in #psychology7 years ago

Listening is, perhaps, the most ancient and most powerful healing tool

Rogers approach to therapy, which is called unconditional acceptance, seemed to me worthy of contempt only in the beginning of my study- it looked like a drop in standards. And, at the same time, there were rumors that the results of his therapeutic sessions were almost miraculous. 

So what is it?

the essence of the method of unconditional acceptance was that Rogers sat and simply accepted everything, whatever the client said - without making judgments, without interpretations.

Rogers started all his lessons in the same way. He said: "Before the beginning of each session, I stop for a brief moment to remember that I am a human too.

There is nothing that can happen to a man, which I, being also a man,  can not share with him;

there is no such fear that I can not understand;

There is no suffering to which I can remain insensitive -

it is inherent in my human nature.

During his sessions, Rogers did not say a single word. He broadcast his complete acceptance of the client as he was, only through the quality of his attention  - and it was his main secret.

He didnt say anything, didnt do anything, he just LET a person be HIMSELF and FIND himself. Many people dont realize they live other people's life, they say other people's words, they even think other people's thoughts!

We lose ourselves and this tragedy causes huge problems and depressions in the end. We can't be happy living not our lives!

Listening and acceptance which Rogers proposed had a goal to let people listen to themselves through HIS EARS. Silence creates perfect atmosphere for opening of the soul and treating it from all dust and mud it has inside.

Rogers made a revolution in psychology and now this approach is widely used in many countries. 

Let's take his advice and use it. Let's listen to ourselves and let's live happy lives.


He was a big inspiration for me as a student.
But gradually things moved on from big ideas to money and the materialistic aspects of life. You realize the hard realities and you change. Then i observed big psychologists from close quarters. They can be smaller and cheaper than people you meet on the streets.

Then i observed big psychologists from close quarters. They can be smaller and cheaper than people you meet on the streets. - dear, i didnt catch it, what do u mean?

When I was in India, we read western textbooks and big names in Psychology. They were my idols. But when I met them personally, they were pure assholes!

ahh I see
and how did you manage to meet them? during education?
maybe they just paid other authors to put their names on books? it's a popular trick
you're right people nearby can be sometimes wiser and deeper than any popular star.

Yes, during my education. Some of the professors were pure assholes; concerned only about money, and never lived to the ideals they preached in their big books. Yet they are world famous.

No, they don't pay authors. They are big enough to write their own books, LOL.

Importantly, according to Rogers, no one comes to full self-realization, because there are always more and more skills there is room to improve them and expand them, and there is always room to learn new ways, enjoyable and efficient supply our needs and realize their talents. Perceived self-realization, therefore, a target that nobody comes to him, but they all aspire to, and the difference between people is the extent to which they realize themselves.

do you agree with it?
he has wise and deep ideas, self-realization is really very complicated but i amn't sure it can never be reached

I really agree with that laughter improves our lives and helps to improve mood.
People say that cancer survivors because of laughter therapy.

is it his idea about laughter? was he the first to claim it?

He kept some of the ideas of Freud
Carl Rogers - wikipedia

You really have so many great articles. And since one of the things that I love to do is share valuable information…



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