Josh Campbell, Look mom, I went from media position in FBI to defender of those accused in the FBI. Thank you Create the Narrative Network CNN

in #greatawakening6 years ago (edited)

Josh Campbell and translation of his job he and some at the FBI helped pave the way for his "Big Break!" I could not speak out before as I can now with my ready made role as a Talking Head at CNN. Really? You were speaking out quite a bit in USA Today, NYT and of course CNN.
He was in a media relations role in a Los Angeles field office which has former FBI agents questioning what he can contribute in the way of knowledge concerning actual law enforcement analysts as that was Not his experience. According to another veteran, he lacked field knowledge to represent the FBI.

He himself made it clear his position would be to “defend the bureau.” CNN seems to be titling him the “law-enforcement analyst.” I wager most thinking people will always see him as the guy who wasn't a true field agent, but was a great connection to corporate owned media. Makes for a great leaker and mouthpiece! Along the same lines, not sure why Campbell bothered to scrub his bio from all the photos of him and his photos with buddy James Comey because he has already defended him and made it clear that he is stepping down to defend the FBI.

One former agent, he requested to remain anonymous states, “did the minimal amount of time he could before retiring. Any idea that he is some seasoned agent … is ludicrous — he just isn’t that.”

“He sees himself as a star. He hasn’t been part of our brotherhood, he doesn’t understand how we feel.”
Here is a statement from one of the seasoned agents on Linkedin.
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Special agent Jack Garcia, who is a 26 year veteran stated, “something smells so bad about this whole thing.”
So just how is a special assistant to former FBI director James Comey Not Biased? We are talking James Comey who was part of the Uranium 1 scandal, part of the HSBC scandal. Just google or better yet, DuckDuckGo this scandal and you will find info in the search like this, Jul 16, 2012 - In a year-long investigation, the Subcommittee found thatHSBC violated several rules, exposing the U.S. financial system to “a wide array of money laundering, drug trafficking, and terrorist financing.”

What prize do Comey when for being connected to these leftists involved in the scheme? You got it, confirmation under Obama to serve as FBI director. Here were his former positions. James Comey was nominated by Obama for a post on HSBC’s Board of Directors in June 2012, and he was subsequently appointed to the board on March 4, 2013. He served on the HSBC’s Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee.

Gagliano, who served for 25 years as an FBI agent and Executive Management ranks couldn’t states, “What struck me odd at the time was this: Who afforded a GS-13 bureau employee the privilege to have a personal opinion piece published?” Excellent question as this Josh Campbell who was a close friend, confidant and worker to James Comey who according to the 25 year veteran agent who prefers anonymity stated, said Campbell, 34, “did the minimal amount of time he could before retiring. Any idea that he is some seasoned agent … is ludicrous — he just isn’t that.”

Josh Campbell seems to be quite the Contributor to MSM. This might answer part of the question one of the actual seasoned agents asked when he stated, “what can Campbell contribute?” Then proceeded as aforementioned Campbell’s lack of actual field experience, but rather the media role.

Here is another comment on Linkedin where agents let it be known he was not one of them.
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Well before announcing he was stepping down, Campbell was defending Comey even during his hearings and talking about the FBI becoming a political target. Wasn't it agents like Strzok, Page various others including the former director all involved in political bias through the proof of Stzrok's/Page's email texts and their colluding to clear Hillary's name though clear evidence existed which she tried to destroy? Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? This is one of their obvious tactics these leftists have employed time and time again. Whatever They are engaged in. . .blame the other side. This is one of the Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky, who both Hillary and Obama have admitted was their hero. They did this very thing in setting up a lie based on their very own involvement with a Russian Deal known as Uranium One. When they knew they could be found out if Trump got it, they colluded amongst themselves and with news outlets. . .some of which their own group worked for including the Washington Post where John Podesta has been a contributor and his family members have been on payroll there. Also the NYT with known fundraisers and heavy donors, not to mention a CEO involved in an alleged child sex abuse scandal over at the BBC where he was the Chief Editor and Executive Chief when the BBC did not allow a story f to run by one of Newsnight's journalists, Liz MacKean (got rest her soul, died last year only 52 from "stroke"). Just take a stab at who and what she was trying to expose over there at the BBC where Mark Thompson. ..President and CEO of New York Times, formerly was the Chief? You probably guessed it, Jimmy Savile. If not familiar DuckDuckGo his vile name and you will find out they practically worshipped him, held him up on a pedestal just as the programmed here in America do with their own pretty, sparkling distractions called Hollywood and the music industry.

I would be remiss not to mention there is yet another time-table connection to Mark Thompson CEO of NYT and yet another former BBC employee of the BBC. She worked for their radio stations and various other shows including Crimewatch. Guess whom she also investigated? She also raised questions concerning Savile and what many called the "known pedophile ring at the BBC." Thompson was not director at that time, but he did work for from 1996-1999 as a channel controller. He was also output editor of Newsnight in 1985 and helped launch Breakfast Time and MacKean was a reporter on Breakfast News. My point is he must have crossed paths with these women several times. Women who were aware and outspoken about the pedohile ring and Savile at the BBC. Then he became the director. Jill Dando was murdered at the age of 37. She was a devout Baptist and was engaged at one time to BBC executive Bob Wheaton in 1996 to 1997 at the time in which Thomson would have been the controller of BBC2 in which Dando had been Personality of the Year for their broadcasting company. Is there any way Mark Thompson would not have known her as well as MacKean? There are even more connections and evidence of purposeful cover-up to the pedophile ring. I will save that for yet another article, but I ask you, is it any wonder the NYT with Mark Thompson at it's helm is very biased toward the globalist agenda and hateful towards a president who has made it his mission to take down the vile pedophile rings? It's clear as crystal to me and I know it is to many others!

Comey even tweeted out after one of Campbell's oped pieces. Here is his tweet, then see what a veteran agent has to say about it.
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Garcia stated how this was unheard of when he says, “I have never seen a director of the FBI tweet out praise for an employee, especially a junior employee like Josh Campbell!"

Fast forward to February 2018 and we have another player from leftist government taking a role where? Yes, CNN. Where Campbell with the apparent blessing of the FBI and Welcoming embrace of CNN will be a contributor. I will post a shot of a pamphlet published by The Daily Caller in which Campbell's going away party featured not a picture of his time at the FBI, but rather a photo of him in his newly made role at CNN. Clearly Campbell had his eye on the prize for these added adulation, fame and fortune. He appears almost giddy in this post. Had he already spoken with CNN?
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You can see in an previous comment by another veteran agent what the oath was in the Academy at least to those who upheld it. They were not to be partisan in the way Campbell has demonstrated over and over, yet this surely Must be a requirement over at CNN, who has yet to discuss the fact that Campbell had a very close relationship with James Comey. Go on over to my youtube channel under my name Artistique Jewelry and somewhere in there you will find a connection to what Comey enjoys.

In conclusion, how much more evidence do the American people or for that matter the people around the world need before they acknowledge there is collusion among leftists in government and the corporate owned, ultimately Rothschild, Rockefeller, Oppenheimer owned Reuters and AP media? Who is really creating then pushing the Narrative?

Following is the link where Campbell speaks in a studio of turning in his badge so he can speak out publicly. As mentioned before, he was Already Doing That! It makes for better tv though to play the victim turned advocate hero. Drama is key in controlling the masses used to their glittery, fun distratctions on Create the Narrative Network!
I am placing the link and just below

This was found in a tweet from Sagar Enjeti where he states, "I obtained a copy of former @Comey assistant @joshscampbell's goodbye flyer at the FBI. It invites attendee's to "celebrate his new endeavor defending the bureau as an LE analyst at CNN."
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Does anyone else find it odd that his "going away party" features a photo of him in his newly appointed setting. . .CNN rather than the "service in the media role for the FBI" setting? Fascinating placement! Yet, they claim they are not biased in any way whatsoever.

Source links include
Here is a vid on Liz MacKean

Thanks for reading! Would love to hear your comments and other information in regards to both Josh Campbell and the obvious collusion between some high ranking officials in the FBI, the mainstream media and even connections to the UK's former BBC chief Mark Thompson currently CEO of the New York Times trying to sway public opinion in making the FBI criminality look like victimization! Please spread this article far and wide. It is our duty to show the public what MSM hides! #FightTheGoodFight Good must win over evil!

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