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RE: How does Epstein and all that is involved with Pedogate and other zzGate Connect? What is the Keystone? What has the media and your government leaders desperately been trying to hide and WHY?

in #qanon5 years ago

It's not pizzagate. It's pedogate.
Why do people resort to name calling when they don't like something?
Free country yes, necessary. . .no.

I dare you to look up the wikileaks emails of John Podesta, pull up some images of he and his brother's artwork and look up James Alefantis images and instagram.

Anyone who Refuses to look at what already exists and has been archived is willingly sticking their heads in the sand.

Once again, it Is a free country. So I am willing to listen to why those emails, that art and that archived instagram isn't damning.

I'll check back for what you find to combat the evidence they are into pedophilia.

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