
@valorforfreedom This was a great response to a video covering a very important topic. I started to train all of my kids (my daughter too) how to defend themselves. In their school there is a "No Bullying" policy. Kinda funny because it still happens. I told my kids no matter what be proud of yourself and always stand up for yourself. I also said don't worry about getting in trouble in school if you have to fight someone. If they start with you, you make sure that you finish that fight. I also tell them that I will talk to the school, teachers, etc. There was an incident by a swimming pool last year when an older kid started with my oldest son. My younger son saw it and tackled the older boy and the fought the bully together. They sent the older boy running. LOL! I was very proud of them. They did the right thing and they defended themselves. You have to STAND UP and DEFEND YOURSELF, if you don't YOU WILL RUN FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! Well that's my 2 cents on this topic.

Fighting or fleeing or freezing, all 3 can become a habit and those habits are built when we enter this planet. My mother always told me to back away from a fight and that "the smarter person backs down".

My brother and I usually didn't have that option. We grew up in Brooklyn, NY. There you fought and in many case more than one person. If you ran, or backed off you were seen as a punk and everyone would get word of it. Then they all would go after you. If you were strong then that went around the neighborhood as well. People then gave you respect and left you alone. Ahhh the good old days.

Was bullied when I was young like 7 years old, changed school because of that, got big and bigger everytime someone tried to bully me I struck back... we don't get expelled for defending ourselves, we might get a 3 or 4 "vacation" period at home but nothing much...

People tell me violence doesn't solve anything... they must have never met some of the apes I've met, sometimes it's the only way to solve the whole thing... I once almost broke someone's fingers! I told him 3 times to stop trying to fight me, every time he came he got subjugated, the third time I twisted his fingers so hard he started crying... the guy always says hello to me when he sees me on the street, never tried to fight me again...

And, even though I'm saying to fight violence with violence, I hate using violence, like I said, I told the guy 3 times to stop trying to fight, he got subjugated 3 times, every time I subjugated him I told him " I'm going to release you but you need to stop" he agreed and tried to fight me again when I released him -.-

The whole "tell the school, tell the parents" etc... thing isn't going to solve anything, we will have bullies our entire lives, and there will be no parents or school to protect us in this jungle that we call real world...

The whole "tell the school, tell the parents" etc... thing isn't going to solve anything, we will have bullies our entire lives, and there will be no parents or school to protect us in this jungle that we call real world...


Unfortunately I haven't been able to view videos for a while now. The average network in my country sucks and I don't have money for a better deal

On the issue of bullying, we've all been there. One way to 'survive'is to share the burden and seek a solution with friends. We need to take this message more to our schools

I wish I had utilized the "punch in the face" method much sooner as it could have saved me years of heartache.

Same here Beth.

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