Q's Trip code links in a Book search. . .JFK and other phenomena Q has pointed to various times in drops! Happy Hunting!

in #qanon7 years ago (edited)

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This was posted by Yig Wilson in Q articles
Link found on twitter
Source at bottom of page

WOW! Talk about going down the rabbit hole, but none the less, here we go...

An Anon apparently tried to put Qs trip codes into Google Search and it seems they may have hit the jackpot. Each Trip code search leads to the find of numerous books. All of these books seem to be relevent to Q's drops. One such Book seems to come up three times in the search, which is rather odd when you think about how random Qs trip codes seem to be. What is this book you ask? Take a wild guess. Yeppers, "Alice’s Bloody Adventure." There is also one called??? Yep "Where We Go One, We Go All" by Glenn Brunet....about a teenage girl abducted.

What is represented? You have Jesus, the Babylonian hedonistic culture of course JFK and blood money.
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Wouldn't be inclusive if you didn't have Russia, Russia, Russia in some way! Their intelligence services are represented. Also Bill Cooper and his Behold a Pale Horse which Q and many of you fine patriots have referenced!
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You have Dulles and the CIA represented and as we all know, they were working fervently Before they ever became an alphabet agency. Which president was a former director? That's right the first Bush!

You will also find the Synagogue of Satan. I and others have referenced this quit often along with luciferian practices. You will recall one of the earlier infiltrators in churches. . .Alice Bailey. God is the first to call out the Synagogue of Satan when talking about His chosen who chose to rebel and choose the deceiver's ways.

God doesn't force, he didn't want our love to be forced; therefore it is a choice and some choose the ways of the fallen and their leader satan who was once known as Lucifer.

Here are some more names of the books found on just one of the trip codes, but keep in mind this isnt all of them:

The Spinning Magnet: The Electromagnetic Force That Created the Modern World (TESLA!)

Nephilim: The Truth is Here (ALIENS!)

The Devil's Chessboard (NWO!)

Trump Tower (POTUS!)

Exopolitics: The Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence (Aliens!)

The Power Elite (NWO!)

Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance Between The Vatican, The CIA, and The Mafia (POPE!)

The C.I.A. Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists (MKULTRA!!)

Blood, Money, & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK (JFK!!)

The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama (THE BRIDGE!!!)

Pretty crazy right? I guess we HAVE had more then we knew the whole time and that almost seems like an understatement.

Before I give you more information, you may be asking yourself, "How does or would this work?" I know sometimes its hard to understand computers and what they actually do and how they "think," but this is a pretty good explanation for it. I hope it helps. It is from a redditor known as "GeekBasterd."

"So Q's drops are public on well known channel, qanon.pub could be "indexed" by google (and it would be indexed for sure). My hunch is that Q knows this, so this may be intentional. So, lets say Q drops a line in from a quote in the books preview, google sees that too (at amazon.com, etc). The search of the tripcode would feasibly trigger results related to the quote, ie: the books.

It could be a happy accident, but I suspect Q knew this and used it. A human could find it sure, but it would be nowhere near as efficient as a search engine like google. Since every post of Q's has the tripcode, google would simply assume these "keywords" must be related, and offer the books as search results.

It's like if you google the author of one of those books, google says "Hey I know him! He wrote, this, and this, and this.." same probably works in reverse. IE: google thinks this person (Q) is talking about these books, and I think google is correct! Not to mention, even if the quotes or keywords to the title are only mentioned a few times, the trip code is present EVERY TIME, which makes the relevance even stronger (Q is an SEO genius if this was intentional)"

Now Im going to share with you the links of each trip code so you can see which books they bring up. When you click these links, DONT go read the first thing that comes up, though you can if you want, but the point is to scoll down and see what the WHOLE SEARCH brings up. IE, all the books. You will find that a lot of them are actually free to read. Imagine that.






Now just for a little side interest, I mentioned earlier that a revised version of Alice in Wonderland comes up three times in the searches. A curious thing about this book. Further digging into Alice's Bloody Adventures in Wonderland finds that illustrations are by a Los Angeles based street artist named "Tweedle Guns."

There's one illustration of Adolf Hitler about halfway down, which seems strange. Click through on this image to visit our mate Tweedle Guns' Twatter account and we see a strange post of Hitler with the comment "First rule: Accuse them of what you are guilty of."

Adolf Image Tweet

This link will take you to More Images from the Book

I assume that this will keep you busy for awhile now. There are so many different directions you can go with all this reading material. Each trip code search brings up at least 3 or 4 pages if not more of different book titles and as I mentioned, most are free to read. Just reading the titles for me triggered so many memories of different Q drops and all their relations. Fascinating really when you think about it.

Happy Hunting and dont forget to stay hydrated, you may be down this rabbit hole for awhile!

Q's trip codes links in a Book search and the interesting phenomena, After School Satan Clubs


I just wanted to add this video to show you a little more about all this.
This is a channel called Cordicon and he talks about how an anon commented on how Q's various trip codes could be used to search in Google books and how it all ties into what Q has been trying to show us!

I will be doing a video soon on my findings. In the meantime. ..happy searching to all you great patriotic researchers out there! Do your thing!

Let me know what you think in the comments below. Godspeed!

More Info,

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TripCodes alone have a treasure trove:

  1. Ramtha, Last Waltz of the Tyrants, the Prophecy REVISITED
    Author: Ramtha
    Found: TripCode CbboFOtcZs
    Used: 376 times

  2. Alraune
    Author: Hanns Heinz Ewers
    Found: TripCode 4pRcUA0lBE
    Used: 106 times

  3. “I Love Learning; I Hate School”: An Anthropology of College
    Author: Susan D. Blum
    Found: TripCode 2jsTvXXmXs
    Used: 9 times

  4. Barbelo: The Story of Jesus Christ
    Author: Riaan Booysen
    Found: TripCode xowAT4Z3VQ
    Used: 429 times

  5. Behold a Pale Horse
    Author: William Cooper
    Found: TripCode UW.yye1fxo
    Used: 620 times
    Notes: Interview with Bill Cooper

  6. Restoring the Republic: A Clear, Concise, and Colorful Blueprint for America’s Future
    Author: Devin Nunes
    Found: TripCode hjgxl/kbbQ
    Used: 1 time
    Notes: TripCode only used once, but 2 TripCodes point to this book. Note the author.

  7. Restoring the Republic: A Clear, Concise, and Colorful Blueprint for America’s Future
    Author: Devin Nunes
    Found: TripCode ZTY0ZjM1M2UwOWM5
    Used: 1 time
    Notes: TripCode only used once, but 2 TripCodes point to this book. Note the author.

  8. The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government
    Author: David Talbot
    Found: TripCode ITPb.qbhqo
    Used: 229 times
    Notes: Sounds like it reveals the beginnings of the Deep State. Imagine there’s a ton here. Anyone want to start in and report back?

  9. The Scholia on the Aves of Aristophanes: With an Introduction on the Origin, Development, Transmission, and Extant Sources of the Old Greek Commentary on His Comedies
    Author: John Williams White, PhD
    Found: TripCode ITPb.71B/.
    Used: 1 time
    Notes: Quote on cover is interesting: “And out of olde bookes, in good feith, Cometh al this newe science that men lere”

  10. The Third Way: The Nazi International, European Union, and Corporate Fascism
    Author: Joseph P. Farrell
    Found: TripCode LytbJwNsQ6v
    Used: 1 time
    Notes: Probably dives into how the Nazi’s play into all this.

  11. Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations
    Author: Richard Lynn
    Found: TripCode a22Tubbaks
    Used: 1 time
    Notes: Any doctors want to dive into this one?

There’s 1100 UserID’s that ALSO have correlating books that they link to.

  1. The Spinning Magnet: The Electromagnetic Force That Created the Modern World
    Author: Alanna Mitchell
    Found: 37 times on multiple UserID’s thus far.
    Notes: Suspect there’s some good reading material here if anyone wants to dive in and give a synopsis.

  2. U.S. imports for consumption and general imports: TSUSA commodity by country
    Author: United States. Bureau of the Census
    Found: UserID 004550

  3. The Jesus Book (Illustrated): Messages for the 21st Century
    Author: Linda Dillon
    Found: UserID’s e5c60e & 5b7dc4

  4. Council on Foreign Relations: Annual Report
    Author: Council on Foreign Relations
    Found: UserID 07b0b9
    Notes: Myron Fagan discusses the importance of the Council on Foreign Relations in this lecture from 1967.

    Author: US Senate
    Found: On UserID 964482

  6. Think Like a Grandmaster – Page 42
    Author: A A Kotov
    Found: UserId 27f5c8
    Notes: Grandmaster, as in Freemason Grandmaster, but looks like a book on Chess. Some (like this one) are pointing to SPECIFIC pages. Anyone want to dive in and read a page to report back what you think Q is pointing us to?

  7. Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy …, Volume 22
    Author: Unknown (CIA?)
    Found: UserID 1c461b
    Notes: This is the one most are talking about. Of interest, but there is SO MUCH HERE. Think there is yet more to find. “Keep your eye on the ball.”-Q

  8. The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: How to Survive, Thrive, and Prosper During Obamageddon
    Author: Wayne Allyn Root – 2013
    Found: On several UserIDs
    Notes: Title says it all

  9. Christianity For Dummies
    Author: Richard Wagner – 2011
    Found: UserID 975911
    Notes: Proof Q has a sense of humor. Note meaning of Q in Scriptural terms: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_source




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