Beauty is MUCH More Than Skin Deep! Choosing A Partner Based Mainly On Looks is Lazy And Doomed to Fail!

in #psychology6 years ago

Considering the huge number of humans on Earth it is quite a challenge to find the perfect partner in life - so it's important to know how to best find them. We possibly all have known people who are obsessed by appearances, to the point that they will deny obvious flaws in character, plus their own real needs in favour of finding a 'trophy' wife/husband/partner to 'look good' with... But how empty would life become if we only based important choices on appearances?

I remember reading somewhere that the average human brain uses most of it's energy processing visual imagery - so it's no surprise that this heavily effects our thoughts so that we often place higher value on things of visual appeal than on other qualities.. This is part of why huge marketing budgets for products often include great expense spent on visual artwork and imagery and those who seek to control the week willed among us know this trick very well. Given that RELATIVE measurements of beauty can determine the success of a product it is important to notice just how much energy is being invested in dressing up crappy products to look 'beautiful' in an attempt to deceive and make huge amounts of money.

When it comes to human beauty, this theme continues in many ways and mass marketing has us buying makeup and expensive clothes to 'look a million dollars' - but unless we have a true inner glow, balance and vitality then no amount of war paint and designer branded, factory made clothing will help us much.

The reliance on visual cues for stimulating our excitement is the foundation of entire industries, from the flashing lights of Vegas, to the carefully placed product logos in Hollywood movies - but how this translates in terms of attraction between humans is a topic I find highly fascinating and it is one that I find isn't often talked about in a precise way.

Classical Beauty & The Mind

There are actually mathematical formulas that create a 'classical beauty' where the proportions of the facial features are aligned and balanced in a particularly harmonious way and this was prized by and demonstrated in art by the ancient Greek culture particularly clearly. This is a form of beauty that most people will identify as being beautiful and so therefore also if we visually deviate too far from these equations then we will be called 'ugly'.


How ugly it is though to reject and belittle people based mainly on the particular landscape of their face! If we truly want to be beautiful, I suggest we need to look deeper and realise that beauty is much more than skin deep! At the same time though, we do generally like visual beauty and many people would find it hard to spend their life with someone who they define to be visually ugly. What's the answer?

Inherited Beauty And Health?

A person's looks may point us to something of their genetic lineage since inherited balance can be embodied and seen visually in a face, however, we change constantly and our thoughts can change more quickly thank our body will change to reflect the changed mentality – thus trying to measure the vitality and health of a potential partner on looks alone is an error. How many people have said 'Oh, but he/she had the face of an angel, I never thought he/she could be so evil!"?

The reality is that beauty IS much deeper than skin deep, it goes right to the core of who we are, IF we are truly beautiful with depth. Choosing to think in careful, kind, compassionate and imaginative ways can generate great beauty and grace of all kinds. Often this generates good feelings and when all is combined the person has a truly deep beauty that goes far beyond visual appearances. The sad thing here though is that many people have so heavily denied these deeper aspects of self that they don't even notice them and so will never appreciate what they are missing.

Finding a partner with the greatest possible beauty means allowing the deeper forms of beauty to be more significant, namely the capacity to create good feelings and think/act with balance/grace since these allow a much richer and more valuable form of beauty than mere facial landscaping can ever achieve! This is a reliable way to avoid relationships with people who mislead us and generally behave in ways that are uncaring and not what we really need.

'Two Wrongs Don't Make Mr. Right!'

The laziness that says “i can find everything I need in a pretty face” is going to meet it’s match in a different form of laziness which says “I am so good looking that don’t need to be good/balanced in other areas” - with the result being that shallow meets shallow and the possibilities for greatness are reduced down to little more than a hollow shell of what would otherwise have been the full potential for those involved!

My suggestion is to learn to respect and appreciate the deeper layers of yourself to allow the deeper parts of others to be better understood and to gain respect too - this way we can truly maximise the beauty of humanity in all ways possible.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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Another beautiful post about the beauty that comes from within which is the true beauty of life.

Thanks for sharing this awesome post. Always enjoy reading your work because it always makes me look what is deep inside of me and who I want to be.

Thankyou, you are welcome! I appreciate the appreciation :)

beauty of the heart is more important because it can reflect the personality of a person @ura-soul

The heart is closer to the truth of who we are, most definitely!

Beauty should be from the core, looks can be adjusted making it deceptive, your partner's personality is what compliments you not necessarily the looks.

Completely agree with you. The ability to perceive and to manifest deeper layers of beauty depend on a deeper connection with our true nature within.
It depends on opening up deeper layers of heart and consciousness.

This post is too real! You know too well how to send me on the feels train @ura-soul. ;'(

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