Psychology Today - Arrogance and Positivity

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

Arrogance can be dangerous

In today's world especially across all social media channels (that includes Steemit as well) one comes across tons of arrogant people. Some of these people can be even very DANGEROUS when combining with the ability to create buzz an following around them. Their following might simply accept so-called superiority behaviour of such individuals and admire them as revolutionary leader.

It happened in the last century with extremist movements across Europe - scientists and politicians still try to understand why these leaders managed to create Wars, seduced entire nations to do very ugly things.

Arrogance does not mean bad

Does this mean every arrogant person is a bad human being? Certainly not BUT there is only a small step from being simply an arrogant a...hole towards inflated self-esteem leading to radical movements in the end.

Just sharing my personal view based on my life experience and no worries - this will not be a long essay or analysis of human behaviour or brain! I am just an average German Joe - not a psychologist, not a social worker, not a politician - I am one of these guys people laugh about as we try to spread positive vibes to be successful in any environment. Maybe it is only trying and we fail sometimes. But I see this is as very important - no matter if it is on a social platform, in your family, with friends or in your daily job environment.

Please review who you follow

I only want to point out - Be Careful who you follow - and always ask yourself continuously if this is really what you think is right or if it is just something someone tells you to be right! Reflect yourself! Ask questions! But do it in a nice way anytime! Smile if someone tells you fuck-off but learn your lesson.

Thanks for listening and do not get seduced by negative people.

I hope this post results not in a major decline of my Follower Base :-)


I hear you on this wholeheartedly... these sorts of platforms often validate the inflated ego, or helps to mask one's real intentions... I try to go through and review who I'm connected with every now and then, in order to sever ties with those who put out negative energy, but it's sometimes hard to tell...

Thanks my American friend! Glad to see you using steemit

Sure thing, working on another post idea, hopefully will ha e something new up in the next few hours or so...

Great post and the contents make a lot of sense. I don't think it will make any difference in your follower base.

Very nice of you! Cheers and happy Saturday

Excellent post dear @uwelang friend as always a real pleasure to visit his works
Have a beautiful weekend

Thanks amigo - well done on your 1,000 followers, wanted to reply but in stress mode these days and too many great steemians out there

Many thanks dear friend @uwelang for your kind words, lose care to me also happens to me, I comment more than 100 post a day some always pass me
Have a beautiful weekend surrounded by your loved ones

Toller Artikel. At school I was considered arrogant but it was some kind of insecurity. I changed a lot and smile at people much more. It works Hahaa

If you have Light, let it Shine Bright. I love it! People will try and bring you "Down to Their level"
I would say Hell no thank you & keep Rocking... until I can't hear them anymore.

You become more attractive by age not only physically

That's interesting ! Really ?

LOL - that one is awesome! Haha!

Arrogance sometimes is a defense mechanism of people who are insecure and don't know how to present and express themselves properly.
I don't arrogancy for granted and always try to look behind the mask before judging anybody.
Great post, Uwe!

Agreed and thanks! Therefore people think I am arrogant too sometimes - my insecurity that is

True words, my friend. I feel that arrogance has seeped into the world of opinions too. Now everyone believes they are right, everyone else is wrong, no one elses opinion even fucking matters.. Because mine is more important!

Great piece- Resteemed.

Thanks mate - you are right - everyone (me too) always need to reflect on this!

Nice to read! Also, if you are interested in this kind of stuff you might consider reading "the definitive book on body language". It is not specifically about arrogance and positivity but it makes you able to read body language which show either of these. Very interesting "mentalist" stuff!

That is a good idea, thanks for the suggestion!

Nice post @uwelang , Was following theDollarVigilante, but had to find out that this guy is just constantly telling his audience how awesome he is. Had to un-follow him because of that. I agree with him on some issues nonetheless.

i do not know him that well to judge :-) thanks for the feedback

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