Grab a chair, relax

Waking up is never easy not even if you wake up without any reason. I woke up early this morning and it was pitch dark. I wondered about the time decided to stay in bed though. For a change, I felt warm although the hot water bag next to me was close to cold. Cold or hot it still is a great wall against the cold underneath the blanket at the right of me. That part I can't warm up because I have already a hard time doing so on the spot where I lay. Curled up trying to keep me warm.

My bedroom is cold, getting colder every day and the end isn't near yet. At least seven more months to go if not eight. Now I think about it, it's clear how come it feels Summers are so short. Outside it might start earlier but inside is a different story especially because most of us live indoors. We no longer go for a walk, grab a chair and sit in the sun to keep warm.

Yesterday the sun shone and you know what? It was warmer outside, way warmer and better than inside.
Outside was the coat and hat free life while I need coats, hats, blankets, gloves, hot water bags and blankets if I'm inside my own home. Ridiculous but true. It reminds me of a scene in the Netflix series 'Mindhunter'. A lady sits outside on her veranda peeling potatoes or? She is questioned by two FBI agents who stand under an umbrella in the pouring rain! She's always outside.

Watching people pass by is as good as -if not better- switching the telly on and listening to the endless stream of nonsense. Repeated nonsense, commercials, politicians, the next crises, all that drama and those specialists having one thing in common: The ability manipulate the mass with lies and empty promises.

What you hear or see infects you. Your brain doesn't forget and that's why I can still remember certain commercials, even the messages they sang. When exactly do they give up on that? Singing in commercials? It's the perfect way to brainwash people happily. Together we sing the same song. That message you can't get out of your head. Even in your sleep, it repeats itself and if you wake up it's back again.
Of course, it works the other way round too. I mean the averse to a product or person because of the message sent. Heinz did it with me. Heinz and his stupid humiliating, women unfriendly commercial. Already as a child, I hated this attitude and till today I haven't bought anything of the brand Heinz (it's not hard to make tomato ketchup yourself and the bottle of bio ketchup on sale tasted surprisingly good).

If it comes to rain, that pouring rain I wrote about earlier: rain and cold do not necessarily go hand in hand. So that lady on her portico is right. Why not stay outside. She won't get wet and fresh air, some warmth and signs of life are what we all need. Hiding inside isn't the solution. Not if it comes to the pandemic. Staying inside makes me sick. A few times a day I step outside and have those slow walks outside. A slow walk these days instead of a quick one. It's a perfect way to destress and enjoy what is left of Mother Nature. You should do that too. Enjoy that world outside, walk through your garden, sit on your patio or balcony and let news, 'being informed' belong to your past. Occasionally is frequently enough. If you don't give up on checking if.. the only thing you'll miss is the chance to relax, moments free of stress, fear.

Let your brain and body rest. You can't do that with a phone in your hand, the television set switched on and a radio spreading its subjective news 24/7. It's pointless to wait for the good news. There's no good news, there will never be. After nearly two years of pandemic, we know all the bad ideas, plans, all the idiots, radicalism, terrorism, the globalists comes from the USA. It always starts there. It always seems to start with the same people. People who tell the same lies and always get away with it. A monkey can see it but humans not.

Fauci for example is a fraud. A man who loves to reign, scare people into death. He is no scientist but a sadist. Heard what he said about Aids (HIV)? How this disease spread among people, children? The same nonsense he says today about the coronavirus and children. The guy became older, not wiser but there's no need to because his followers are blind, live in the dark and their hearts became pitch dark.

Sociopaths like Fauci can perfectly live with lies and the results. You know what the profile of a serial killer is, don't you? Sociopaths copy certain behaviour, they do not care, they lie and have a history of cruelty to animals. If you search for Fauci you will notice it's all there. You do not need to be a special agent or mind hunter to know what's going on, what kind of person Fauci is. The man says it. He spells it out (just like Bill Gates and senile Biden and with them ministers worldwide). If you listen you can hear him say what the next step is. It isn't about a way out. It's not about fighting a virus. There's no pandemic just a plandemic. A plan they enrolled in after years of spreading fear after they announced crisis after crisis.

While many live in fear, let emotions lead their lives (you know emotions have nothing to do with reality. Emotions aren't real it stands for a personal fear of what might happen if) others go out. Why? Because there's no reason to stay in the dark because you should live today, enjoy the present instead of undermining your health.

If you stay inside, if you do not open your windows, doors, your eyes you are doomed. You will get sick. Not because of an epidemic but because you talked yourself into it. The opposite of positive thinking is negative thinking. If the placebo effect works for you you fall for the plandemic tricks too. It might not sound nice but a hypochondriac is always sick.



There's no need to find a way out if you are not in. With in I mean you suffer under the restrictions, you fear. It is possible to build a life, be part of a community that doesn't control you. Control what you eat, how you dress, the right of a haircut, when your nails need to be clipped, who writes/chats with you and when to shit. Just like me, you can build yourself back better.

You can protect yourself against the mainstream media and focus on the good things in your life, ask yourself what you want for yourself. You can ask others how they manage. Those people who just like you don't feel the need to divide, aren't looking for a scapegoat and want to make the best out of today. Many fall for it and follow blindly but the good news is so many do not. You might not hear about them but they are out there willing to reach out to you if you wake up and want to go out to have some fresh air and enjoy the sun.

You know what? That television can wait. It can always be switched on but the sun won't. Before you know it there's a thunderstorm on its way, the lightning hits you and you are surrounded by a cold mist again before the dark of the night falls over you.
Waking up without a reason doesn't mean there's no reason. There always is even if we are not aware of it. In my case, it's caused by a disturbed biorhythm the result of too much work and hardly any sleep. I worked too hard, too many hours and thought it was necessary plus I was a workaholic. I wanted to be reliable, keep my promises and build a better life and future for me and my children. It did work but also did not. Everything has its price.
"If you do not have 2/3 of your time for you, you are a slave". I will not forget these words easily and it's true. I was a slave. I worked and with all my hard work I benefitted someone else, not me. The thing is I can easily be replaced I will be replaced. If that happens the question is: Who am I? What is left of me? Do I still have friends, hobbies, health and freedom to do as I like? How do I avoid stumbling around in the dark if the sun will never shine again and the power is switched off? The answer is by starting now, by being prepared, by keeping yourself busy and by focusing on what brings you light.

How to find you, inner peace, improve your life?

  • Stop watching t.v.
  • Unsubscribe to newsletters
  • Read e-mail once a week
  • Keep the radio switched off
  • Leave your phone home if you go out/shop/visit someone
  • Sleep 8-10 hours
  • Leave your phone out of the bedroom
  • Eat/drink without a phone in your hand
  • Only switch your computer on if you need it.
  • Give up on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok (one social media is the max).
  • Set a timer for internet activities. One hour on is one hour of
  • The brain needs time to process all information (what you saw, heard, read, did, who you met). One hour doing something means 10 minutes doing nothing (lay on your bed do nothing!). So 8 hours at work + 2 hours travelling = 100 minutes doing nothing.
  • Unplug and find new ways to keep yourself busy
  • Entertain yourself
  • Prepare your own food.
  • Be independent
  • Take responsibility for you


See @freewritehouse for the contest '
a picture is worth a thousand words'
Source photo:

#kittywu #freewrite #independent #life #lifestyle


Good tips nevertheless the next months will be hard for many. More singles, more fights, molesting. I pray the Christmas spirit will last longer.

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