The Ultimate Psy-op Conspiracy Writing contest... The application of conspiracy theories by US government to a innocent heart.

in #psyop-contest7 years ago (edited)

Hello Namaste hola friends, today I bring you a topic about ,how from the time imemorials, the so called government agencies have been making conspiracy against the general public. The so called civilized societies have been contineously throwing us the bones as a reward for the sacrifices of the soldiers in the bordes,sacrifices of general public for their daily hard works, services of the doctors, nurses, teachers etc.


Days of science and technology.

We all know that science and technology makes our lives more comfortable .Until and unless science remain as servants of mankind it is better for us. But If science become the masters, it may behave uncontrollably dangerously.

Good servants bad masters.

But the behavior of science and technology ,depends on ,not the means but the mentality of the hands with which it has been operated.

If the invention of science and technology would not be happened, we will have to live contineously in the dark ages, in a very primitive way.
But thanks to the great souls who had sacrificed their lives for the development of human civilizations.
But so called system have been completely compelled them to live in a very painful situations.

The conspiratory hands, always grabe them to the world where the greatest souls have to faced miseries against in the dark and tight hands.

The great scientist :Albert Einstein.

The greatest souls of the world who is well known for his greatest theory of relativity and as the great spirit behind the making of very dangerous weapon of the world ,for which the two great cities turned into asses.

Conspiracy against the great work.

He was none other than the greatest scientist of 20th centuries ,Albert Einstein who had compelled to lead a very painful life after the misuse of his theory. People said that he was known as the father of the atom bomb in two ways.

Firstly, his greatest letter which had influenced U. S to made bomb research.

Secondly, his glorious theory of relativity, E=mc square had become the great contribution to making the atomic bomb theoretical possible.


After the incident of Nagasaki and herosima,he had expressed his vast regreations for being a scientist. Morally he had suffered most

the reality.

Though, Einstein was not directly participated in the work, he was misguided by his friends mainly Eugene Wigner, Anarico Fermi and leoszilard. They had instigated him greatly by manipulating him how Hitler wanted to be "Hitler the great ".They told him that how Hitler had stopped the export of Uranium from chekoslovekia. They told him that if the Nazi Germany would be able to make the atom bomb, then the future picture of the world will be changed very dangerously.

They also had manipulated him by saying that, how Hitler had killed lakes of innocent Ehuddis in the concentration camp .There for, if the Nazi Germany would be able to make the atom bomb, then it will be great danger not only for Europe, but also whole world may be ruined in a seconds.

At that time, the great scientist was looked in a very confused state. He began to flot in the world of thoughts. One word which makes him more possessive was "Hitler".Yes, Hitler had already crossed the limits of humanity. He thought and thought and at last agreed to go with the matter. In this way his friends were become success. It was the year of 1939 of 2 August ,Einstein had signed a letter to president Roosevelt about the working of atom bomb.. while writing, Some times he stopped writing and began to think how Hitler had become aggressive with his mission to ruined the world.

They had inspired Einstein to signed it for the president Roosevelt,and assured about the importance and benefits of bomb for the security of future worlds.

Yes, the great scientist had written the letter to the president, but he could not suppressed his heart about the dangers of the bomb. He had remained in a very doubtful state about the use of the bomb. In the year 1940 he went to the White House himself alone and request Mr President to make good use of atomic power.

The conspiracy began.

The conspiratory began here. President Roosevelt had assured him that he would never be made it misuse in near future. He had made a great commitment with him that they would never ever will have use it against the inhuman activities specialy in innocent people.

But what happened in reality we all have the sense. Still in the period of 72 years cross ,but the people of Japan have strong hatred feeling for their lose.


There is a great question arises in the world, the bomb was made for the destructions of Hitler and Nazism in Germany,but at that time of 1945 Garmany was remain merely a little flam which power seems to put off in a single blow of the wind.

Then why, the US government, had made such a very dangerous decision. The problem of Japan might be solved with negotiation. It a conspiracy theories of the system, to which the are the expert to impose on humanity some times in a micro level and some times in macro levels.

Regretion of Einstein.

Before his death, in 1954 he had expressed his feelings of guilt and grief by saying that "I made a great mistake in my life.. When I signed the letter to president Roosevelt."He also had victimised with the hands of system. He also repented by saying that "I have always condemned the use of the atomic bomb against Japan.

Image... Pexabay.

Thanks for reading this. I am not against any country but I am against the working behavior of the system .If you like my post please don't forget to upvote follow and resteem it. Namaste Jay hind. Love and peace to the world.

Source... autobiography of Einstein.



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