Where do YOU lay on the scale? The MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)

Welcome to my first informational post regarding this awesome type indicator that is used for various purposes in life like career choices, relationship compatibility and even just to understand yourself better. It's a good-to-know thingy about yourself, whether it's for your own or someone else's understanding of how you process information. With any further ado, on to the 8 letters!


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The first letter of your type will be either I (Introverted) or E (extroverted) . You can check the descriptions above to choose the one that mostly applies to you, or you could choose one of the following:

  1. I recharge by being around people and outside of my home (majority of the time).
    I cannot sit in my house, even though I keep myself busy, without seeing other people for more than 48 hours (majority of the time).
  2. I recharge by spending time alone at home or with close loved ones (majority of the time).
    I can sit in my house, and keep myself busy without seeing other people for more than 48 hours (majority of the time).

Number 1 being extroversion and number 2 being introversion. This one is fairly easy to answer for most people.

The second letter of your type will either be S (Sensory) or N (iNtuitive) . This one is usually the most difficult one to establish (for myself anyway). You can check the descriptions above to choose the one that mostly applies to you, or you could choose one of the following:

  1. I like to focus on the now , what's real and what's clear because it exists. If I have an idea it's usually practically implementable.
  2. I like to think and base my reasoning on ideas constructed using past experiences and knowledge. I sometimes predict what will happen fairly accurately.

Number 1 being sensory and number 2 being intuitive.


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The third letter of your type will either be F (Feeling) or T (Thinking) . First of all, no, feelers do not cry all the time, and no, thinkers aren't emotionless robots. Read each description carefully.

  1. I prefer to make decisions based on logic and reason; what makes optimal sense.
  2. I prefer to make decisions based on values and moral codes; what accommodates everyone and excludes no one.

Number 1 being thinking and number 2 being feeling.

And we've come to the last letter. The fourth letter of your type will either be P (Perceiving) or J (Judging) . The following video is an awesome representation of both letters. Do yourself a favour and watch it quickly. Just a few minutes of your precious time. Don't be lazy.

No letter is better than another. You cannot truly be 50/50 of each letter. You will have a preference for one of them, even if they are almost the same.

Please comment your true thoughts about this, I'd love to hear them. AS WELL AS YOUR TYPE. I'm very excited to know this :) future posts about the specific types incoming...

Thanks for reading!


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I agree with @chr7is, knowing the personality type of person can smooth over conversations that would otherwise turn out horribly.
I am also quite interested in this subject as it tends to be quite accurate.
I am an ISFP (although ESFP follows a close second)
So I'm having a ball on Steemit :D

Thanks for the comment, and for actually typing yourself. I actually think you're ISTP...

I think it helps a lot to know the MBTI of a person you are dealing, it can sometimes help with interpreting their actions. I'm an INTJ ;)

I'm an INFJ and it definitely matches up with my personality! I feel like this post really explains each half of the letter associations so clearly. I'm a scheduler, sometimes to the dismay of my family and friends, when I start scheduling things in our day down to the 30 minute interval haha.

Personality types test like this is great in identifying our best strengths and weaknesses but personalities do change from time to time :) @xramonahx so tests like this are best integrated with the brain inclination psychometrics. Also, I like 16personalities too. free test to check out. since most of these tests are quite expensive. but good article anywya :)

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