Its Holiday and you are alonesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #psychology7 years ago

The holiday season is a time of tradition, and traditions have a fun way to become expectations - like getting plenty of stocking stuffers and spending days with family and friends. But what if you are going to spend a lot or the entire holiday season alone? What is a person to do?

No matter the reason you are alone for the holidays, you can make a wonderful holiday season all the same. How? First, make your time count. Make it special. Then, when you are done with your personal time, choose some activities that surround you with others.


Uhhhh! Some Time to Myself!
A little time for yourself can be very rare these days. When you have something, it is something to appreciate. But to enjoy it during the holidays, you will first have to forget those expectations. Forget what is "supposed" to happen. Remember that many people out there are doing what is expected, and probably running a little ragged. What they would not do for some time alone!


Once you have set aside the weight of expectations, consider how you can treat yourself to some special time. Here are some ideas:

Go, go somewhere. Find places to stimulate and have fun. Museums, festivals or streets decorated for the holidays can be recharged.

Take a project from home. Arrange that guest room, do some indoor plantation or, weather permitting, do some tinkering outside your home.

Rediscover an old creative talent. Have you been telling yourself that you would start painting again or would you go back to the guitar? Now is your chance.


Enjoy a personal spa. Enjoy your comfort. Read a mystery novel near the fireplace. Take a bubble bath by candlelight. Curl up on the couch with hot chocolate, a warm blanket and a movie.

Call or write to family and friends. Just because you are not with them does not mean that you can not make contact. But plan your calls, so do not go broke. And make sure that calls are a pleasant diversion for the day, not the centerpiece of it. You should enjoy the moments of contact, do not dwell on the fact that you are not with family and friends.


Sharing Time with Others
So you've had your time for yourself. Now, consider how much time alone is best for you. When will you start feeling lonely? It could be two days or maybe a week. Whatever it is, be honest with yourself about your personal limit. Make plans to be around other people when that time limit comes alone. There are many activities to do and places to go where you can share the holiday spirit with others. Here are some ideas:


Voluntary. If it is holiday traditions you want, forget about shopping and parties. Return to the true Christmas tradition by helping others. When you volunteer, you can expect two great rewards. First, you will be surrounded by people - by volunteers and staff who share your spirit of giving and for those you are helping. No one will ever be more grateful for a gift. Second, it is good for the soul. Helping others in need is satisfactory.

Do something with friends. This may seem obvious, but many people do not think about it. Most of us have been conditioned to think of parties as the time for family only. We are not used to thinking of this as a time to meet with friends. Change that. If you are on your own, some friends may be, too. Get in touch with them and make some plans.

If you are single, look for a singles organization. Some singles clubs offer vacation travel packages or city meetings.


Then there you have it. If you are going to be alone for this holiday season, make it a good one. Take advantage of what can bring you: an opportunity for a quality personal time, and the opportunity to go out, meet some new people and help those in need. Enjoy!


Love this part of your writing: Forget what is "supposed" to happen. Remember that many people out there are doing what is expected... " . I start enjoying myself the way you describe up there,, one after another,,, except spa.. i would do it anytime i think i need one :D

yeah exactly it is. does not matter who you with or not, does not matter the place. the fact which is matter most is to enjoy yourself by all means.
let you soul stay in peace and happy, that's the deal of life.

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