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in #q6 years ago (edited)

So I was talking about the economy and some new starts for New Earth, which is a real, tangible and measurable change for those of us who are here. I should probably say more about the Untied States, which I've talked about before. Q mentioned these awhile ago - it was the first Jordan Sather/Destroying the Illusion video news report I saw, and this was in November, 2017.

Here's a hint about something I have heard Jordan Sather mention - Michael Kabamur. I was pulled into a Facebook group last fall (2017) that he was running and it was done without my permission. I didn't think it was a big deal, but when I got there I realized very quickly that it was an Op. Psy Op. Whatever. At the same time I had been pulled into another Intel controlled group without my permission. This group was more constructive but I encountered some serious psychic attacks when I was there and I had to leave it. Kabamur's group was safe enough, but my paranoia got the best of me and I left that one also. This is taken from a private message to me regarding Jordan Sather's broadcasts, mentioning him.

Incidentally, at this same time I WAS talking briefly with another journalist. A couple of them, actually. We exchanged a few notes. This is from that journalist.

November 10, 2017:

" ... something interesting. That young guy I suggested you watch yesterday (or the day before, whenever it was) just referenced a Twitter account that is watching Q. It’s none other than our own Kabam ur (Michael) from the group we’re in.

This is getting very curious…"

Novermber 12, 2018:

"Kaba mur is an odd one. When he first set up the group with just 10 of us I asked if he’d like to get on skype for a chat, just like I offered to you. I do that a lot as I love to learn more about people. It makes a big difference in getting to know them. He declined. "


"Kaba mur reckons the plus signs are 3 Pleiades here to help, maybe they are individuals stationed here on earth and in conversation with trumps already. If Kaba mir really knows what he’s talking about then there might be good reason to hook 10 of us in. If not, maybe he’s just got good intuition and doesn’t know why he chose us."

If you are following Q (me too!) you know he has used the plus signs in his messages! Q anon link at the bottom of the article with other notes.

This was my response to that same journalist, dated November 12, 2017:

"Are you ready for this? LOL

I started this earlier (this am) but ... I had to do some prayer and disarming stuff first. So I didn't mean to sound short if I did ... I am so glad you are following all of this.

I got a big confirm last night on what I told you about Snow White... I was approached in a public place. It was as if "they" knew I had said that to you and they were confirming it. Which is curious. I do a lot of clearing and prayer and keeping things safe, and of all the channels I have, this one is the safest so I will do my best to share HERE. Anyway, heads up on ... you know. Spying. It may be legal but it may not be. I've been doing my best to clear the illegal stuff that's been hanging on. This progress... not just on the internet but especially in my private space and environment is I think, making way for all of this to happen. A huge part of my role! As Snow White, ha ha.

Prayer is right... I am a walking prayer these days. It works. If you find yourself in trouble or if you want to help the situation, pray.

I just finished with the 11.10 but I wanted to go back to the 11.7.

He mentions the 'untied' States in 11.7. Let me start with that. The storm... I think this is/was Irma. Hurricane Irma literally changed the face of the planet... have you been following the ocean retreat off the east coast of South America and the drying up of the Mississippi in the New Madrid region? This is also tied to Antarctica. Irma was sooo much bigger than the media showed us. But something magical/paranormal happened. Irma was originally headed for the east coast of the USA and then it changed direction before it reached Florida and then blasted into the Gulf of Mexico.

What happened was, a lot of land was splintered into very small pieces, or bubbles of safety, like islands... with ocean in between them. THIS is understanding of the 'untied' States. I don't know if you have ever read my writing, talking about the 144k and their abilities, but these people have these energy sanctuaries surrounding them, many miles across. This is the real understanding for Flat Earth. They are mostly energy but powerful enough to contain and protect space or dimensions of space and do things like, repell solar flares. With Irma, big activations happened with these domes. I can tell you what is happening from my perspective, but it is a different view from 'out there' and there is a lot of chaos and distraction in the media. I've been trying to sort out what happened but there's been a huge amount of cover up and manipulation of reality. I didn't have all the boundaries of change sorted out to begin with so ... I can't really give you many specifics until I have a better picture of things myself.

Think of the Pleiadies all laid out over the planet surface. I'm not sure I totally get the seven stars... I had a sighting in early August that I recorded in my journal and they appeared in the sky over my house one morning. I got up before dawn and watched this sight, these seven stars that all broke into thirds, so they looked like three stars together in a triangle, each of them individually, and they all had these dark energy shields around them. I've seen energy shields like this of light but that's the first time I've ever seen them with the dark circles of protection. Like the lines of the circles around them were made of shadow. Last night after I watched that video the first time I went outside and I saw two of these stars very close overhead...they almost remind me of a stationary craft? BUT. The domes are like, the Pleiadian stars laid out flat over the planet surface. More than just seven but I'm thinking there must be seven big or good sized ones, with an ocean in between all of them. Also... this is weird... there are two dimensions overlapping here. The one I am talking about (I am thinking of this one as New Earth) and the Old Earth picture. Which could even be mostly illusion based on the media picture and mind control, etc. SO from here, I am 'in' my sanctuary that is laid within or overlaid with the fabric of reality we commonly understand. Another way I am thinking about it is, if you dropped the energy of Old Earth out of the New Earth picture, it would all fall away to leave this splintered picture of what I am describing here.

The glowing rabbit and the white rabbit. Not sure if these are the same? But the glowing rabbit is the center of them all, or the dome that is 'parental' or primary... the one that anchors them all and probably activated everything and connects all the others (I think this one is mine). I think also there is a third dimensionality to it, I think it is actually manifest as a small planet or moon in our solar system... as if reached through a dimensional doorway on 'Earth'. Very similar and yet different. Also the glowing rabbit has a natural defense system (pathogenic defense against hostile aliens) and I am wondering if that's what is meant. I thought all of the 144k and their sanctuaries contained this defense system or some version of it. It is not only a defense system but it also does other things, like ... transmute toxins (pollution, etc.) and I'm not sure what else.

Actually I think I'm getting more info/old info ...tying up the picture or connecting the dots on the seven but ... I need to sort that out still. Metaphors... ie, the Seven Kingdoms from Game of Thrones, etc. I think there is some kind of council among the 144k or sanctuary/dome holders and this is a reference to them. But at this point I can't say I know who they all are yet.

+++ may be some form of the Trinity, there are a LOT of metaphors.

This is just scratching the surface...

Free Energy!! This is all part of the story too.

I don't want to lose what I've written here but it doesn't feel very clear to me. I kindof want to start over, there is a LOT more to explain. Antarctica and the Moon! This one is important... all of it is. But I'm sending this to get you started for now. I'm paying attention to the videos he is putting together and it is a lot of information but/so I will try to make sense of it as best I can and send you more soon.

All of this is so amazing... I've been living like a political prisoner, these people and situations around me. There has been a huge amount of stress and I'm coping but... not as well as I would like. So between taking care of business and watching those videos I will send more answers as soon as I can. But I've been wanting to share all of this and I am totally surprised to see these videos and even more so that I know a great deal about what he's talking about. LOL, and that I am one of the players. Ha ha. I knew it but... from inside this bubble I am in, with all of the lies and crazy I deal with, I didn't know who or what was known out there... I'm so grateful to be able to validate so much of it all.

Just one photo right after Irma... showing partly what I'm describing here. Attached."


That's not the end of it. This contact sent me this, a few days later:


From that link:

"What is the "storm" the POTUS spoke about?

it is the draining of the swamp, a giant global hurricane of veracity.
Why are the Saudis important?
Because this is where the swamp has its deepest depths/roots/funding and where the storm starts. SA has the most $$ which have been flowing to corrupt American politicians via foundations, and until we cut those strings we are only digging in the sand. Trump has made a deal with a younger Prince who wants reform. He has secretly planned a coup and is working with him to perform a mass round-up of criminals feeding Hillary/Obama/Bushes,,etc...

+++ What follows is the best reconstruction of events of the LV shooting that have a large backstory not told in the press...."

Its a long link! A lot of information about what happened in Saudi Arabia in May 2017.

This was my response, November 16, 2017:

"I saw this yesterday. I started reading it but I think its going to take me longer than just one run through. One thing I can validate though, is the May timeframe. I knew that something big happened in May that changed this Op thing going on around me and just about everywhere. CIA cut off, personnel were severed, approvals recinded, etc. Thanks for sending this.

I send JS (the video guy) a message but it looks to me like he hasn't gotten it. Also his Facebook seems to be blocked... I saw a 11.14 post on youtube but its not on his page. Things may have changed since yesterday, when I checked last."

More below!

LR 4/15/2018

  • 11.10 Destroying the Illusion/Jordan Sather

  • Defining Q: The Untied States (More on all of this)

    We Are Definitely Not in Kansas Anymore, Toto
    (ref: 'the island - Q)


    ALL KINDS of relevant stuff down my blog page!


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