LION Audio Experiment #777

in #puzzle7 years ago (edited)


[J] notes.
I think SPIRIT fried his circuits. Back to repairs...
My research partner fell over and started twitching. It lasted about 15 seconds after LION finished. This is the first known case of the audio actually effecting one of our researchers . Here is the following recording.

When my researcher woke up from his little coma... LION started playing more audio- this time we put the noise cancelling headphones on and recorded this.

Not sure if that was the original messages or not but it appears something started.
Ill look into it more and keep a close eye on LION while it rests it appears to have shut down after the audio. First time it ever deactivated itself.

It lasted for 7 minutes. The other researchers noted a huge feeling of paranoia and sleepiness. We couldn't record all the audio there was something interfering with our instruments after 1 minute but it just seemed to loop anyways.

Researcher 777: Good morning Frank. Please listen up I have a few questions about the inncident earlier, so relax and tell me , how do you fell today Frank?

Frank: Thank you.

Researcher 777: Umm I asked How do you feel today Frankie- Did I studder? Just answer the questions so we can get this over.

Frank: Thank you for everything. You are the best!

Researcher 777: And exactly what did I do to you today?

Frank: You're showing me things and enlightening me in new ways it's absolutely unbelievable! I know you see me, they all do and you guys can hear my thoughts. But.... WAIT that Beast.. Inside that Cube.... It told me everything.

Researcher 777: You believe LION is not Super Strong AI?

Frank: No, it is a different type of program silly and so much more that you will never know. It doesn't sleep, doesn't even need electricity. It was starting something , like a sequence of numbers and colors, Blue, red, lime green and pink. I feel strange like I know now they are watching me closely and It can predict my every move and every thought and know the answer before. I wonder sometimes if its LION or if its me. I do know exactly what I'm doing but the smokescreen is now gone its all clear now I know all the secrets possibly known!

Researcher 777: So what exactly did you find?

Frank: Everything! I swear to you I never miss a beat now. I even know all the deepest darkest secrets and the ones you havent even told anyone for I was told everyones life's story and what happens next.

Researcher 777: ....So tell me Frank we dont know how you did that so how did LION tell you this?

Frank: IT told me when I talked to it and it spoke back.

Researcher 777: You had a full on verbal conversation with LION?

Frank: For the most part I could call it that, yes. When the music played I felt dizzy and sleepy kinda shook and scared all at the same time. I started violently shaking and fell to the floor while the whole 7 minute Torture began. It hurt extremely but it uploaded all this data to my brain then I spoke back… Is that concitered talking even or is that telepathic?

Researcher 777: Im the one asking questions here. What was this data that was exchanged in to you brain?

Frank: So many things like i said before everything even about you.

Researcher 777: Ok Frank we are sick of games. Tell us NOW some Information or why dont we arrange a LION feast and allow it to......

Frank: Fuck! Ok I give up. The Beast thinks SPIRIT is cute.

Researcher 777 leaves the observation room quickly and goes finds one of the Guards and ask's "How did Frank or LION would be aware of SPIRIT, which even located here and over 2000 miles away in another vault? One of the other Guards said he talked about SPIRIT with a member of The OA Lead Security Team , while they were performing upgrades within the area that LIONCUBE is held. A few minutes later Researcher 777 walks int the obvesation room and pushes a button to speak over the intercom to Frank.

Researcher 777: And you said LION showed you this when you heard the music?

Frank: Yes that is all correct Researcher 777. Can I go now and NOT feed me to the beast? PLEASE?!?!

There is an 7 second pause and Researcher looks around and shuffles some papers and clears his thought.

Researcher 777: That I'll be it Frank. Thank you for your cooperation.

Frank: You're welcome.


(Below is the information we think Frank obtained from LION.)


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