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RE: “Chocolate Zombie Apocalypse” - The Science Behind Sugar Addiction

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

Unless the government take a stand, we will see more and more of the effect of sugar addiction and a real chocolate zombie apocalypse might actually happen.

I'm going to kindly disagree with you there. Part of the reason this issue exist is because of government subsidies making sugar and corn syrups cheaper than healthier alternatives along with the regulations regarding organic food making them more expensive. It's not only in the government's best interest to keep the money they make from this, as well as another reason to take control of healthcare, but also helps the masses stay nice and fat and happy. Bread and circuses and let them eat cake, as they say.

The best we can hope is to continue to educate and raise awareness so people make smarter decisions and vote with their personal choices. If people want to be sugar addicted zombies, that's there choice. I choose not to, and I would hate if someone got the government to regulate my choices just because they disagreed with it.

Best of luck to you on this site. Hopefully we can impact some change through it, and thank you and @lifenbeauty for opening a dialogue!

Edited for spelling.


Thank you and best of luck to you as well.

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