
just fyi this is psy-op contest entry based on the truth that i believe north koreans would try to trigger seismic activities in the event of war or just by accident maybe.

@v4vapid has a contest going on, i was afraid some might miss the context. this is so far my ONLY fictional post, the rest of my essays are as non-fiction as possible.

repeat, this is a LARP, repeat, this is a LARP lol

Whew! you had me sweatin for a second there. :)

But to be sure, although the story about the reporter and sailor is totally made up psy-op style, THERE ARE LOADED NK SUBS JUST OFF THE COAST WAITING FOR THE SIGNAL TO FUCK SHIT UP HARD

And Trump/horde may decide to sacrifice san francisco and LA or that they may be considered acceptable losses.

You can not put a limit on how nuts trump and his mafia are, they are not sane people.

Did you just double down on psy-ops?!?!
I don't know what to believe!

lol no the whole truth is that i just wrapped what i consider to be a plain, obvious, deduction from a set of well known facts in an unverifiable personal story.

we know

  1. north korea has submarines in the pacific on the coast
  2. they have unlimited military training
  3. they have very intelligent analysis of the united states
  4. they have unlimited conventional weapons
  5. they have minisubs
  6. they can't confront the american navy or army directly in the united states
  7. america as an open society is extremely vulnerable as its critical points are not under 24 hour military guard

So I have to assume they have thought of the fault thing and would strike us with some commandos in the event of war.

I really find it odd no one talks about this, I'm kindof asking the world to prove me I'm wrong in a way.

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