It's nice to see the guys from the band "Spinal Tap" are working again

in #punchline6 years ago (edited)

Moving Stonehenge.jpg

It's nice to see that the guys from the band "Spinal Tap" have found some work again, moving the stones at Stonehenge for Daylight Savings Time.

(Too obscure? Anyone who lives in an area that recognizes Daylight Savings Time remember the movie "This is Spinal Tap"?)


yeah i speak for all 800,000 steemians when I say I don't know wtf you're on about

LOL. You know I got this reference immediately. I wish I lived in a society where I could communicate only in movie and Simpsons quotes.

Finally, something that's even too obscure for traf(algar)!

In the States, we turn our clocks ahead by an hour in the Spring (last night) and then back an hour in the fall, so we get more daylight during the day. Yes, being the daft blokes we are, we believe we can change the amount of daylight in a day by changing the clock.

The movie "This is Spinal Tap" is similar to the resulting offspring of a Monty Python and Led Zeppelin tribute band's one night stand. Part of their set was a styrofoam Stonehenge display, which didn't look very large, so they had midgets as the roadies to make the display look larger.

If you're in the mood for an off the wall, dry sense of humor movie that will make you say, "I wasted 2 hours of my life on this?", I'd strongly recommend Spinal Tap.

I just don't think @traf could hear you. Better turn it up to 11.

The confused look on his face when he's trying to explain it to the interviewer, and can't figure out why he doesn't get it. "No, but you see, our amps go up to 11".


Thanks catching the misspelling. Bank vs *Band. Corrected, and hopefully makes a little bit more sense now.

I think they got the dimensions wrong.

I've got to watch that movie again! I'm laughing just looking at the pic.

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