Sterlin Luxan and Psychotherapy - Emancipated Human

in #psychotherapy8 years ago (edited)

Recently, Sterlin joined Luis and they both talked about Psychotherapy and how it would work in a free market. Solutions and ideas about working with new paradigms. I hope you enjoy this

Sterlin Luxan is a professional writer and aspiring psychotherapist. He founded the psychologic-anarchist Facebook page and blog. He works as a business journalist and copy editor. He has written a peer reviewed article for the International Journal of Reality Therapy. He is also a Staff Writer for The Art of Not Being Governed. Popular articles include Anarchy is for Lovers, On Becoming an Anarchist, Persuasive Anarchy, and Therapeutic Activism. He has a bachelors degree in psychology, and is working on a Masters in clinical counseling. He is fascinated about how psychotherapy, neuroscience, psychology and philosophical anarchism can be integrated and synthesized and use in practical and professional capacity.


Yes!!! Two people I adore having a great discussion, and all shared on a platform I think has great potential.

Sterlin challenges everything people have assumed or been taught by the status quo as relates to the realm of human psychology, and I am so enjoying that he reflects much of what I was learning and discovering for myself .

He also continues to articulate things I haven't quite yet, simply because I have focuses in other thought realms right now, and so his writing is filling in the blanks on some topics that I hadn't fully fleshed out on my own all the way. It is like watching him clearly spell out what my brain was already figuring out to some degree.

He also has helped me see things from different perspectives, and while I am a dancer among a million perspectives, I still miss many of them, and Sterlin is one I can count on to reveal a few I missed.

Amanda, that was really nice of you to say about me. I appreciate that. And I feel the same about you, friend. You post material that I do not solely focus on so it helps me maintain some thought processes in those realms. I really appreciate that.

FYI, I loved your article from earlier. You are doing some unique perspective type stuff. Keep at it.

Sterlin and Luis. Two of my favorites in the field. Is this like Batman and Robin? Who would wear the tights? Nevermind, now I need to find some way to remove that vision from my brain . . . ohhh, bourbon!

lmfao!!! we'll get brian to wear the tights.

Chubby man with a beard = Brian. Now you get to remove the vision from your brain!

thanks for sharing this material, I like what you posted.

Luis, thanks for sharing. I support all of your work, and I loved this discussion. I would also love for us to do it again in the near future, perhaps this time talk about compassion and communication!

This is a great video! Informative and thought provoking. Thanks!

Just saw you are on Steemit. Glad you are hear. Really enjoyed the video.

Just brilliant! I have a much clearer view of the big-picture thanks to this! I'm simply amazed everyday that thanks to Steemit I've been able to see all of this amazing work other anarchists are doing. I've been one for a while but never really explored much beyond the big names everyone knows.

I now know with certainty that a peaceful, brighter world awaits, unlike I've ever experienced before, all thanks to incredible people who I never even knew were out there, working away.

So, Sterlin, Luis, and everyone else in this incredible anarchist community: THANK YOU!

you're welcome and i'm just getting started i got much more to learn about different straegties and methods to use on convince statist and minarchist its just so great to see this plantform explode in anarchists and epecially the big names get attention and the money they deserve to continue to produce great content like @larkenrose and @dollarvigilate

Did you know you have a lantern on your head in the top picture? It must be the hat of learning.

Usually, it's obvious when a person is mentally fucked up - cannot function, forgets things easy, cannot concentrate for more than 5 minutes, gets very aggressive without a sufficient reasons, etc. It's probably very important for the industry how this is calibrated and who gets legally paid for what. Sure we can say that that such person is not sick because of semantics.
However, I think it’s important to keep unstable and dangerous people off the street, no matter how scientific community will call it and separate them from those who can function if they take some sort of a pill. It’s like Bermuda triangle. Some say planes are missing there because they are abducted by aliens and others because of very explainable natural phenomena. As for me I don’t really care, but I will try to stay away from this region in either case.

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