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RE: Married to an introvert - mission possible?

in #psychology6 years ago

I think society is not so cruel against the moderately introverts now as it used to be - after all, we have the internet and we have many jobs where one doesn't need to be that social.

University here in Norway also used to be pretty possible to pass without having to socialize, though I believe it has been getting worse (when I was a student, the only thing that was mandatory was to meet up at the exam - except, in the IT we had mandatory programming tasks, because you cannot really prove that you've learned programming in a traditional pen-and-paper exam situation. I wouldn't be surprised if it's mandatory to meet up nowadays. Ah, and I suppose it has always been mandatory for researchers to do a bit of teaching, even for those researchers hating teaching).


I completely agree that it seems to become a little bit more easy for the introverts nowadays. I think that "the era of introverts" is rising thanks to the IT and AI sectors :) When I was working at a school, we were discussing personality traits and made a temperament test with my 9th graders for fun. I was very surprised to find out that most of them turned out to be introverts and... were so proud of it! It was so cool to be an introvert! They were bragging about that. Their personality was still developing and it wasn't a scientific test anyway, we did it just to trigger a discussion. But I think, the most important thing here, is that there is a big shift in attitudes towards introverts amongst the youngsters these days. Or, at least, that is what I observed.

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