out of control Giacalone decided to quit the FBI.

He said he quit the case because top officials were attempting to mess with the investigation. There were two additional witness who will also testify before congress. Things are just starting to get interning.

GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION Team Hillary Scrambling As FBI Chief Who Failed to Cover Up Clinton’s Fumble Preps To Testify Before Congress Myron Cohen
ByMyron CohenPublished on May 26, 2018
FBI Chief, John Giacalone failed to cover up Hillary’s corruption is preparing to testify before congress.

The FBI Chief preceded Steinbach as the bureaus’ top national security official and lead the first seven months of the Hillary investigation. Due to confusion and the case heading out of control Giacalone decided to quit the FBI.

He said he quit the case because top officials were attempting to mess with the investigation. There were two additional witness who will also testify before congress. Things are just starting to get interesting.


A second witness, Bill Priestap, who changed the word president to another high ranking government official in Comey’s exoneration speech. The third witness is Michael Steinbach, the former head of the FBI’s national security division. That should make for some really fun watching.

Gateway Pundit reported,

Giacalone resigned from the Hillary Clinton case and retired from the FBI because he felt the case was going “sideways”; that’s law enforcement jargon for “nowhere by design.”

“Not sure what Preistap and Steinbach had to do with the Clinton Email investigation, but these guys would be INTIMATELY INVOLVED in any COUNTERINTELLIGENCE investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election… ”

“Reminder: while James Comey and a whole bunch of other people have been fired/resigned/demoted at DOJ/FBI, ol Bill Priestap has still been right there, head of the FBI’s counterintel div., working hard on cases:”

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Randy Coleman

Counterintelligence Division's Randy Coleman Describes Economic Espionage
Randy Coleman, Assistant Director of the FBI's Counterintelligence Division, describes "The Company Man Protecting America’s Secrets," which dramatizes an American company’s experience as a target of economic espionage.

A video of an interview and transcript here


Once again, according to the Daily Presser and various other sources,

Sen. Ron Johnson sent an additional letter to the FBI and Department of Justice requesting additional communications records for senior federal law enforcement and intelligence officials including James Comey, Andrew McCabe, James Rybicki, John Giaclone, James Turgal, Jonathan Moffa and Randy Coleman, among others.

Sen. Johnson’s letter to the FBI and DOJ read:

“On January 29, 2017 FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe reportedly resigned following “a private meeting with FBI Director Christopher A. Wray during which Wray expressed concern about the findings of an investigation by the Justice Department’s Inspector General.”

The letter went on to request text message communications that were. . .

sent or received by Peter Strzok and Lisa Page for the period December 14, 2016, to May 17, 2017. In addition, to ensure the Committee has a complete understanding of the FBI’s investigation, I respectfully request the following information and material:

Please produce all documents and communications, including but not limited to emails, memoranda, notes, text messages, iPhone instant messages, and voicemails, for the period January 1, 2015, to the present referring or relating to the FBI’s Midyear Exam investigation, the presence of classified information on Secretary of State Clinton’s private email server, or candidates for the 2016 presidential election for the following custodians:
James Comey;
James Rybicki;
Andrew McCabe;
John Giaclone
James Turgal;
David Bowdich;
Jonathan Moffa;
Peter Strzok;
Lisa Page;
Trisha Anderson;
E.W. Priestap;
George Toscas;
Randy Coleman;
Brian Brooks;
Michael Kortan; and
James Baker.

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More to be seen in sources at end of this article.

This in a Q drop from Sept. 3, so was addressed just last month and at other times.

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The chart a little larger

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Notice how much of this is the same from the Sept. 3rd's drop and October 9ths drop.

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Now Look once again at the Oct. 9 drop

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This is no. 175 from 8chan

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Now what are the differences?

We are reminded in a General statement as people not understanding the Vast and Deep levels of corruption decades long and truly in some cases, centuries long takes patience.

If we were to go through a system of justice that is tainted with corruption and those who are a part of the web of deceit. . .we would not be able to fully drain the swamp.

Leave even one stone unturned. . .water seeks it's own level and within a matter of time. . swampy yet again!

There is the inclusion of the NYT piece on the wedding of Trisha Anderson and Charles Newman, deputy National Security Council and he received his law degree from the University of Virginia

Trisha Beth Anderson and Charles Lawrence Newman were married Saturday at the Clifton Inn in Charlottesville, Va.

The bride, 35, who will keep her name, is a senior counsel to James M. Cole, the deputy attorney general, in Washington. Until July she was a clerk for Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan. She graduated from Yale and received a law degree from Harvard.

Seems rather useful for co-conspirators.

This from Conservapedia last updated June 2018,

Trisha Anderson is an adviser in the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, and was previously an attorney at Attorney General Eric Holder’s former firm, Covington & Burling.

Anderson attended two April 25, 2016 White House meetings with FBI Counsel James Baker and several DOJ FISA lawyers – Tashina Gauhar, Christopher Hardee, Brad Wiegmann.

Anderson is married to *Charles Newman,8 a lawyer in the Obama White House for the National Security Council.

She clerked for Justice Elena Kagan.

This reported about the connection Kavanaugh had to Kagan

As the nation learned Monday night during Kavanaugh’s brief remarks after Trump introduced him at the White House, Kagan and Kavanaugh have a connection. Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee noted that he has taught law to hundreds of students for the past 11 years, primarily at Harvard Law School.

“I teach that the Constitution’s separation of powers protects individual liberty, and I remain grateful to the dean who hired me, Justice Elena Kagan,” Kavanaugh said, prompting an audible gasp or two in the East Room, according to one account.

It turns out that Kagan, during her stint as dean of Harvard Law School from 2003 to 2009, made it part of her mission to seek out and hire more conservative faculty at the overwhelmingly liberal school.

“She definitely made an effort to reach out to the conservative community, and made several conservative hires while she was there,” said Carrie Severino, chief counsel and policy director at the Judicial Crisis Network.

Kevin Clinesmith and Sally Moyer

From the Global Dispatch,

Kevin Clinesmith and Sally Moyer outed as FBI anti-Trump agents in Clinton investigation, Mueller probe

Meadows also asked Horowitz whether an FBI lawyer named Sally Moyer was also referenced in the IG report.

“They don’t work in counterintelligence. If that’s the reason the FBI is giving, they’re giving you false information because they work for the general counsel,” Meadows said.

Clinesmith sent a number of pro-Clinton, anti-Trump political messages over the FBI’s computer system, which the report said “raised concerns about potential bias” that may have impacted the investigation. Likewise, the report cited Moyer rooting for Clinton and bashing Trump during the 2016 campaign.

Horowitz testified that the FBI was withholding the names of the other rogue agents from Congress and the public because “they work on counterintelligence” and can’t be exposed. Hence, the Meadows line of questioning.

Moyer, in an Oct. 28, 2016, instant message, said she was “sick” of Trump and later called his supporters “retarded.” On Election Day, she said Clinton had “better win … otherwise i’m gonna be walking around with both my guns … and like quitting on the spot,” adding, “screw you trump.”

After Trump upset Clinton at the polls, the same investigator complained in another message, “f–k trump,” and told a colleague she would consider any presidential award for public service from Trump an “insult.” “I’d refuse it,” she wrote

Clinesmith lamented Clinton’s loss the day after the election, messaging to several FBI employees, “I am numb.” He added, “I am so stressed about what I could have done differently.”

Clinesmith also expressed regret over the reopening of the Clinton email case on Oct. 28, 2016, arguing that it “broke the momentum” of Clinton’s campaign. He warned at the time that the belated move, which was pressured by leaks over the discovery of additional classified emails on the laptop of Clinton’s aide in New York, could initiate “the destruction of the republic.”

The report revealed that in late February of this year, special counsel Robert Mueller removed Clinesmith from his investigation after Horowitz provided Mueller some of the incendiary instant messages Clinesmith wrote about Trump.

Notice where Q asks the questions,

How do you ensure those prosecuted [non military] would receive an impartial judgement based on the RULE OF LAW?
Think Federal Judge rulings [obstruction] [POTUS’ granted CONSTITUTIONAL authority].
How do you ensure 'appeals' to the U.S. Supreme Court are evaluated impartially > based on the RULE OF LAW?
Think Justice K (5 to 4).
Military Law v Criminal Law

Recently did a report in which Lindsey Graham led Kavanaugh through a series of questions for Some very Important educating and I believe foreshadowing in an article titled,

Criminal Law vs. Military Law, why did Graham zero in on This Line of Questioning with Kavanaugh? Why should you understand Military Law?

Found here https://steemit.com/kavanaughhearrings/@artistiquejewels/criminal-law-vs-military-law-why-do-you-think-it-is-important-for-all-americans-to-understand-this

Tashina Guahar

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States, Tashina Gauhar is a ES-00 under the senior executive service payscale and is among the highest-paid ten percent of employees in the Offices, Boards and Divisions.

Conservapedia states,

also goes by Tanisha Guahar, is the Deputy Assistant Attorney General (DAAG) in the Department of Justice National Security Division (NSD). Gauhar is a FISA lawyer.

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The team of Toscas and Gauhar, under President Obama, took revisions of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and processes enabled by the Patriot Act, - intended to target al-Qaeda - and applied them to a Republican presidential candidate, labelling the candidate and his organization a "threat to national security".

The revisions and processes expanded the use of 702 search queries. A 702 search query allows for entering a name, phone number, or email address into the FISA database, and it returns a complete history of all contacts sent to or from. By law, 702 queries are supposed to only be made on non-American citizens outside the United States and can be performed without a warrant. American citizens, and non-citizens inside the United States, enjoy Fourth Amendment protection. The technology is ahead of the law, and the system is ripe for abuse. As Edward Snowden explained, any low-level operator with access to the database can invade the privacy rights of anyone - including the president, Supreme Court justices, members of congress, and journalists. All that's needed is a valid email address or phone number. All contacts that the search query returns likewise can have their privacy rights violated, in the same manner. Gauhar and Toscas are among several key players who weaponized the nation's national security intelligence apparatus against domestic political opponents.

A few weeks after Obama's election, former Weather Underground terrorist Mark Rudd wrote, "the strategy is feint to the right, move left. Any other strategy invites sure defeat. It would be stupid to do otherwise in this environment. Look to the second level appointments. There's a whole govt. in waiting that Podesta has at the Center for American Progress. They're mostly progressives." http://theragblog.blogspot.com/2008/11/mark-rudd-lets-get-smart-about-obama.html?m=1

FEC records show Obama for America also paid $972,000 to Perkins Coie, the surrogate law firm for FusionGPS, beginning in April 2016.

#q, #qanon, #dojcorruption, #InformationWar, #Traitors, #wwg1wga










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