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RE: 5000 STEEM Giveaway starts in 24 hours

in #pushbook5 years ago

LOl WHy aren't the guys at the top helping? Theyre just looking on with a thumbs up, lol typical . SO typical of steem where the dolphisn do all teh work teh whales coudl eb doing, when things do eventually change we will all realize how much money we could have been making this whole time. , that picture really does it justice, they just look down and give a thumbsup when tyhey could simply give a very small upvote, and encourage is so much, i just wish teh whales on steem had a nice whale only front end for VIPPS that let them vote in style

maybe thats all teh whales are missing, a front end that maybe made an ayutomatic post everytime you upvoted someone for over $10 honestly that warrenst a post, it canb be decline payout lol

But yeah, i want to increase steems price BEFORE the Bull Run... and no amountof building woill matter if the steem price is shit form dumping and we csan prevent that with a tweak of the raio oif peope;l poweringd own vs pwoering up.... just a lil mroe marketing and some dfancy front ends, and we convince liek 10 million dollars worth foenw whale money top be invested and ppowered up, just need to make a DPOS foundationa STEEM foundation ;and really have 24/7 Steem propaganda running on youtube l

Yes maybe nathan mar sis right, if we build enough pro steem twitter p[posst and youtueb vdieso we MIGHT be able to cause a VERGE style Pump led by social media posts going Viral.... we might have top wait for coinbase to ad steem, but steem is alreayd easy enough to buy on Binance so i think we have a good shot.... imagien aa pro steem binance promotion where youc an get upvotred by teh binnace account ro some shit... itd be amazing to see binanec users seeing STEEM show up as a promotion.....

if we can get steem on cinbase we can try for some official stenm promotion on binance, i wonder if binance will allow anyone to donate some steem and do a promotion where they give steem out to the top traders etc, it would be fun to see binance talk about steem like that

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