Your presence as your purpose and your purpose is your choice.

in #purpose6 years ago (edited)

I respect only those that I can see are truly passionately motivated by a cause.
Otherwise to live without a cause is to live a life of total mediocrity as defined by your complete self-begotten irrelevance.
Your purpose is your choice. If you don't make a choice, you choose anyway, which leads you inexorably to travel down the path of your lowest possible manifestation. Do you really want to be like everybody else? What the hell do they know anyway? How are they so different from you? And you know very well how you are able to achieve your own best possibility. You decide here and now, and It always being now every choice is perfect such that what you choose always leads to the best outcome because you have the faith, the trust in the eternal present to deliver you a proper response, or hint at direction as to what to do next. In such trust is the infinitely recurrent intelligence of the universe. This vast divine immortal intelligence is your real Self, the Self we have in common, and which is common to all life everywhere.
To deny this is to live in a realm of abstraction aloof and beyond any true sight of reality.
Your realization of the eternal now is simultaneous with the recognition of what, being done next being done now, leads perfectly to the manifestation of your Highest.
Constantly manifesting in this eternal moment that spans infinity as your best possible outcome is your presence as your purpose and your purpose is your choice. Seeing is not accidental. To have insight you must actually look. Therefore awareness must be vigilantly maintained, always remembering, pay attention, pay attention, pay attention.
You assume you know everything. You don't. You don't know anything at all. Not understanding, you understand.
You are here on a voyage. There was a beginning and there will be an end. However, because they imply each other, you also know ends lead to beginnings, if beginnings lead to ends. So it is a cycle, a circle, am I just going round and round and round? What is the basis of what becomes of my trajectory in life? Where am I going? I must be where I have always been. To be able to think and understand is not a gift given by God, it is divinity itself.
It is within you and it is within me. It is the Logos.
Those not animated passionately by some kind of cause, however trivial and mundane to however profound and mysterious, are dead to themselves and have lost awareness they are even alive. Your breath is your closest experience - it is what facilitates the current of Life.
Any cause will do, even if it is to conquer the universe. I will respect that monster more than an indolent vision-less self-abandoned nobody.
Have a cause. Have a purpose. Make a choice. Do it and do it now because it's the only time you can really do anything.

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