How Pure Are You? Care Taking a Little Test?

in #pure3 years ago

So you've been catching up on your favorite Youtubers, or reading some mind-blowing articles that have all the girls in a tizzy. For instance:
But is it really worth it? How pure are you? Is this what we, as woman and influencers who want to make a difference in the way society judges women's appearances should be doing? Youo can also learn more about this here Take this quick survey and see how much of an influence buying into societal norms has had on you! [leave survey below]

  1. Do you buy more products when they're aesthetically pleasing?
  • No
  1. When you see a beauty product that is aesthetically pleasing, what do you think of it?
  • Oh wow, something pretty! There must be some great ingredients in this since I am attracted to it visually.
    -Just another pretty bottle with chemicals inside. Beauty is pain..right?
  1. Do you feel pressured by society's standards on how women should look?
  • Yes
  • No
  1. How would you describe your relationship with social media?
    -I use social media for all aspects of my life! It's an easy way to connect with others and stay updated with current events while keeping up on whats fashion forward, or new nail polish colors etc..
    -I use social media for a few things, but not as a main outlet of communication.
  2. When taking pictures on instagram, what do you try to convey?
    -My real life! I am a 100% myself and this is who I am <3
    -I want to bring out my best self! Being pretty and creating the best visual representation of myself so that others will follow me...and buy my products of course ;)
  3. If you had to choose between looking beautiful but not being able to move your face at all, or looking average and showing facial expression which would you choose?
    -Average and having the ability express myself naturally
    -Beautiful with limited facial expression.
  4. What do you think of the "Instagram face" and why?
  • I like that people can express themselves naturally and be themselves, even if it doesn't look as good as their filtered photos.
    • Its a way to manipulate how people see you through visual editing. It's not real, and it gives others false expectations of who you are..which isn't right.
  1. Do you feel like society pressures women to come across as perfect?
  • No
  1. How often do you practice your instagram face in the mirror before taking pictures on instagram?
    -All the time! I wouldn't want my followers to think that I am anything less than flawless ;)
    -I'll occasionally fix my makeup. I don't see the point in always practicing my face around the clock..I mean, there's no time to be myself!
  2. How often do you look at your instagram like and scroll through others' before taking pictures on instagram?
    -All the time! Omg this lip color is amazing and i need it on me right now!
  • I'll check out a few posts here and there but not for too long. If they catch my eye, maybe like their photo...but thats it. I'm not looking to expand my feed with likes or followers, so why would I spend hours looking at people who can easily alter what they look like anyway? Besides...there are better things to do

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