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RE: What Patriot fans are really thinking

in #punchline7 years ago

I wasn't rooting for the Pats, but the call where the Eagles receiver stepped on the line in the back of the end zone and yet it was still ruled a touchdown was definitely a bunk call in my opinion.

…I say from my recliner, fingers covered in Cooler Ranch Doritos dust, with a Coke spill stain on my T-shirt, professing my expertise over the paid and uniformed professionals on the field.


I believe the NFL has been turned into a SJW, bubble wrapped league which is one protest away from becoming two-hand touch or flag football. A sport made up primarily of passing and catching, running, and the occasional kick, still hasn't settled on a clear definition of a catch. Last night was the only game I watched all year (with the sound off, and listening to police scanners in Philadelphia).

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