Jewish Holidays - #1 - Purim

in #purim7 years ago (edited)

( Image Source : Yo-yoo )

Hey Steemians,

I thought about what content can I provide you that may be interesting and instructive.
Because today is Christmas, It was easy to find a niche that I will post about. oh, and Merry Christmas!

First Holiday - Purim

The Book of Esther, which is one of five scrolls, tells the story of the attempt to exterminate and save the Jews of the Persian kingdom during the reign of King Ahasuerus.

The scroll tells of Haman, of the seed of Amalek, who was appointed viceroy of Ahasuerus. Haman wanted to exterminate all the Jews in the kingdom of Ahasuerus, facing Mordechay the Jew and his cousin Esther, who was chosen at the beginning of the story to be queen, and thanks to her status and resourcefulness, she managed to thwart Haman's plot.

Thanks to Esther and Mordechay, Haman was hanged on a tree. Since then, Jewish people are celebrating this date has the failure of Haman to destroy the Jewish people.

According to the Halacha, The Megillah must be read on Purim.

As an addition, Esther decided to make the day before Purim, a fast day. in memory of the cries the Jewish did to cancel the decree.

What Jewish do on Purim?

On Purim, we do various of cool things as an addition to there Kriyat Megillah (Read the Megillah)


On Purim, we dress up as whatever we want to be. The great thing about this is you can dress up in a unique way you can think of, You can make a custom by yourself.

There are a lot of stores in Israel that sells customs especially for Hanukkah, It can be a fictional character and someone from the Bible. It can be anything! A few years ago , My friend dressed up as an iPhone, a custom he purchased so it will be made especially for him. It can be literally anything!

It is quite similar to Halloween ( customs wise ) just without the "Trick or Treat".

( Image Source : Brurya )

We have a tradition to eat Hamantaschen on Purim. Which is really tasty and food I really like eating on Purim.

( Image Source : New York Times )

One of the coolest things about this holiday is the "Adloyada", Which is a parade that's especially for Purim. I LOVE IT!

It is a carnival where people are dressed up with customs and just walking down the streets and having fun with giant dolls and trucks. I live in the city Herzliya, where we have Adloyada every year but with a twist. Every year there's a different theme.

The Biggest Adloyada in Israel is in Holon. It is an amazing experience to be there in Adloyada. There are hundreds of thousands of people there, which really helps the economic development of Holon as well.

In 2018, Purim will be on February 28 and will end on the first day of March.

You're interested by Jewish Holidays and want to know more about it? I'll make sure to post all the holidays, so make sure to follow me for more :)


That's a great post on the Jewish holidays - and I'm saying it as a Jew! so upvote him and let other people enjoy it too!

חנוכה עומד בצד בוכה, הרגע הבין שהוא יהיה החג האחרון ב"פינת החגים" שלך. אם רק היית חושב על זה לפני שבוע.... בכל מקרה, אחלה פוסט ראשון בסדרה.

I loved your post ...

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