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RE: ---- We cant fix the broken system by using "The broken system" ----

Right now there is a concerted media effort to try and portray Nationalism as either hatred or White Supremacism. The media is doing this because they want to push the idea of Globalism or world government which, when adopted, will more easily allow for the disarmament of people in this country as well as the right to speak freely. It's a very precarious time in American history with respect to how hard these agendas are being pushed.

So even though I do not act as a Statist, given the choice between the two Negans, The Globalist variety or the Statist variety who is in favor of Nationalism, I'd much rather see the latter prevail in order that I can retain the means to an armed self-defense and freedom of speech. If America didn't have those two very important pillars of freedom remaining, I may feel exactly as you do on the matter.

Most Nation states around the world have lost the right to freedom of speech and to bear arms and that creates an environment for an even greater tyranny to step in. If you ask me, the removal of those two crucial elements is a tyranny in and of itself.


The truth is that nationalism, patriotism and all the other "isms" are just means of dividing the people and keeping us feuding over trivial crap, it is misdirection and we are taking the bait hook line and sinker. We fight over breadcrumbs while they make away with the loaf.

No one has freedom, some of us have the "illusion of freedom", we need to realize we are all in the same boat here, governments don't "give you freedom" they take it. it is up to us, the HUMAN RACE, to realize the fault is ours for it going this far. We are complacent and gullible, we perpetuate the problem by accepting it and engaging with it the way we do.

I thunk you are missing the point of the discourse here, ALL GOVERNMENTS are raping its people and we are just taking it. saying America is better because they still have the right to bare arms and freedom of speech is the equivalent of saying "the way i get raped is better than the way you get raped".... we are still being raped.

But this adds to my point, we have been designed to defend "our system" and belittle other systems. We have Stockholm Syndrome and until we realize that this is how we have been conditioned nothing will change.... Bottom line we are all humans and we are all being abused by our governments around the world no matter where you live. so the question is do you wanna keep bickering over who gets "raped better" or do you wanna team up take out the rapists ?

I don't disagree with you. In fact, I think government is organized crime. I agree with Rothbard in that "war is mass murder, conscription is slavery, and taxation is robbery." My whole point is once ground is lost, it is very seldom regained.

So, when I see the current POTUS make efforts to try and put an end to the loss of liberty, or jump start industry I cannot be opposed to those actions in particular. This is because, it's the only thing that gives people in America a fighting chance against more extreme forms of tyranny that may arise.

Trump doing what he does tweeting away saying whatever the hell he wants is in an of itself an endorsement of free speech. The ability to make a living and own a means to protect oneself and the right to speak freely are things that once lost put one in a very hard position to defend themselves should the need arise.

Yet, what say you. If you feel all humanity is being raped, what is your proposal for teaming up? Does it necessitate that every one all unite and do one exact prescribed thing? If something like that is required what are the chances that everyone will do that said thing? What are you suggesting?

@thoughts-in-time allow me to use an analogy which has served me well in these kinds of situations.


Im not a helicopter pilot, i don't know how to start one, get it up in the air or fly it around, but if i see one in a tree, engulfed in flames, and bellowing smoke i know somethings wrong....

What im saying is that i may not know how we got here or what the solution is but i know something is wrong, many are content to just pretend "everything is fine".

Just because i, or others, make the observation does not mean that i, or they, MUST have the solution. If i cant fly a helicopter what makes you think i know the best way of getting one out of a tree ?

There are far greater minds than mine which would be better equipped to sort this out and its SUPPOSED to be what our tax dollars are for right ? lolz.

The bottom line is that we need to admit there is a problem before it can be rectified, but many of us are in complete denial that there IS a problem in the first place... its easier to say "well at least we have this" and "we are better than 'X' country/place/state/etc." all the while perpetuating the very thing which takes our freedoms.

We make their chains so they can bind us and we think that making more chains for them will set us free....

I don't think we disagree with each other. In fact, it seems we both agree that nation-states of today are for the most part not operating for the benefit of the people. I'm not saying that America is overall better than any other country.

I'm just saying on those two particular issues it is freer than other countries. Take that dog in the burning house as an example: if you add a fire extinguisher and the ability to yell fire, then that's America. Have no fire extinguisher and put a gag in the dog's mouth so it can't speak.

Well, that's a country without the right to bear arms or speak freely. If one cannot say what is on their mind without walking on eggshells then they can't really make it known there is a problem. This forces people to speak around the problem and does not foster good communication.

Ultimately, one of these times Nation states will deem themselves and their employees a protected class. This will cause a condition where speaking ill of government or its employees will qualify as hate speech. If you think it might be bad now, just wait till they pull that one out of their bag of tricks.

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