
F-in A! It is the Truman Show here. I'm having a hard time hearing about the latest thing people bought too. People here are all experts in products and propaganda. Instead of filling their heads with knowledge it's filled with propoganda and excitement over food and products. I don't recall it being this bad years ago.

Everyone loves to talk about the latest thing they bought, then they go off to work 50 hours a week to slave for the next item. I'm so far gone from that mineset I can't even begin to explain.

Everyone has a dream car, a dream house, a dream phone, a dream boyfriend/girlfriend, a dream counter-top, a dream oven, a dream sofa, a dream TV even. It's one endless shopping spree of never content with what they already have! Now we import "dreamers"! from all around the world.

ugh. Things make me sick. Things I have to care for or store away or get friends to care for, or things that make me stay stuck... things. Currently I feel tied down by a massage table and a crockpot

lol. My folks are so disturbed that I can fit all my belongings in a backpack, that they are taking me shopping for new clothes even though I don't have room for another T-shirt. We'll see what happens. So glad you enjoyed my articles. Going to find time this weekend to bang out a bunch more travel tips and reports for this coming week. I've been so busy since I've gotten to the USA, just going with the flow of the people around me, I'm busy busy busy. No time or anything! lol. Looking forward to getting back to a more simple slower pace of life in Thailand!

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