History Manipulated to Control and Cover-Up Humanity's Origins and Destiny

in #psyop-contest7 years ago (edited)


Religion, in its essence, has been a crutch for humanity for millennia, as well as one of the greatest tools to control the human mind. There have been highs-and-lows, ups-and-downs, redactions, and changes from culture-to-culture. Though much of religion has formed into a “you’re wrong, I’m right” game, there are underlying truths that cannot be hidden. Not only within religion, but also history buried within secular texts, archeology, and outer space. One of the largest “cover-up” webs have been spun and as time moves forward there is only a short amount of time until the “veil” of truth is lifted for all to see.


A lot of people consider themselves to be “awake” or as the kids these days call it, “woke-af.” They are aware of the manipulation and mind games the higher powers use to control them. Life, the treadmill which many are deceived because those in “control” use the best forms of deception to confuse the majority. Throughout history, there have been many sages with their higher wisdom that has inspired and corrected man on his path. Among those teachers many attribute praise to Yeshua (a.k.a. Jesus), Prophet Mohammed, Buddha, etc.


Why is this important to understand to continue to be “woke-af?” Well, here’s the thing, a number of people are aware that pagan rituals and religion have filtered their way into the main religions we see now that have attempted to disassociate from. There is the idea that from the “sun” worshipers and the influence the Israelites had in Egypt contribute to the three branches of Abrahamic Faith’s we all see today: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. That can be seen easily as the traditions most celebrate today are littered with pagan origins, and there is no doubt about that. Think about reincarnation, it has been a world-wide belief, and it is corroborated by each religion even though it is mainly suppressed.



Another factor that is attributed to the idea is how under ruler Constantine and mainly through the Council of Nicea, religion organized itself into what it has become today. Take Christianity, if one read the Nag Hammadi text, or other “books” that did not make it into the now Biblical Canon, for example, there are many hints and clues that “Christianity” was not as much of a congealed theology even before the time of Constantine. His reign and rule were one of the greatest masterminded plots in an attempt to control and appease those around him, while in secret he still worshiped his sun god Apollo. His legacy continues today.


You might be asking, why does this matter today? The three Abrahamic Faith’s mentioned above are believed, practiced, or followed by a majority of the world today. That being said, they all think they are correct, and in some ways they are. They all have many paralleled truths that corroborate each other. Take for example they all worship ONE and ONLY ONE ultimate being, just with different names: Allah, God, or YHVH. Please understand this is not to offend or disrespect anyone but to make an interesting correlation and point. So, WHAT IF, we have all been deceived by those that control us within all of these religions? If the majority is based in truth but there is implanted a little lie that subtly changes the entire meaning it has devastating repercussions. Think about this: isn’t it easier to have a way to subdue people and not entice mass chaos? Some form of control needs to be obtained. If the higher power can have distractions by having the majority fight amongst themselves, they are in no way affected, only profiting from breaking the unity amongst the brothers and sisters and perpetuating disharmony by taking the target off their own backs.


If we still take Christianity for instance, due to it is the major religion of the world, there are still many "conspiracies" surrounding their sage and leader, Yeshua.


As pointed out in the link there is a huge debate about whether or not Yeshua married Mary Magdalene and had children, leaving his legacy, "The Holy Grail." To make a point, if this was true, would it not make sense that his “second coming” would be traceable through a lineage and the “holy spirit” would be reincarnated or bond to that individual? As it is stated in the Holy Book, Yeshua came from the lineage of King David, and it was “prophesied” in Revelation 22:16:

I, Yeshua, have sent my Angel to testify these things among you before the assemblies. I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Root and The Offspring of David, and his Companion*, and The Bright Morning Star.

Let’s say that Yeshua had offspring and has a lineage in the world, why would from back then they cover this up? Think about it, why would there be so much controversy dancing around one man? Could it be that he has reincarnated in many famous forms to guide us all into growth and a better life?


Switching gears a bit, let’s dive into outer space. If a lot of what the government does is shady and full of non-disclosure, how can we be so sure they and the church haven’t covered-up aliens? Now before anyone gets upset, an alien just means something, not of this world. God, a holy spirit, they are not from this world and therefore are alien; so are angels and that makes the armies of heaven UFOs. If this is true, why do most churches not believe aliens exist or are they just saying that Marvin the Martian doesn’t exist?


Connecting the dots, what if Christ’s spirit infused with someone in the lineage of David and was walking on this Earth today? Not only fulfilling the three Abrahamic Faith’s prophecies of what many call, “End Times,” but meeting the requirements of Moshiach, and also holding great knowledge and the power of the famous “Lord of Storms” talked about in ancient past? It is certain that major change is occurring in the world, so why not begin to study and learn the truth of what the government has suppressed for so long? Get “woke-af” and dive deep to surpass the manmade fallacies. From this video, it explains how ruins and celestial origins point towards the “Creators origins” and how it fits into the ULTIMATE GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY, MANIPULATION, and COVER-UP…

Archbishop Scoggins:

The Bible tells us that when Christ arrives the armies of heaven will accompany him. And there has been an obvious disclosure coming for some time now…Governments around the world have been subtly letting us in on this as well. Hollywood’s in on the big secret. Letting us see glimpses of the truth and man’s imminent future.

Cardinal Patrick:

Of course, they’ve investigated it but are they telling you the whole truth? Not even close. The Vatican employs numerous top-level astronomers operating telescope technology that allows them to view these objects as well as celestial bodies at an extreme and detailed close-up range.
Now a logical person would ask themselves, the question: why would a major religious institution invest millions of dollars into varied types of high-end telescopes. What are they doing/looking for that NASA hasn’t already found, and why? Think about that. It is not only a reality that the Vatican Astronomers have invested into that kind of telescope technology, but they have also been looking for Extra Terrestrials. Now did they find it, oh yes they know. What is it? The answer is divine origins of the Messiah and the Heavenly Angels. Remember the scripture John 18:36 Christ tells us “my kingdom is not of this world.” Now, pay close attention is this out of sheer curiosity or in preparation for a huge event, perhaps something that of Revelation 19:14…Could it be they are preparing for the “great day of the Lord?” Could it be that since they have also coordinated efforts with NASA, world governments, and militaries that it is to prepare for a war defense with our Heavenly Creators? As most wise sages will tell you, the answers are not only from above but also below here on Earth. There are relics found in this planet revealing ancient hidden history that also tells the truth of our origins as well as our creators origins.



This is only the tip of the iceberg, do your own research and don’t be deceived by those who cover-up the truth because it’s not all as black and white as many of us believe it to be. Find out for yourself, because the truth will come to light whether you want to believe it or not. Our destiny belongs to the Creator, not the worldly powers.


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The points made here are incredible! From religion to reincarnation, there is no doubt in my mind we have been guided throughout history by a holy spirit. And we see the corruption of religion throughout its conception. God gave us the way but man turned it into religion. I could go on with all the points made because they're brought forth excellently :) Great article!

It's a very insightful walkthrough. The sooner their leaders recognize the pivotal common ground they must share with RayEl as the returned messiah, the sooner they can complete the work entrusted to them.

Without religion there would be no science, it is not a crutch, it is a necessary prerequisite for civilization.

woke-af, that's a new one for me, thank you x

Perfect research, Logical points , factual evidence, wonderful perspective and entertaining !

You laid it out there and who has a chance at experiencing cognitive dissonance with this in your face ?
Thank you!

Thank you for this!

And this:

Insightful. Perhaps a more in-depth article would be needed for some of these truths you speak of! Psy-Ops and similar processes have been around for as long as man has known of persuasion, and for as long as there have been political or religious movements.

Certainly, we must be aware, woke AF, and not let ourselves be mindless sheep.

Steem on!

Great write up and all true. Truly, an amazing time to be alive!

This is a good PsyOp conspiracy, good luck in the contest!

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