in #psychology6 years ago

Are you always upset because fortune doesn't come to you?
It seems you're a full loser, and luck is created not for you?

It's NOT so!

You CAN and MUST be lucky and happy, and it depends ONLY on you.

The principle of 90/10 explains and proves it perfectly well.

This principle, rather famous in psychology, was created by Steven Covey.

Stephen Richards Covey (October 24, 1932 – July 16, 2012) was an American educator, author, businessman, and keynote speaker. His most popular book is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. His other books include First Things First, Principle-Centered Leadership, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families, The 8th Habit, and The Leader In Me — How Schools and Parents Around the World Are Inspiring Greatness, One Child at a Time. He was a professor at the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University at the time of his death.


He explains this life rule very simple: only 10% of events in our life can't be controled and predicted. Something broke down, a PC caught a virus, a car needs urgent repair etc.

We can't predict these events, can't conrol and rule them, but all the rest IS under our control, and it's 90% of our life experience!

10% just happen, and the rest 90% are effects of our reaction and deeds after these very 10%.

An example:

A family is having a breakfast. Suddenly a kid has spilled coffe on the dad's shirt. He shouts, cries on his wife and the kid, he just becomes crazy. He loses much time to blame his beloved people in carelessness. Then he needs to change the shirt. It takes some more time. The kids doesn't have time for a normal breakfast, he is late for the school bus, so the Dad needs to drive him to school by his car. The road to school takes much time because he is nervous and continues to scold the boy. When at last the boy arrives to school, the Dad looks at the watches: Oh, Shit, he is late to his work! He gets a rebuke from his boss, he loses his premium money.... The end.

But what if they had another morning?

A kid spills coffee. It's just an ordinary thing. It's life. he is just a kid.
It's 10% of Covey's events.

But all the rest are 90% of dad's reaction.

He could not to spend time on quarrels and blaming.
He could say: Don't worry, dear, I'll change a shirt now, have your breakfast, it's ok.
And the boy would eat, then would go to school by a school bus, the dad would go to work by his car and he would come in time.

No problems at all!

Two different scenarios. Both started in the same way, but ended in different ways.

It's all about your reaction to the events in your life.

Of course, you can continue to blame others for your troubles and complain that life does not work out, but does it help to live better?

Just try to use this very simple 90/10 rule and you'll be surprised!

It really works, I've checked;)


Great point, great example! During our stay in India I learned an exercise called 'the world, my world'. The idea was to, in a situation where you get triggered in negative emotions, break down what part of the situation is 'the world', and what is your interpretation, 'my world'. It's a bit different from what you explained, but similar too. For example, after the kid spills coffee, the dad could think: God what bad luck, what a terrible start of the day, I wish I had a morning peace for one time, I wish I wasn't stuck in this stupid hectic life. Only the coffee spilling is part of 'the world', all the negative thoughts he allows to follow that event is part of 'my world'. It's those negative thoughts that get him to stress out and act in a way which only makes things worse. I think both approaches can really work, awareness of the fact that biggest part of our 'luck' is in our own hands, is the main thing! :)

oh, I like the idea very much!
thanks for explaining!
it's really very similar, so different people in different countries try to explain the same simple things, but how many people are still blind...:(

True, the answers are there all around us. Just takes some tuning into. If others seem to be blind to them, it's probably just a matter of us showing how living according to these principles makes life more easy and successful and fulfilling. If we're convincing in that, everyone will be interested! :)

Stephen Covey has some wonderful content. I completly agree with his 90/10 principle.
We can make a lot of things worked out for us just with our attitude. Most of the situations can be in our control but we with our complexed thought process mess up our lives.
Beautiful article my dear

thank you!:)

Negative reaction only hurts you. If you make a concerted effort to try to smile through the day and don't get so upset at the little things, it will make your life so much better. Just ask yourself "if I die tomorrow, will what I am upset about matter then?". Most of the time, you will find the answer is no.

right you're!
I always compare current problems with REAL tragedies and understad how tiny they are very fast

I wish we were educated since birth on this rule ! Humankind would be better !

right you're...
we were taught wrong things...

That sounds very interesting. He is probably a precursor to Jordan Peterson, the new go-to-philosopher-guy whose book "12 rules for life" i have seen a lot of people reading during my trip :)

never heard of it, but I like the title, it's 50% of my interest to the book:)
I'll look through)

I never put this topic into numbers, but I actually spoke about this topic a while ago.

Putting it in simpler words (because I'm a simple man), human life is the summary of every act and decision a human has made over the course of his time.

At the end of the day, we should just live in a way that let's us look into a mirror and being pleased with what we see.

yes, life is a mirror of our thoughts

That about sums it up, yes. Glad we were able to talk about this.

That about sums it
Up, yes. Glad we were able
To talk about this.

                 - paparodin

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